Particular about the Potty spot

Well - Chelsea the home remodeler and weird noise maker has thrown a new one at us. She will no longer go pee or do her business while on her morning walk, she holds it until she gets home and then goes in the yard.

Normally this would be fine, although we imagine a little bit uncomfortable, but we are re-seeding the lawn (a feeble attempt) and want to take her off the lawn to do her business, for instance on the walk or in the alley. She refuses to go, my husband spent 35 minutes this morning (after the 25 minute walk!) walking her back and forth in the alley encouraging her to go.

She used to go in the alley and on the walk - NO PROBLEM- this "only in the yard" thing started about a month ago. What is more, when she was a poop eater, she used to have to go in the alley ALL the time so that we could scoop up the poop to prevent the eating. We cured her of that habit (so we think) but now what is with this new behaviour?

Any suggestions? Should we "seed" the alley with some doo so that she thinks it smells good. Our immediate worry is the new grass seed, however, there are broader implications, for instance, will she "hold it" if she is ona one hour walk? (couldn't be too healthy) Will she refuse to go in the rest stop when we are on a road trip? etc.

Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated!


(p.s.- in case I haven't mentioned it before, Chelsea is very prissy, almost dainty, if that's possible with the OES, it's just who she is, this may be a factor)
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Hey Up!!!

Glad to hear from you again! Do you have a doggie park somewhere in the vicinty? Or a neighborhood spot that is a locaL dog "hangout"? Maybe she would be encouraged to "go" if she smells that other dogs have done their business in that spot?

Karen :)
You know what? We do have a dog park, when we take her there she goes NO PROBLEM, in fact she can barely wait, maybe the morning walk is not leading her down any delicious smelling trails so she just waits until she gets home. I hadn't thought about that- I will see if her dad can alter the morning walk to some more popular byways.

I'm also going to try "seeding" the alley with some specimens. She is so strange.


She sounds like my little dainty princess she is picky about where she pees too, she really prefers linoleum :lol: but a certain spot in the yard will do..... lol... as long as it hasn't rained, she doesn't like mud or wet grass....
Yeah- she's finnicky alright- but get this- POOR sheepdog, I tried to get her to go in the alley the other evening after returning home, I figured she probably couldn't hold it as well as we would be successful, she did the potty thing all right, but couldn't find a spot to do the other stuff, so back and forth, I kept encouraging her. Nothing, she looked kind of stressed out too, so I took her in the yard to finish and the poor baby had bad poops! She had held it too long, managed to get it all down her leg fur, on her feet! So much for prissy, just walked right through it, won't step on soggy lawn, but ewwwww. So I cleaned her up and had to trim a few feathers, poor baby.

This is obviously stressing her out, so we are going to give up for the time being, let her get her bearings again and then slowly try to get her out to the alley again. What a little weirdo.

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