Humping at 11 weeks? o_O

The other day my mom told me Odin tried to hump her, but I didn't believe her. Sometimes he does a weird thing where he wiggles his butt when he goes to sit down and play with toys, so I figured she just misinterpreted that as humping. Well earlier today he humped my leg! I'm really surprised he's doing that so early. Is that normal? He'll be 12 weeks old on friday, but his testicles haven't even descended yet, soo..o_O
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Ben started humping my leg at about 10 weeks. He also did it to my 23 year old daughter, but not to anyone else. He would get this really spacey look on his face like he didn't have a clue as to why he was doing it. We would just correct him with a sharp OFF and he would usually be startled and would stop. Our trainer said it was less about sex and more about trying to assert himself. Well, we really fixed his wagon. At four months, we had him neutered. That settled that. LOL
Actually, it has nothing to do with hormones at that age, it is just puppy play, play that leads to learning to be dominant. I ws surprised when my two female puppies did this!
My two girls both did that at around that age as well... it seems to be a brief behavior phase, the route I took was to discourage it, and just say no and get them to go play something else. Each of my dogs only did this a couple of times at that age, and it passed quickly. Both of mine are girls as well, so it has nothing to do with them being boys either.
As to your pup not having his testes descended yet, that is not a good thing, and makes neutering him more difficult later on. Hopefully they will descend before the time comes to neuter him, but if not it is a more complicated surgery to remove them from his abdomen (as if they were ovaries) and the vet has to make really sure he does not leave any tissue in there that could later become cancerous or lead to hormonal issues. Even a small amount of testical tissue left can produce testosterone.
Well if it is a brief phase, we should be through it quickly since my OES started that at 8 weeks. First night home, he started to hump my leg. Now it is rare that he does it, usually when he is trying to challenge and be the boss. Which we don't allow him to do.
Flare- I'd make sure to discourage this behavior as directed towards any people- As you've already been reading (even as puppies) this is a doggie way of trying to say "I'm dominant". You need to respond with a doggie "Uh- no you're not!!". (Down or offs, just whatever works to get Odin to stop the behavior) Definietly, big rewards when he stops the behavior too!

My folks cavalier spaniel (the girl!) always ends each play session with her (boy) playmate with a humping session (we like to call her humpty dumperella :oops: ), as her way of saying I'm the boss! But she never, ever, trys it on a person!

Good luck!

Oh- and when do we get to see pics, anyways? :wink:

Karen :)
When Pooh did it we would say "Shame on you" and I think hew knew it meant cause he would stop and go to his crate. Every so often he come to give us hugs and I think he's going to hump, be he doesn't. Just don't let your dog get away with it and it should go away...but not forever. Keep a look out! :wink:
Clyde never does it people but as soon as we get to obediance class, he takes the time to hump every one of the 14 dogs in the class-- no kidding. Then he's fine after that. He's satisfied that he's the number one dog once he gets all that out. He'll also do it to Lucy in front of new people but Lucy does it to him arounf the house. I think those 2 have some role issues ;)
Buterscotch......... 14 DOGS ?????? What a MAN! HA ! Alot of words come to mind but none I can use here :oops: . Suffice to say he's a randy fellow!!! :lol:
Lol. And he's neutered! I shudder to think what he'd do if had even more testosterone :)
When your looking at the litter as a whole, and only one stands out by doing that, would you automactically say he is the dominant puppy, at 8/9 weeks old. With people and littermate females.

When holding that same puppy, in a submissive position, and he responds by licking, and being he going to be okay or does the humping behaviour outrank the holding behaviour?
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