Yet another video of Kahlua and her kitty

Hope you all are not bored with all the Kahlua's videos I have been posting :oops: . I simply love this new youtube function Ron added :clappurple:

Here is a video of Kahlua playing with another of her favorite kitty. This particular kitty is the
most tolerant one among all three cats. He is our "whatever kitty" He will let you trim his nails, clean his ear, shave him, flip him over, vacuum next to him and he will still look like "whatever :lol: "
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VERY tolerant cat. I've only had one cat like that and he and the dog grew up together.
so adorable! I envy you so much- I wish my cats would be so tolerant!
That is a very tolerant cat. Such a "whatever" look on his face. :D

Kahlua has the real sheepie paw thing going. Tiggy does that to my kitty too but Rowdy is not quite that accepting of it. Mind you Rastus always joins in so its a bit much for one cat to have two dogs picking on him.
For awhile now I thought you are videoing in a special monochrone setting until I realized it is your house, your dog and your cat. How nice all are close in color so animal hair doesn't show.......not that you'd allow any to accumulate. Not until I saw the wastebasket and steam cleaner did I realize.........she does have color in her house. :bow: I bow to your color sense and housekeeping skills.
SheepieBoss wrote:
For awhile now I thought you are videoing in a special monochrone setting until I realized it is your house, your dog and your cat.
:lol: Susan you are so observant :mrgreen: When I first got Kahlua home, I have said her coat color match my tile perfectly. She actually has the same coat color as the youngest kitty for which I posted a video of them playing in the backyard a while back. That two really have the same color theme going on lol. And that other time I took Kahlua to the vet. I was just going to go in and grab the refill only so I left her in my car. I came back out in less than 5 mins and didn't see her in the car when I was approaching towards the car. Turned out she hid underneath the front passenger seat and since my car's interior color is ALSO the same color theme, she blended in so well that she was camouflaged :pupeyes:

Credit is indeed very tolerant and trusting but doesn't meant the dogs don't have to "compromise". This cat believes in the "Philosophy of Whatever", in returns he thinks everyone else is just like him and would never have any problems with whatever he wants to do to them too. He would go up and sniff when the dog is munching their treat. Doesn't matter the dog whine-growl at him, he paid no attention to that. He would also stick his paw or head into the food bowl when the dog is eating. Dogs would again whine but that's all they could do. They always just let him have at it :lol:

Credit also thinks I shouldn't have any problem with him landing his 20 pounds of body ACROSS my face in the middle of the night because he suddenly feels like snuggling :?
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