Do oes grow differently?

Lily turns 7 months tomorrow and for month 5-6 she gained maybe 2-3lbs and last month (between month 6-7) bam, 10lbs!!!! 8O She is short but thick and she also seems really small, she weights about 50lbs.

How long do OES really grow for? Is she in the normal growth for a female?
I know I can be a crazy worrier sometimes and this stuff is has already been covered. Im probably just being a lil extra crazy about the little stuff too, since I quit smoking a couple days ago.

I also found this cute lil add from the 70's and was wondering if this growth is pretty accurate too. it shows from 5 months to 12 months with different dogs.
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People, dogs, nobody grows evenly. Lots of leaps and stops. Around a year they have pretty much reached height, but mass and filling out will continue for up to another year. By age two you know what you've got. Also you have those who were neutered/spay growing at different rates. So hard to say, just feed correctly, keep exercised and sit back and enjoy watching what develops.

Size isn't a concern, it is how well the dog is socialized, trained, etc. Good companions come in all sizes and shapes within the breed. If given a choice between a big dog of questionable structure and one of more moderate size with great structure, no question, I want the smaller better built dog. I'm the one with MO, tiny girl......60 lbs after a huge meal, and up until the this year, built like a rock. At 12 she's lost some muscle tone.
Thanks for indulging nic-fit worries. (5 days free of smoking :yay: :yay: )

Temperment isn't an issue. Lily has got to be one of the happiest dogs i've met, next to her dad.
I guess I just gotta wait and see. oh im not good at
Congrats on the smoke free days, may you continue forever!

In mean time take plenty of pictures, maybe even the pencil marks on the wall, etc to keep track of her growth. Enjoy the smaller package, they are full size for years but only a short time in this baby size. It's great fun watching all the parts develop at different times. The long legged "giraffe" stage was especially fun.
Zeke our shep/dobie is a tad over 2 years and just a couple months ago had another upward spurt. Can always tell with him as he gets noticably "butt-high". Course a sheepie is naturally butt high, so probably not a good gauge of a growth spurt.
Our puppy, Libby will be 7 months next week and she is 47 lbs. Sounds like they are similar in size. Her weight gain has really slowed down this past month. She is also getting a lot of grey shot through her black fur. They grow up so fast...where has our little furball gone and how did we ever manage without a Sheepie?
Nanc wrote:
Our puppy, Libby will be 7 months next week and she is 47 lbs. Sounds like they are similar in size. Her weight gain has really slowed down this past month. She is also getting a lot of grey shot through her black fur. They grow up so fast...where has our little furball gone and how did we ever manage without a Sheepie?

Your sheepie kept her puppy fur for this long, your soo lucky!!! Lily was all grey by the time she was 4 months :cry:

Your right though. I don't think i could ever live with out a sheepie ever again. They are like potato chips too, you can't just have one. I definitly want anouther one but we are at our doggy limit at the moment.
I agree...I would love to have another as well, and I have had 2 dogs and 2 cats at one time in the past, so that part doesn't scare me. I am almost too selfish to share her at the moment. I will wait until she is an adult before I decide. It is an addiction...I hear Mady's Mum agonizing over the desire for a second Sheepie. I have wanted a Sheepie since I was a kid...I don't know why it took me 35 yrs to get one. But it did and I am so glad to have her now...even when she comes in with traces of my garden in her chin fur. Its just crazy but she looks at me as if she can read my mind sometimes. Life is good....
Traces of the garden just on her chin? 8O You ain't seen nothing yet!
Traces of garden, kinda like this??

Aw yes, the "I love the smell of freshly mown lawn" look! It is a much loved look, far better than the "Hey Mom I'm digging to China" look.
My Tilly is going to be 7 months next week also and she is 57lb, I took her to the vets 2 days ago, and for my pleasure just in the last week she just started to change to gray, I love the black color on them , but she is keeping it for long time, is time to change I guess. :(
To add to the statistics, at 7 months my OES weighed around 35lbs; she's 14 months old now and 50lbs, so teeny tiny for a sheepie, but she did a lot of growing in the months in between.
I love the green twist to the comment about bits of my garden in her chin fur. Today she decided to dig up some daffodil bulbs and eat them. Not sure how many she had before I caught her...called the vet...had to give her Hydrogen Peroxide to induce vomiting and luckily there weren't many daffodil bits in there...but beware, many things in the garden are poisonous. As I looked around on the internet, I found that many things in our yard are potential hazards...hostas, virginia creeper, hydrangea and the list goes on. She was a little pathetic for a few hours but is back to herself now.
We had to cut back all of the Virginia Creeper that was all over our fence. I was quite sad about that, as it becomes a spectacular colour in the fall months. And no daffodils for us. I wonder, though, now that my dog is more mature at 18 months, I wonder if she would eat it. When she was a puppy, though, I swore we got a goat by accident, she would munch on random vegetation. :roll:
Hopadogmom wrote:
My Tilly is going to be 7 months next week also and she is 57lb, I took her to the vets 2 days ago, and for my pleasure just in the last week she just started to change to gray, I love the black color on them , but she is keeping it for long time, is time to change I guess. :(

Aska's brother started to gray at 8 months, and his over coat is still a bit black ( now at 14 months)
And I agree I love theyr puppy coat, so soft and just lovely :aww:
I will be interested to hear if Mady is continuing to eat vegatation this summer now that she is a little older. I too love the Virginia Creeper in the fall and we have a fair bit of it on our pool fence to provide privacy. I didn't see a goat when we were at Amber's but she might have had one hidden in the basement. Libby always has something in her mouth...pinecone, bark, dirt...I'm waiting for her to start bleeting (is that a word) like a goat one day.
Nanc wrote:
I love the green twist to the comment about bits of my garden in her chin fur. Today she decided to dig up some daffodil bulbs and eat them. Not sure how many she had before I caught her...called the vet...had to give her Hydrogen Peroxide to induce vomiting and luckily there weren't many daffodil bits in there...but beware, many things in the garden are poisonous. As I looked around on the internet, I found that many things in our yard are potential hazards...hostas, virginia creeper, hydrangea and the list goes on. She was a little pathetic for a few hours but is back to herself now.

Oh no, I bet that made for a sad sheepie. All that hard work, destroying your gardening and you just make her stop and throw up. What a mean mommie! Im glad nothing serious happened to her and everything came out alright.

I only have one poisonous thing in my yard (cherry trees) and I don't have to watch out for it til fall. Cherry pits are poisonous to dogs but a 5lbs dog would have to consume (and break open the pits) cherry pits all day long to get a lethal dose.
My two legged kids have called me a mean mommie in the past as well. Someone needs to be in charge...guess that why I get paid the big bucks!!! And wouldn't you know it...we have a cherry tree also. Libby is fine now after a pathetic evening Friday. Truth be told, I did feel bad that I made her sick. Hopefully that is behind us. I got more fences to "hide" the flower gardens...hopely when the flowers/greenery have grown, she will lose interest. Haha, who am I trying to kid.....
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