I have noticed that Bella will "whimper" or give a little whine when she picks up her little sheep toy. The toy has a low almost cow like squeeker noise unlike all her other toys. She will chase the toy and play with it when I toss it for her but she always give a little whimper when she picks it up. I don't think she is scared of it but I seems odd for her to be making this sound with only this toy. Did I do some bad shopping or is she just sensitive to that noise.
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My Macy makes that kind of sound when she's really excited about something. Though in her case I guess it's more like a high pitched whine.

She's not a very vocal dog otherwise so it kind of makes me smile.

I had a OES named Mandy that had a squeeky toy that was a green teddy bear. It also had a very low tone. Mandy would make all kinds of whining noises and carry the thing around. It was her 'baby'. Mandy would lick and kiss it and sometimes cuff it if she obviously thought it did something wrong. Occasionally she would toss it in my bed at night and if I happened to roll on her baby, she would come growling and grumbling up the stairs and take teddy away. My mom use to say Mandy was playing 'dolls'. One day, Mandy was crying very loudly while my mom was in the basement. She came running upstairs to see what was wrong with Mandy. She was loving and kissing her baby. Playing Dolls!!!! One day teddy turned up missing. It was gone for several months. Then I happened to find it in a closet. When it squeeked, Mandy came absolutely flying and crying for her baby. Then she cuffed the crap out of it, like 'where have you been!! I was worried I lost you forever'!!!! After the big reunion, she started licking and kissing teddy again. Go figure..........She LOVED HER TEDDY!!!! :hearts:
Abbey has her hedgehog she sucks on and goes to sleep. They all have their goofy tendencies and ya just gotta love it. :aww:
Don't have any advice for you just wanted to tell you I think your avatar picture is adorable!!!
As you can read Kristine, there's nothing wrong, you sheepies loves her toy. She is communicating with it. Woe be if the little "cow sound" is lost.
dogmom wrote:
I had a OES named Mandy that had a squeeky toy that was a green teddy bear. It also had a very low tone. Mandy would make all kinds of whining noises and carry the thing around. It was her 'baby'.

Bingo! I didn't say anything further because I know Bella must be spayed, but Mace appears to be having a false pregnancy (she shredded the bathmat in my shower - this is apparently where she intended to "give birth") and this is when her whining comes out.

Her sister had a false pregnancy a few years ago where the sound of my alarm clock apparently triggered some maternal instinct. Mind you, she'd heard it go off every morning for years. This one morning when it went off she started whining and crying and pawing it and poking me to "do something". File that in your "seriously weird!" file. Thankfully she has never reproduced for real :roll:

Her mom used to have false pregancies (before she had a real one ;-) ) She once decided she gave birth to a selection of stuffed toys. Nestled with them. Carried them around. I was getting ready to leave for her first agility trial and was really worried I'd have to bring the "litter" with me. Suddenly her hormones must have abated because she stopped considering them as "babies" and went back to her normal stuffie terminator status. I jokingly told her breeder perhaps I shouldn't breed her 8O But when the real thing came along, she knew the difference.

Not all of this behavior is hormonally influenced. Some times it's related to aroused prey drive.

I guess you know the difference by whether they shred the toy or not 8O :roll: :lol:

It's harmless.

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