Quick grooming for smelly dogs!

The dogs have been going to daycare twice a week, which has been great... except they come home smelling awful!! It's mostly noticeable when you get up close, but we're a cuddly family so it's been quite a nuisance.

Rudie is shaved down and Marley is not, although I'm making her an appointment today. What do you recommend using to get the smell out without a full bath?

Grooming wipes? What kind?

I need something that does not have a lot of fragrance too, as I'm super picky about most scents.
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I personally don't like the dry shampoos that I've used.

I used a million things to get the smell out of Kobuck and nothing worked ...just smelled like strong fragrance plus yucky-ness.

However, I started using ICE ON ICE (just a spray on conditioner) on him by opening the bottle and SOAKING a microfiber cloth (absorbs and scrubs best I've seen) and then scrubbing it all over his body. I went through GALLONS of it while he was here. Despite every recommendation I got, this was the only thing that got the smell out between baths ......and I'm SUPER picky about smells. Soo that is now my go to... never had any skin problems or anything from it (and i'd pour a crap load at a time on him ...and then scrub dry with the microfiber cloth).
After daycare we usually wipe Iz down with baby wipes. A plain wet and/or slightly soapy washcloth could also work. Maybe then a spray bottle of water with a squirt of good smelling conditioner mixed in?

Her feet always seem to be the worst, so even if I just wipe her body I will often give her a quick foot bath.
This may sound weird, but it works!.....

I use liquid fabric softener.
I hate dryer sheets, and always have used the liquid in my washer.

If you take a hand towel and thoroughly wet it, splash on just a little fabric softener and then then wring it out, it makes a great whole body wipedown for a smelly dog.

The scent is fresh (and likeable, as I pick the softener smell I like) :D , and it freshens and also can wipe of a bit of eye booger or foot dirt off as well. On the smooth coated dogs it can be like a mini bath. :clappurple:
Except that I have to go outside because of the mess.
I've always brushed potato flour or baby powder through Tiggy's coat. Mind you I've never done it to her whole coat usually just smelly patches but its been up to a third of her at a time. I sprinkle the powder on then brush it out with a Mason Pearson bristle brush.

I"m like Mrs J I don't like the waterless shampoo they dry out the coat too much amongst other things.

Dawn did you use the fabric softener on Chewie when he was in show coat? It sounds like a less messy option.
Mim - yes I did. :)

It's quick and leaves a nice smell.

It's also is effective for a scrub "down there" for urine odor and drips. If you wet the towel a bit more it actually cleans more and you can use a separate towel to dry.

I never noticed any issues with coat, as you don't need very much at all. I usually have Downy, and it is very concentrated. Cuts down on static in the winter too. :wink:
My trick is baby powder. Easy, cheap, one bottle lasts like 3 years...brushes right out. It de-greases and de-stinkifies perfectly between baths.
Here in the UK there is a baby powder infused with Lavender- it's gorgeous! I use it for Ru's smelly bits just before we go out if I know people will be stroking him. Everyone says he smells lovely & as his tail wags it wafts the smell from his behind :D

I'm going to try Dawn's idea with the fabric softner for his smelly tummy :banana:
Oh wow, very interesting!

I actually hate the smell of baby powder and baby wipes, it makes me nauseous. That's why I was hoping for a fragrant free solution.

They're both getting groomed tomorrow so we'll start from scratch, but I think I'm going to try some natural/fragrance free grooming wipes. With short coats that should do the trick. :plead:
I use unscented baby wipes...I'm not a huge fan of the baby powder smell either. :D
If you want to use powder but don't like it to be scented then use potato flour. It's pretty near odorless and works just as well as baby powder. :D
Such great ideas!!
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