Mystery of the Missing Rubber Glove

The other day, I noticed that one of my rubber gloves, usually in the dish drainer on the counter, has disappeared. Normally, I would have thought it accidentally fell into the trash, or maybe I picked it up as I was collecting dish towels for the laundry. However, with the recent spate of counter-surfers, and dogs behaving badly in the kitchen ( names.... 8) ), I have become slightly paranoid. For the first time EVER, I am concerned that Oscar swallowed something inappropriate.

Let me state, for the record, that the last time Oscar chewed ANYTHING that wasn't actual food was when he was a puppy. He will be 7 years old on May 1, and in the last 6 1/2 years, he hasn't so much as sniffed at anything in the house, let alone chewed on something. He is surrounded by stuff within reach on the floor, on low tables, everywhere, including items such as shoes, books, remote controls, candy, and papers (hubby's office :roll: ). He touches nothing. Ever. He has also never counter-surfed. We have food out on all of our counters constantly, and as it's just the hubby and I, we would certainly notice if Oscar got into something.

He is acting fine, but he has had an upset tummy (bad gas, softer stool, eating grass) for the last few weeks, with the advent of Spring, such as it is. (His allergies/autoimmune disorder lead to IBD flare-ups every Spring, so this is wholly expected, and began before the glove went AWOL.)

I even went so far as to drop the other glove on the floor and monitor it, but after he walked past it about 150 times without so much as a sniff in it's direction, I tossed it in the garbage.

Okay folks, I'm counting on you to talk me off the ledge. Am I just being paranoid?

Laurie and Oscar
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Have you look EVERYWHERE for it? Under beds, the sofa, in the blankets? Sounds like his intake and output are least for him?
Yes, I have looked everywhere I can think of. Oscar is eating normally, 4 meals a day, and pooping normally, 3 times a day.

Laurie and Oscar
How many days has it been missing? And was it a regular dish glove or just a rubber glove? My first guess would be that it was picked up with a dishtowel or maybe stuffed under the sink. (I could see that happening here :oops:)

Argument for the side that he probably didn't eat it... :wink:
I think you'd be seeing some foul vomit if it's been a few days. It seems a dish glove would take up some space in the stomach... that it wouldn't pass into the intestinal tract and would be blocking the passage of at least some food. Take and wad up a dish glove, see how much space it takes up... then let it go... it would be quite a bit of space in the stomach. And it's not like they can easily tear one up into smaller pieces... at least not the ones we have on the sink. They stretch and snap. I suppose they could gnaw it.

I'd call the vet to see what they say though just to be safe. They'll probably tell you to be on the lookout for obstruction symptoms. I hope I'm not wrong but I don't think it's in him.

Oh my... do they make us worry or what.

I suspect he did take it, but it is well hidden.......and not inside him. Though if he does walk by and there's a finger sticking out of an inappropriate space.............. 8O

If he has secret hiding places......between cushions, outside someplace....that's where it will be.
I'd probably call the vet to be safe too. It does seem unlikely, but these guys are capable of things I never thought possible. Poor Oscar...
I noticed it missing about three days ago, so it couldn't have been gone much longer than that, as I am always in the kitchen using them. It is a dish glove. I have checked under the sink and in the laundry. At any given time I have three pairs of these gloves on the first floor for cleaning, one set in the kitchen, one in the master bathroom, and one in hubby's office bathroom. I checked there too, to see if the glove "migrated" on one of my cleaning trips. Nope.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Oscar doesn't have a hiding place. He does have a toy box. Though he is really good at taking things OUT, I have never once seen him put anything back in. :D

Well, we are going to the vet today anyway, as he is losing all of the fur on the end of his nose, and I have noticed yet another papilloma on his eyelid. I planned on mentioning the glove, and seeing if she wants to do a quick x-ray.

Oscar is still acting normally, so I am probably worried over nothing, but better safe than sorry. I have heard too many stories of a dog eating something undigestible, and not showing symptoms for a long time. That is what concerns me.

Honestly, if not for the postings on this forum, it would never have even crossed my mind that Oscar could even LICK a dish glove, let alone ingest one. It is just so incredibly far off his radar, and I mean outer limit far. I still cannot conceive a scenario that would entice him to eat a glove.

At any rate, I will keep you posted.

Laurie and Oscar
Fingers crossed for you Oscar! Keep us posted!
did you look down the drain??? I had a wash rag go down the garbage disposal drain and it didn't cause any blockage and I just happend to look down the drain since I knew I was missing it.
I just got a 'visual' of a finger sticking out of a certain area. If it any color other than a earthy brown, it should be easy to spot.
I personally am finding things in really odd places that I can't even blame the dogs for. :lmt:
I hope all goes well in the end...............
I just got a 'visual' of a finger sticking out of a certain area. If it any color other than a earthy brown, it should be easy to spot.
I personally am finding things in really odd places that I can't even blame the dogs for.
I hope all goes well in the end...............

Glad to see a couple of us are having fun with this..........

Best wishes and the glove is found in a normal place.
How did the vet visit go?
Morning folks! Went to the vet yesterday, and did a couple of x-rays, just to be on the safe side. Everything looked great, and no glove that she could see. Still have no clue where that @#$% glove went. :headbang:

On the plus side, from the x-ray, she said Oscar's spine looks great. She had to double check his chart as she couldn't believe he was almost 7 years old. On the OTHER plus side, he weighs 118 lbs..... 8O Guess who is not going to be happy when I cut back on his food?

Anyway, this mystery may never be solved.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Laurie and Oscar
I am glad the glove is not inside of him. :clappurple:

Good luck with the diet.
Valerie wrote:
I am glad the glove is not inside of him. :clappurple:

Me too!!! :banana:
:phew: :phew: Phew! Now it's green bean time or does his other "issues" require a less radical weight reduction plan?

it's spring, time for more exercise!
I really should have told you that we x-rayed one of ours once because for the life of
me I couldn't find a Christmas ornament hook I had set down. We got home and I found
it between the cushions of the couch. I had looked there several times!! :oops: :oops: :lol:

Glad it wasn't found inside baby Oscar who's going to be mad at mama for cutting
back on his yum-yums.
Would a rubber glove show up on an xray? I don't understand x-ray technology, I confess.
No the rubber glove probably wouldn't show up on Xray but the obstruction that it causes would. Although it is surprising sometimes what will show up if its wadded up so that it's really dense.
The vet would be able to see changes around where the glove is. Things like distension of the gut sometimes but most likely a fluid and gas build up behind the obstruction.
^^^^^^What she said! The glove itself may or may not show up, but if it were causing trouble, the vet would see displaced organs or other results of obstruction. (Currently, at my vet's office they are watching a hair scrunchie move through a Bouvier's digestive tract. Oh, the things they do for fun! :D )

Laurie and Oscar
Glad he is ok. It will remain a mystery! ha
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