The Will To Live

Chaos is a 8 year old cat that came into my home a few weeks ago. I didn't want another cat and was sticking to my promise of no more pets for the time being. However, one of my 16 year old students begged me to take her cat and circumstances made me decide to make an acception.
The student's single mom passed away unexpectedly around Christmas time and she sobbed as she told me the cat was the only thing she had left in the world. Dad had given her the kitten, the last time she saw him as an 8 year old child. She said someday she'd come back for her cat when she got a place of her own. I knew that probably won't happen for a few years as she's only 16 and is currently living with distant relatives. I give her weekly updates on her cat.

When we returned home from holidays, I noticed immediately the Chaos had lost a substantial amount of weight. I suspected kitty went into hiding and did not eat while we were gone. Rushing her to the vet, he said her body ate her stored fat and her chances of survival were slim. The expected cost was about the price of a used vehicle. As we just returned from holidays I didn't have it but had a 1/3 of the price left on my cc. Do what you have to do - place her on IV's and make sure she isn't in pain. I called every few hours to see how she was doing. It was reported she was purring throughout. Just before closing time the vet in this 4 person vet office told me he decided to euthanize her. I use 2 on a regular basis who have known me for 20 years. This vet is fairly new and I've only used him once or twice if the others were unavailable.
NOOOO not until I get there. Kaj and I raced to the now closed vet office. Everything was prepared..we walked into the room and I picked up kitty (who I started calling Katy as Chaos seemed inappropriate.) Katy was purring and I said I needed to contact the student and I wanted to take kitty home as I felt she was still fighting. I changed my mind and didn't want her euthanized. Vet was visibly upset and made me sign a paper stating I was aware of what he told me. I do remember him telling me what I was doing was cruel and inhumane.

Although I don't claim to be a miracle worker and he's the vet, I also saw something that I knew was worth fighting for as she was for her life. He warned me that I would have to give her fluids every 2 hours throughout the night and I must return her in the morning for euthanization. He didn't expect her to live. She rallied throughout the night and there was an improvement in the morning. He apologized.
Now to give him credit, as although he's in the same vet office as my own vets he made his decision based on what he saw and obviously was concerned about kitty. he doesn't know I've fostered over 120 ill cats for the SPCA , always the ill and sickly ones. He didn't know about that student and while all my cats are special it was important that this one be given every chance possible. He didn't know my history and determination that I would set my alarm every 2 hours and follow directions. He also didn't know what i saw..something in her eyes told me she was still fighting.

For seven days I have fed Katy every two hours throughout the night and then had to go to work for a few hours and return home to do the same. Katy continued to purr and is slowly gaining weight. She has allowed me to give her 5 different meds, syringes of food and water.Her will to live is so strong. Out of the 120 cats I've fostered for the SPCA, I've only seen 2 others (Micky and Sable) who made such a startling comeback. Yesterday she ate on her own!! While still weak she now is able to get up and walk around the room and explore. My own vet and all the staff are amazed at her recovery. Amazingly Katy continues to purr each time I pick her up to give her meds.

I think the students mom is this kitty's guardian angel.
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I don't even know what to say Marianne, you are so special and your care for these animals is amazing. Good luck to you and Katy. ... edium.jpeg
You are amazing. Thank you for not giving up on her. She will pull thru but you know her long term medicals might be a problem, nothing that you and she can't over come.
Thanks for the comments and vid!

This story has taken on the meaning of playing it forward. As I show up each day blury eyed and tired at work, I've explained to the students the reason why. The students I work with are considered high risk youth.

One in particular that I'm working with- has a pile of assignments he's behind on and I've been working with him to catch up. He's supposed to do one per week on top of his regular school work. A hard to reach student who I've made a connection with as he told me once about his new kitten. We spend a few mins chatting daily about his new kittens antics. The first Monday after Katy's progress I confided to him that I needed to contact the school councellor and tell the student the news. I asked him for a favor..please finish your work as I'm supposed to be working with you but I need to do this and will be tied up all morning. He finished the weekly assignment in an hour and has continued to do one daily. One left and he's all caught up! He later told me "you're my friend and I could see you're tired - plus you're helping that cat". It's been the same with all the other students - they are doing their work instead of having me "nag" for them to finish it as they've had a bit of a chuckle of my brain freezes. Egads how can I help with Physics or Chemistry which I struggle with myself when my body and brain are lacking sleep! They have all stepped up to the plate and have asked about Katy daily.

Weird too, as Friday was a holiday and because I don't work on Fridays - my work hours were reduced by an hour and a half daily as I will be paid for the holiday which helped me arrive home sooner than normal. Even stranger was my son asked to have Snoop (the youngest and most energetic dog) stay at his place for the past week and a half which happened a few days before Katy's decline. It was a huge workload eliminated and left me more time to be with Katy. How strange that these two things came into play the very week that I needed to be home more.

On another bright note - Kaj was given a bonus for working overseas which was exactly the same amount and covered Katy's vet bill! angel at work!

I'll be taking Katy back to the vet in aprox 1/2 hr and give you guys an update and thanks again for the well wishes!

Do keep us posted I know I am very interested in hearing how both of you are doing. So glad the extra money came in and that Kaj is such a support to you and what you do.

Sometimes it's much easier to reach a kid thru animals than any other way. I figure anybody that loves animals has a chance even if they are at risk.
Wow. Did the vet know what was wrong with the cat in the first place? Why he stopped eating?
Baba wrote:
Wow. Did the vet know what was wrong with the cat in the first place? Why he stopped eating?

I was wondering that too.... I hate to say it but maybe you aren't doing it any favors, only prolonging the inevitable. Cats purr when they're in pain too, it's a myth that it always indicated happiness or contentment.
Marianne--You are an angel! :bow: :bow: :bow: I am always amazed at your dedication and determination to help all living things! I hope the vet visit was successful and that Katy continues to improve.

The vet who originally saw her now admits he may have been wrong with his diagnosis in which the liver releases dangerous toxins in the body due to it's breakdown. She was not eliminating anything and the toxins were storing in her body. Some cats recover if given constant fluids and meds to release the toxins.

The other alternative is that she wasn't getting any food - nothing going in and nothing going out. Before I point fingers at the professional pet sitters who came so highly recommended and who I really liked - Katy will have test when she recovers more. I had written writeups and photos of all the animals which were placed on the wall of the cat room. As Katy was the newest members and was a tad shy I specifically asked that food/water be pushed near to where she was sitting at feeding time as she didn't join the others at their eating station. Did they perhaps forget or not notice she was not eating? I don't know at this time but do have to question why they didn't notice the weight loss. They were so good and I would ask for weekly updates when we were gone.

As for Katy she is still continuing her battle and is gaining weight and eliminating up to 3 times daily so the toxins are coming out! Yeah Katy! The vets office also sent me home with sub q equiptment as now the vet is confident of my abilities. While she is eating a little on her own she still needs to be suplemented with food/liquids which I give her with now larger syringes. The sub q is only if I can't get enough into her and will help when I return to work on Tues or she may not need it at all. Through it all, the little sweetie, even as week as she was would eliminate in her litter box. She continues to look around and be very aware of her surroundings and most endearing of all..she immediately walks over to me when I enter the room and gives me her headbutt and purr. I'm confident she is not in pain although she probably feels week. She had everyone smiling yesterday as the vet office had no less than 10 dogs and their people while she was the only cat. I had one of those cloth carriers and she poked her head out..looked at the dogs and stuck her head out more and then sat calmly on my lap. As she was so calm the dogs didn't appear fazed by her appearance at all. That's my girl! Not even dogs scare her - she is showing signs of her former feisty self.
As each day goes by her prognosis has been upgraded from critical to grave to now..I think she's going to make it.

If anyone can pull her through, I have faith that it will be you.

When we got our lakehouse, we decided not to take the cat for the first few weeks. Lots of opening doors and cats were not a good mix for us. We left the cats at home, with dry food out for them to munch on. Normally they eat wet, with a few pieces of dry sprinkled on top. Even though we are home 5 nights a week, it was 3 weeks before we realized that our cats loved the kitty crack - both put on almost 2 pounds!
One is back down to her normal weight and we are still struggling with the Zoey. She is hanging onto every ounce.

Our new rule is to weight them every week. Perhaps that would be good for the petsitters to do too.
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