Rant about aggressive dogs roaming off leash on a trail.

Oh I don't get too upset about much. But this weekend I was down at the family cottage and we went for a walk on the Rail trail. Signs everywhere saying to keep your dogs on leashes. Most didn't now thankfully when they saw us coming they would snap the lead on their dog. Usually a small dog.

Well of course there comes a point where some woman was up in the woods for some reason and didn't see us coming. Well her dog came running down barking. I made a lunge towards it saying no! Smallish dog by the way. She is yelling down to me he is nice. Which drives me crazy I don't care! Maybe mine aren't. Guess who gets in trouble because I have the big dog that will do the damage. I don't want a loose dog running up to my dogs which are on leads. Plus it was barking at us and mine weren't even barking. I would suggest it isn't playful lady.

Finally she got a hold of it it never came to her when she called. I said "if you cannot control and get your dog back it shouldn't be loose" she waved her hand in the air and said "whatever" UG!!!!!!!!!
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Grrrrrrrr!!! I hate when people don't follow the rules. They all think that the rules don't apply to them. I could maybe understand if they are in voice control they might legitimately feel they are following the spirit of the rules.

But THEN not to be apologetic!!??!! GRRRRRRR!
Sooooo frustrating!

Like them or not, the rules are rules. Not following them - for whatever reason - often means that "well-behaved pets on a leash" turns in to "no pets" and then everyone loses.

I guess thinking about someone other than themselves is far too much to ask. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
haha thanks for changing my subject; it was vague. Not that woman would say her dog was aggressive she kept yelling he is nice. I don't even care if it is nice. ARG! maybe mine aren't. But I should be able to walk them with out worry of loose dogs roaming. It is just hard to control two at once. Langley is a fool on a pogo stick when he sees another dog. :yay:
Had the same problem at the dog park. A mans 2 dogs attacking a lab puupy. He said they are fine. Whatever the puppy was so scared! It pissed me off sooo bad I never to Ryleigh back. :twisted:
A fool on a pogo stick, hahaha, that's a perfect discription of Tiggy. Actually no, a fruit loop and a pogo stick is Tiggy.

I'm with you if it's an off lead area that's fine but if it's on lead then it's not fair on the other dogs and owners unless you have a perfect recall 100% no matter what and I don't believe many of us have that.

I even know of a police dog that was killed by a car when he ignored his handler and ran across the road. They never figured out what attracted his attention but the moment of deafness on the dog's behalf had tragic consequences. :cry:
This Saturday was perfect for a ride in the park so I saddled up and went across the street and entered as usual. We have the same signs posted about dogs needing to be leashed at all times. Halfway through my ride I came up a hill and out darts this little dog who starts to bark at at my horse. Thank god he kept his head and didn't bolt or kick. I shouted at the thing until he finally darted back into the bushes. I tried to find the owners but never did.

Last fall same park but in a different area another dog off leash and again the barking. At least this time the owner and her friends came down the trail. They didn't even blink when I told them the dog is supposed to be on a leash. I should have guessed they wouldn't care about rules when I saw they had a beer in their hand.

So who is responsible if my horse kicks the dog when the dog charges at my horse. I would hate for that to happen but these people are stupid. The sign about leashed dogs is right next to the sign showing horses in the park. They break the rules and I am sure would think I was to blame if my horse kicked defending himself.
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