Therapy dog, how to become one

We live in a very urban area and, as such, there are some folks in our neighbourhood that I would describe as vulnerable for various reasons. Mady seems to have a real affinity for our more vulnerable neighbours and they in turn have much affection for her. It has been one of the best things that Mady has brought us-we know so many neighbours!

I am interested in perhaps having her become a therapy dog and would like some advice on what kind of training I should be investigating for this. The place where we are going to start agility training has a Canine Good Neighbour course, would this be a place to start?
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At work and busy - I'll get back to you soon!
Kim that would be a great place to start as most Therapy Dog groups incorporate the Canine Good Citizen into their requirements to pass. The additional stuff usually involves exposure to walkers, wheelchairs, etc.

Taking the class will help you prepare and most likely the instructor will have familiarity with Therapy Dog groups in your area and can help guide you.

These sheepdogs make great therapy dogs.
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Kim...good for you to consider doing therapy with Mady!!! I am sure she will make a great therapy dog! Keep posting about your progress on this..... if you need any suggestions or advice, PM me and I will happy to help!!!!

Here is Heart's :hearts: therapy graduation picture from Nov. 2009

Great idea Kim. Mady's first therapy client could be Howie, he needs lots of help! :roll:

Love Heart's graduation photo, she looks very proud.

:banana: Mady would be awesome :banana:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
There are quite a few of us doing therapy volunteering with our dogs.
There are many different organizations to volunteer with (in the US anyways).

I would start with looking into the Canine Good Citizen/Neighbor Program. Many of us evaluators do work as evaluators for both groups/programs. The local person should be able to help you find out more about the therapy dog options in your area.

I evaluate for both - and last Sunday I did a test event where people could do CGC, TDI therapy dog, or both.
I work with Therapy Dogs International, which is the oldest group in the US. When AKC was forming the CGC program,TDI persons were used for input into the program. As a result, the CGC is basically embedded within the TDI test. So, if you can pass the TDI test, you also have passed the CGC items as well. The TDI has the added medical equipment and a few other specific items/requirements beyond the ones in the CGC.

The therapy dog "perfect dog" is a blend of loving people, but calm and respectful. Well behaved and trained, but with enough initiative to seek out a person in need. "Bomb proof" - in regard to tolerating physical roughness, hair pulling, odd sounds and movements, kids hanging on them, phyically handicapped lack of motor control, food and body fluids.....etc. :wink: There are many sweet dogs out there who just can't do this as they get too overwhelmed.

I started with my 1st dog back in 1985, and have been volunteering with various dogs over the years... Jenny my GSD was 1st, followed by Daisey- basset, Macy - chocolate lab, Oliver - OES, Tazz - minpin, Simon - basset - who just retired in December, and Chewie for the last 4 years. I've been evaluating for TDI since 1995- 16 years now! (You should see the picture on my ID tag from then... 8O ) CGC not so long, as it's newer...maybe 8 yrs or so??

I love getting out and sharing my dogs and their love wth people. :cheer:
It is a great way to volunteer! :hearts:
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