Submissive peeing

I am asking this question for my sister, who finally got her Aussie pup (that her kids named 'Ozzie'!). Ozzie is 10 weeks old and when she meets friends' or neighbours' dogs, she lies on her back and exposes her belly, then pees. Now I remember Mady rolling on her back and I am pretty sure that is just a puppy way of saying, 'Don't mind me' to the other dogs. I don't have any experience with submissive peeing, though, but I suspect it is the same thing. Is there something that she should be doing or is this just something that her puppy will grow out of with time and more confidence?
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There are a couple of sites that explain this. Here is a portion of one of them, that makes sense to me....

Submissive Peeing is a submissive gesture that can happen when a dog is over-excited, anxious and/or fearful. You can not punish them because it is something that they are not doing on purpose and they can not help it. If your dog is young they can sometimes outgrow it.

To help dogs overcome this behavior, along with taking some extra housebreaking precautions, you are going to have to work on getting their mind to calm down. Start teaching them canine to human respect, take them for daily walks where they are heeling on the lead and not pulling. They have to be following you, not you following them. Teach them to enter and exit all gate and doorways after humans and exercise them by walking them or long periods of time to help them relax and drain their energy. This should help them not pee from excitement. Recognize any dominancy behaviors if any are present and work at calmly, but firmly correcting them so the dog can feel secure. Dogs who do not see a clear pattern of leadership often worry about their pack.

I had a overbread byb Cocker a long time ago, Aanie that did this. We found it helpful to ignore her when we walked in the house. Once she settled, we were able to pet her without her peeing. Hopefully, this is just a puppy thing and she will grow out of it.
Submissive peeing: "Like a rolling onto one's back and peeing on yourself" .....

DH's belief of most politicians' and gov't higher-ups reaction to a problem.
Casar Milan, The Dog Whisperer (I love that guy) teaches "No touch, no talk, no eye contact" when greeting a dog. He says that the excitement at the door or at greeting is something that we humans cause for our own benefit and need to be loved, and that dogs greet by sniffing each other. We have tried to do this with Libby but a few times when she was younger, when people did the "OMG she is so cute" routine, she did piddle. This might help if the submissive piddling is happening at greeting. Possibly, just immature bladder control as puppy is only 10 wks. Just my thoughts.
The tricky thing is that it is when she meets other dogs, not meeting people. I finally was able to meet her face to face this weekend. I want a puppy. Now.
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