I spent the morning at urgent care

So I started to get this terrible cold earlier in the week. Actually I thought it was just my spring allergies. I even saw my allergist on Wednesday and he agreed. Since I am allergic to early trees. Well it continued to get worse, and by Friday it had settled into my chest. I've been so worried about taking care of my pups that I didn't really think twice unti yesterday I could barely function and get out of bed. I think I got up once, and made it onto the couch at around 4 pm. I woke up this morning and still didn't feel much better, so I decided to go to urgent care instead of waiting until tomorrow to make a dr's appt.
The diagnosis is Bronchitis. Yuck. So no I'm on a Z pack and an inhaler. I don't do antibiotics well, my stomach that is. It's already starting to bother me. I've gotten up today and done a few things I figure if I'm going to make it into work tomorrow I need to be up and functioning alittle.
So maybe this will teach me to take care of myself a little. :roll:

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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I am not surprised. So much worry over the furry ones that your immune system must be a bit low. Take care of yourself and get rid of this! Don't make me come down there!! :evil:
so sorry you are sick~~hope you feel better real soon~~~~ :ghug:
You've been SO focused on your babies' health.
I hope you'll feel better soon.

Sorry you are sick--take care you YOU too!!
Oh no :(

I hope the z-pack doesn't do you in. ABX do a number on my GI tract as well. I never have gotten past day 3 on the few occasions I have been desperate enough to try it. :(
:ghug: :ghug:
Hope you feel better speedy fast!
Hope you feel better quickly!

You might consider eating some yogurt with active cultures in it to help replenish the good bacteria in your GI tract that antibiotics kills along with the bad bacteria causing the bronchitis. You can add some fruit to it, if you don't like the plain stuff.
yes are kids seem to come first .. hope u feel better soon
Bronchitis is the worst - so sorry you're going thru this. Was THIS CLOSE to having it again a few weeks back, but I got to the dr just before it fully developed so I managed to head it off at the pass. Definitely zaps you for awhile.

Hope the meds are starting to work and you start to feel better soon!!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I've had bronchitis once and I thought I would die from the pain of coughing. Unfortunately it takes a lot of time to get over that. I'm prone to upper respiratory infections (I get at least 2 sinus infections a year) and Zithromax does wonders for me. I have a cast iron stomach so it's never upset me. I suggest eating something before taking it, even some crackers.

This is a bad time of year for us allergy sufferers. Our immune systems are down from fighting allergens, so bacteria can easily set in and give us infections. Take time to heal (HEEL!) and don't try to do too much too soon.
I hope you're feeling better. :crossed:
how are you feeling today? hope you are feeling better!
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