Pooping b/c he's mad?

Do dogs really do that? Or are we just transferring human reasons to something like that?

Either way, I have a question...

We put in our new wood floors last week. Ever since Barney peed on them he's slept downstairs in 'his' room. We're just waiting to get the room all put back together and more normal feeling so he'll feel more comfortable in there, and probably won't finish up until the weekend. He's perfectly fine downstairs. He's slept there many times before and stays there if he's feeling sick or when we need to separate him from us for any reason. He has his bed, water, etc.

I can't remember if it started the morning after his first night, but it was soon thereafter...he's been leaving nuggets in there. I don't think he just 'needs to go' especially based on the size (there aren't 90 of them, just 1 or 2 or 3). Sometimes they are there in the morning, sometimes when I get home from work (when he has the run of the house as usual--he's not even confined to that room at that time).

This morning I went down and there were a couple of nuggets and then some vomit on his bed. The only things I can think of are:

1) We gave him his heartworm meds last week--can they still be giving him trouble (if they gave him trouble at all)? Seems a little long ago to be that.
2) We're at the bottom of his food. Could it have gone a little funky and making him 'off' a little?
3) He's mad that he's spending so much time in his room.
4) All or some of the above...
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Whenever I see nuggets........I like the term......I think of bowel incontinence.....(how old is Barney?) Some nerve pinching (like our sciatica) might be to blame.

How about access to water? Could he be constipated? Not being able to have a complete movement (sorry) may be irritating and thus nuggets.

Vomiting could be the rancid food, constipation, or he's upset about something.

I'm hoping he is just feeling left out, abandoned, etc and is upset. Time for a long walk, some play and just plain Barney time. The walk will be good for his tummy and psyche. Hopefully that will cause the moon and stars to realign........so to speak.
Interesting that you said nerve pinching since he seems to have lower back weakness. i wonder if that has anything to do with it.

He was just at the vet last week for a regular check up and was fine so I don't think it's anything majorly medical going on.

He's almost 7.

He has sufficient water. I'd say 'plenty' but we limit it otherwise he'll just drink until he pukes and then he'll pee everywhere too. But he has the same amount as always and it's definitely enough.

I don't think the food is rancid or anything, but it's just the last couple scoops in the bin of a big bag so I was thinking it might be just old and not as fresh as it could be.
Keep an eye on that back end weakness. Poop incontinence often starts with a nugget or two. If they have decreased feeling back there, they don't realize what is happening. Seven is the age when we note changes, our pups aren't pups any longer. Some age faster than others, just as we do.

Acupuncture might help "stimulate" some nerves back there.....assuming the nugget issue continues.

I assume he is not being gassed or otherwise exposed to harmful chemicals with the new floor.

The fact he has left surprises more than once makes me think it is a decreasing nerve sensation.
i don't think he's being gassed. he was only in our bedroom for like 2 minutes (our bedroom is the only place with new floors)...
I agree with susan it starts out that way the accidental nugget popping out. Also with a weakness there even if they have been before bed sometimes they just dont empty out completely. Does Barney strain a bit to poo? Both my previous girls started like that overnight, with a bit more effort to turn on the beds or getting up and the weakness there one or two nuggets hatched onto the floor or bed.

I think barney might be experiencing the start of that now, you did say a while back his hips & backend arent too good.

The vomitt also can be just a bit of stress because he realised he had a potty accident he could not hold in, kelsey would do that on occassions too, just a frothy chuck sometimes overnight with the bit more effort of getting up or turning on her bed and popping out accidental surprises.
Dogs do not poop or pee or do damage to the house because they are mad at you. They have no concept of that. They don't sit and plan how to get you mad...they don't sit and think up ways to get even with you for being left alone. They poop in the house because either they were not trained to do otherwise or they are sick. And usually if they poop in the house or pee, it is our human fault...

But after reading this thread thru, it seems like there is a physical thing going on. Hope your baby feels better soon.
I witnessed a nugget laying in action the other day and it certainly wasn't intentional (or at least he did a very good job at making it seem unintentional!). He was just hanging out on the floor lying down as usual and I walk by again and there's a nugget right there--he hasn't moved or gotten up or anything, so definitely didn't mean to (or didn't even know it was there).

Yeah, I'm wondering/worrying if this is hips/back related now :(
This topic brings back so many sad memories.

I will need to think about it for a while, but a change in fiber in the diet had a profound impact on bowel incontinence for our guy. Starting or stopping a high fiber food stopped the incontinence for quite a while.

I'll search my old posts and ask Joan if she can remember the details.
I found the topic where I was talking about it.

I'm new here (Bran and fiber effect on bowel incontinence)

Back in 2003. Wow.

4th post in the thread.
It does for me too, try the test that is on rons post with the back paw and see what happens. Also instead of Bran you can use Metamucil on his meal it helps empty them out without too much fibre like in senior dog kibbles, especially if a dog cant tolerate "Wheat". Makes the poos easy to pass all and sort of spongy like, not messy and still easy to pick up with it not being a rock hard nugget while there outside pooing with some left behind later to pop out. Dogs with perinial hernias and need help to pass everything in one go usually use metamucil in there diet as it changes the consistency of the stool to something still firm but softer to all come out in one go without anything too hard staying there ready to pop out later.

I used metamucil with peppa and her failing back end and made a huge difference when she did go outside, all out and no surprises later on in the house. Till she got real old and just a strain to get up then the surprises returned. :(

Next time at the vets with Barney get them to do a full leg extension examination, that is streching each individual front legs forward to see if the extension there is normal without any resistance with a full leg extension and again same for the back individual legs and an examination by feel along the spine too to see if anything niggly there as well. If there is then he is deteriorating in his nerves along the spine and if there is a resistance in the legs and extensions of each leg then you will know he is on the decline there too unfortunately with his hips etc.

Do rons knuckle over test first at home and see how long it takes barney to re-adjust his back foot flat to the ground again. But yes I would also take barney for a vet consultation and see what is going on with him and his unexpected nugget surprises, he really sounds like he is loosing feeling there.
My 6 year old sheepie had an accident about two weeks ago, diarrhea on our living room carpet. From that time on, he has pooped at the same spot, last night being the 6th time in two weeks. Argos has never had an accident in the house before. Nothing in our home has changed, same food, same potty schedule. He is let out right before we go to bed. When we wake up we find the surprise- so it's happening between midnight and 6am. I bought some heavy duty pet carpet cleaner to try tomorrow.(even though I cleaned very well the first time and every time since) I tried Ron's test for Myleopathy, and Argos seemed to put his foot back in place quickly. The poop has been hard nuggets, leaving virtually no mess. It seems if this was a loss of control he would go other places in the house too? I am calling the vet tomorrow, but Argos is not a good boy at the vets, and makes it difficult for the vet to do a through exam. He has been acting the same EXCEPT he started chewing on his right leg a week ago, creating a sore spot. He also had a tick about two weeks ago-even though he is medicated. Any Ideas?
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