New Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse Novel

does anyone here read these? I'm completely addicted. I got my novel yesterday from Amazon (big discount) and I read from about 9pm until 2am, and am almost done already. These books need to either come out more than once a year ( I know, its still really fast for an author) or they need to be twice as long!!!!
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I haven't read these yet, but several friends have recommended them, so I may have to give them a try!

Unfortunately, the current flood of badly done vampire/fantasy/romance-verging-on-porn that has taken over the publishing market has put me off the whole genre :evil: (*cough* Laurell K Hamilton *cough*)

Sorry, :oops: pet peeve! :wink: I have been told by people I trust that these books are a big, happy exception to that trend!
I hear you- I would never have read them except that a friend gave me a box set of the novels to that point, about 4 years ago. Its not much on the romance side, mostly mysteries to be solved and really likable, well written characters. The HBO series makes it seem VERY adult content, and the books aren't like that at all. I also love that they go beyond Vampires and are just really, really well written. I call them my "trashy Vampire novels", knowing thats that what other people that haven't read them think of them, and I adore them!
I looooove a good mystery novel, so I'm glad to hear that that is the emphasis of these books!

My own personal favorites in the "Dark/Urban Fantasy genre are Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden novels. Good mystery plots, wonderful characters, and a very snarky, dark, sarcastic sense of humor 8) .
Haven't read them but heard they were good and nothing like the HBO series but Im totally addicted to the series True Blood on HBO.
I really put off watching the series for a long time. I'm no prude, but the heavy emphasis on the sexual nature of the relationships between the characters simply isn't my kind of television programming. But being as sick as I am these days, one of my friends brought the first season over on dvd for me, and I have to say I really enjoyed it. Its very different from the books- many of the stories are similar, but still completely different. Characters too. So now, when I run out of book, and I'm still wanting a "fix", I'll turn to the tv series.
I love True Blood!!!! I love all the novels...I have read them all!!!! Season 4 starts next month!!! Yay!!!!!
wendy58 wrote:
I love True Blood!!!! I love all the novels...I have read them all!!!! Season 4 starts next month!!! Yay!!!!!

You know Charlaine Harris attends Comic Con in San Diego and does signings, as do many of the True Blood tv series cast-- You should try and stop in and meet them! The guy who plays the leader of the Fellowship of the Sun came by our booth last year- I guess he's a comics fan. Sadly I wasn't watching the show at that point, and didn't know who he was.
I've been reading them since they came out and I feel the same way-- I want them faster! Unfortunately, she already announced that there will be an end to the series. I just hope it isn't soon.

I felt the same way when I heard a tv series was announced but when I found out Alan Ball was involved, I knew it would be good so I wasn't as worried. I like my tv heavy with sex and blood and I haven't been disappointed.

*BTW, thanks for reminding me that the new one was finally out. I just downloaded it!
I'm so late I only just started reading the first book!!! But I have a bottle of O neg on the shelf and a Merlotte's glass hehe , Cant wait to see how good the books are :).
OMG! I LOVE THESE BOOKS!! Luckily I started a bit late so I got to read about 5 in a row before I had to wait...and wait...and wait!!! :lmt: I think it may be time to reread!! :lmt:
Jadie wrote:
I'm so late I only just started reading the first book!!! But I have a bottle of O neg on the shelf and a Merlotte's glass hehe , Cant wait to see how good the books are :).

I envy you- I'd KILL to be at the beginning again. As it is, I re-read the older novels between new books.
I will be getting the new book before I go to my friend's for 3 days. She needed a babysitter for all her critters...and I will have blessed silence for reading. If the coyotes keep the noise down that is. I wish Nigel could come with, or one of my girls. I don't think I need Nigel to get ticks (we don't get them here) and my kids have 2 1/2 weeks left of school.
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