Lost OES in Montana!

Kim Baker who lives in Hot Springs, Mt had her female Old English Sheepdog taken from her yard on the morning of March 17, 2011. She was in her kitchen making breakfast for guests there for a funeral. She has since serched everywherepossible, vet offices, shelters, left flyiers, offered a reward and left pieces of her sweatshirt cut up in case Dolly could smell her. Kim is president of the Montanna cattleman's association and is well known as is Dolly in Hot Springs as she went everywhere with her. Hope to keep people on the look out and thinking when they see an OES in that area. It would seem the taking of Dolly had to be planned. :cry: :cry:

Waiting on more information on this gal...will post when I get it!

Those of you that can check FB to see a picture I just shared of her
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I hope she's found ok! :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Baba wrote:
That's horrible, profoundly horrible because if she was intact, and deliberately stolen, it's for puppy mill purposes. I would shoot the offenders... pray she is recovered, and those responsible suffer. :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:

That was my first thought and fear! :evil: :evil:
Honestly, just because a bitch has a uterus does not mean she was stolen for breeding purposes. For one thing - she'd have no papers, so any potential puppies would not have papers, meaning no way to prove they're purebred even. Most breeders, even crappy breeders, like to say their puppies have papers.

For another, most people don't go around announcing their bitch is intact and unlike the boys you can't tell by looking at them, unless she's in season. In which case I very much doubt she'd be out in the yard on her own anyway. It's much more likely she simply got out somehow.

The bigger problem with her being intact is if she's picked up by some shelter or rescue her owner may have a hard time getting her back with all organs still in place. And who knows what the quality of their vet care is like? :twitch:

Obviously, the biggest issue is getting her back safe and sound. But as the owner of intact bitches I'm doubly afraid: of them getting out, yes. But also of some shelter getting their hands on them if they god-forbid do. I don't think I'd be including the part of her being intact on any missing dog appeals.

Kathy - I know Amy sent it out that way, but can you perhaps quietly edit that out?

Poor Dolly. I hope she is found safe and sound. What a horrible person to take her. Praying for Dolly's safe return.
Kristine, the voice of reason!
I removed it from above post but, all the rest say it...
Hopefully she's microchipped... the shelter should scan her or look for
a tattoo at take-in so maybe she'll be reunited "whole". But it's been almost
a month since she went missing? Are there any pictures to share? Maybe
someone reading OES.org will see her or people here could share the picture
with others.

It's just sad... :(

Edit: I found a picture... is it ok to share it?
Donner's Mom wrote:
Kristine, the voice of reason!
I removed it from above post but, all the rest say it...

I know you have no control over that. Didn't dawn on me at first. Started thinking about it... :lmt: Hm.

Hope they find her. :plead:

I hope they find her! It is so horrible when they are lost and just not knowing where they are and if they are ok! :crossed: :crossed: and paws crossed that they find her!
I was told there was permission to cross post and there's a public ad with a picture.
You'll find a larger picture in the ad. Hoping she'll find her way home. :hearts:
http://www.whosyadoggy.com/americacanad ... p?id=10640

if dolly is not a runner, then kim should be checking that guest list for out of towners. odds are that a sheepie wouldn't runoff with a house full of guests and breakfast being cooked.
if she is possibly a runner, she's got endless territory to explore without being spotted.
i would beg, borrow or rent a small plane or helicopter to hunt her.

heres hoping the guest list wasn't large, my money's on the creep that thought they're far enough away to get away with dolly's abduction.
Any word on Dolly????
I haven't heard a thing...
Hopefully that is good news!
I just checked with the owner Dolly is still missing :cry:
any chance of passing on the idea of out of town or out of state visitors from the guest list to dolly's mom?
Guest wrote:
any chance of passing on the idea of out of town or out of state visitors from the guest list to dolly's mom?

Yes, I will mention it to her...I need to email her some other info!
Thank you Guest...
any news? will dolly's mom tell you if she has any ideas? if they seem too far away, tell her not too fret. she has friends who like to reach out and touch people who do things like this. let us know.
oh, and for the record, the last dog i was involved with was stolen in vegas and was found in ohio 4 years later having been used and abused as a breeder for a puppy mill and stolen from her yard. she is living a happy life again now. 8)
Guest wrote:
any news? will dolly's mom tell you if she has any ideas? if they seem too far away, tell her not too fret. she has friends who like to reach out and touch people who do things like this. let us know.
oh, and for the record, the last dog i was involved with was stolen in vegas and was found in ohio 4 years later having been used and abused as a breeder for a puppy mill and stolen from her yard. she is living a happy life again now. 8)

Dolly is still lost :cry: :cry:
You are welcome to contact the owner as I have with any suggestions!
She is very appreciative of any help!
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