Thunder Shirt

Has anyone tried the Thunder shirt? Does it work?
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I haven't heard of this specific product. However, the principle behind it is not new, and does really work for many animals. It works for humans too (research Temple Grandin's story). She was a functional autistic who discovered her aunt and uncles livestock chute (which squeezed) provided stress relief. She made her own and called it her Squeeze Box.

It is one of the techniques used in TTouch as well. TTouch was originally used with horses by founder Linda Tellington-Jones, but has since been adapted into dogs and other animals.

We used a form of it with a very stressed basset in our rescue. He wasn't my foster, but I did his transport and saw him often. It helped him a lot. He wore a tshirt with ace wraps around it - doing the same thing as this purchasable shirt.
This product is fully endorsed by our manic, twitchy boy Buffett

We purchased it for Buffett to use during long car rides. It certainly helps him. I really thought about the ace bandage but figured for $36, the shirt would be so much easier to use.
Haven't tried it as I'd need four of them and a bottle of Scotch for me.
Funny. This just came up on our agility club's training list this weekend. A number of people with rescue dogs with issues are recommending it. A friend brought hers to obedience class yesterday so I could see what it looks like and try to figure out sizing for my rescue dog. Friend uses a large for her border collie but it looks like it should fit Dazz who has a very slight build. Plus she's kept bald. Not something I'd want to keep on a coated dog.

I was also considering the ace bandage but thought what a pain in the butt, plus what's to stop Sybil from trying to unravel her (further)? :roll: :lol: :lol:

Actually I'm a bad Mom, when I want them out of the house I turn on the vacuum.....they all head for the door. Woe be if I'm vacuuming and one gets stuck between the evil machine and the door.

Still, thinking about upcoming storm season (I hope, we depertly need the moisture) it would be worth $140 to get four shirts. No, they could not be left on the long haired dogs for any length of time but still, imagine no barking, shaking, drooling, velcro-ing (new verb)!

I'll just not put it on them while vacuuming, I still need some control here.
8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dazz attacks the vacuum. Only if I use the hose. I try vacuuming her to get her to move but to no avail.

She barks at thunder. Why do most of our storms seem to roll through in the middle of the night???

Of course, she also barks at critters on TV and attacks the TV. She really needs to get some new hobbies :roll: :lol:

I was thinking more for life in general. But if it would stop her from attacking the TX it would be worth the $$$ . I haven't been able to watch a dog show let alone an agility run since I got her.

I don't know what Harley's background was, but he is an oddity. (odd even for a basset)
He is very frightened of storms - bugged out eyes, salivates, shivers...
BUT, he loves the vacuum. Loves it to the point of wanting and demanding to be "brushed" with hose part when I vacuum hair off the couches. :roll: :roll:
Go figure!

I can see Sybil going to town on that one.... :lol: :lol:
I have a Thundershirt endorsement from a friend of mine.
It came up in discussion on a FB post.
My friend with Sammys in FB - Helen, the on we go sledding with....she also is a TTouch instructor, uses a Thundershirt and loves it for calming with new experiences. She used one this past weekend on a young dog at his 1st show - 1st day for 5 minutes and he was good.

Another Sammy friend uses one for her dog who is afraid of storms - she gave me permission to steal our comments... :D

Dawn: So you like the Thundershirt? I have an OES friend who was wondering about it. I know the principle works, just needed to know more about the product itself.

Cheryl : Dawn speaking for my guy, it does help calm him during storms. Without it he trembles and presses against us as hard as he can. With it, he's still a little nervous but he lays calmly next to us or in his crate. I'm really impressed and I was familiar with the priniciples before buying it too. And when I get it out he stands nicely for me to put it on, I think he really likes it too.

She also recommended trying it on - the hairy dogs are harder to fit!
Hope this helps. :crossed:
I've also been looking at Anxiety Wraps.....look very similar.
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