Urine leakage after spay

Jenny was spayed at 5 months (she will be 3 in June). She was fine until recently. It only happens occasionally (not often at all) and we have had her to the Vet. The Vet said that there is non-hormonal medication that works very well. I was wondering if anyone here has ever had this issue and if the medication works.
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It works well for most girls. It is a common problem. I've had fairly good luck with my girls, some it didn't work and she wore diapers for several years.........others were OK.......and this one dried up instantly and is doing just fine.

I think age at spay comes into play, earlier the more likely this will happen, but also physcial condition. The girls who haven't had this problem were/are major athletes......rock hard muscles especially abdomen, not an ounce of extra weight. Just my experience, not scientific study.
Thanks for telling me about your experience. Do they need to stay on the meds forever, or is it something that corrects itself through meds?
We have a similiar problem. My female, 2 and a half years old, started to get reocurring UTI infections. Treated with antibiotics. Infection would go away and then another one in a few months. Some blood was seen in the urine. We had a songoram done to rule out stones, etc. Everything came back fine. My Vet - who is also a friend of mine - sent me to a specialist. The specialist is treating her with hormone replacement. She started with one pill a day for a week. Then to one pill twice a week. Can't stay on the hormones on a regular basis as they run the risk of bone suppression. So for now, only twice a week. Her follow up was this week and no bacteria and no blood came up in the urine so we are continuing with the twice a week dosage and another follow up in two months.

Not sure what the long term plan is but for right now, things are better.

Good luck with your baby.
Googie is one pill a day....down for 2x a day. I hesitate to go less than 1x per day. It will be for the rest of her life. Fortuantely the pills aren't that expensive.
Thanks again for the comments.
It's a common problem and yes usually caused by spaying way too early. They really shouldn't be spayed til at least 12-18 months or until after they've had a heat cycle. As far as I know she will need the meds for the rest of her life but I'm not sure.
Thanks, Stacey.
Willowsprite wrote:
It's a common problem and yes usually caused by spaying way too early. They really shouldn't be spayed til at least 12-18 months or until after they've had a heat cycle. As far as I know she will need the meds for the rest of her life but I'm not sure.

Actually, my friend's pup who is a Ridgeback went through a heat cycle and then was spayed. Her owner felt it would be good to let her mature more before being spayed. She has leaked ever since and she is 10 years old now. She has been on Proin all of these years in increasing doses. The problem has never gone away :(

I had my last pup spayed at around 6 months and she never had a leaking problem until she was 14 years old.

I think it depends on the dog and the surgery.

I am not sure I agree about it being caused by spaying too early. I have known lots of dogs---all different breeds who have been spayed at an earlier age before a heat cycle and none of them had any issues.
We use the prion on Wolfie our 14plus year old. He tends to lose control at night when sleeping. Since his is much more than leakage it just reduces not eliminates the problem but is definintely worth using.
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