playing or bullying

how can i tell if my pup is bullying or playing with my other dog?

she wont leave him alone, constantly jumping all over him, it looks like play and my older dog doesnt seem unduly worried. when they are out running she grabs hold of his harness to slow/stop him, if she cant get the harness its his tail.

pup (dippy) is 8mths older dog (cappi) is 16mths
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I find puppies are obnoxious playmates, and the amount they get away with depends on how tolerant and patient their older playmate is. Your older dog will probably let the puppy know when it's hit the limit.
Exactly! When the older dog has had enough, he/she will let the imp know rather quickly and sometimes rather loudly. Just don't punish the oldster for imposing some manners on the wee one. Knowing pups, it will take several.....corrections.....until they learn their limit.
Yes, the correction might involve a scary looking snap/growl/bark. Don't punish the older dog for this! It is not your older dog being aggressive, it's the older dog teaching the pup how to be a polite dog.
I agree with David. A number of years ago I had a sheepie named Magic and about 1 year later I got Li'l Brittches as a pup. She was a little s__t to Magic! Britch would lunge at her, jump on her and do some biting. Magic was so sweet and mellow and put up with all of her antics and did absolutely nothing to deter her! Magic didn't even defend her food dish from the brat!!! Magic and Britch were sisters from different litters and they picked each other out. I spoke with the breeder and she told me Magic would be fine to just wait. One day when Magic was chewing her pigs ear, Britch got a little too close. Magic turnd to her, snarled and made the most viscious sound. Britchie backed off and seemed a little surprised. Magic went casuslly back to eating the pigs ear. Silently I CHEERED MAGIC!!! When Li'l Brittches was bigger, about 8-9 months old, Magic took her down for some infraction. I was thrilled she finally established her position. There wer times Magic would take Britch by the scruff and walk her quickly to the crate, stand there and dare Britch to come out! If Magic could have latched the crate door she would have.The 2 became very close and had lots of fun together. It was like they had their own language and communicate together. If I asked what was going on, they would look at me like 'What'? There were also times they made me feel like an outsider. They were so much fun and funny. I still miss them.
So the rough stuff will probably last for a while because puppies are obnoxious and constantly test just like kids. Hopefully the older one will establish dominance. If not, the pecking order may change.
oh we have had several of those, pair of them up on hind legs, barking and snarling, i let them get on with it. if one ended up on its back with the other still carrying on i would then break it up.

friends tell me that bitches are always in charge no matter the age, thanks for the replies.
My sister had 2 female St. Bernards that got along for a number of years. All of a sudden things changed. There were some viscious fights that caused my sister some surgeries and injuries to one of the dogs. They made dramatic changes so they would not see each other. Lots of damage was done to the house. A Behavioralist was called in and she told them that the one dog's goal was to kill the other. She also told them that males will establish dominance in a more non agressive way and females will fight to the death. The follow up was "They aren't called Bitches for nothing". They now have 2male Saints, both rescues. and they get along fine.
This information I keep in the back of my mind. Just in case.
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