iyiyi My Chesapeake's head was all swollen up!

What a night!!!! Last night at about 12am i was just leaving my Fiance's after a movie and walked out to find Koda, our Cheasapeake's head swollen about five sizes to big!!!!! :cry: I almost lost right then, but Chris kept me calm and Koda was welll... basically how he is all the time, big, happy, and a velcro puppy. He didn't seem to be in much pain , he would just try to rub his face with his paws. Chris didn't think it necessary to take him in, or that there was an animal ER. But he knew i wouldn't be able to go home much less sleep with Kodalike that. So we called our vet and he gave us the number to the Emergency Clinic. Koda was so excited to go for a car ride. Once the vet saw him and 128$ and two shots later, he was still happy, and velcroee. The vet thought that maybe a spider or a wasp got him, b/c there was no puncture marks and the swelling wasn't painful for him. So we finally got home about 3 am. He was fine the next morning and was a bit to rambuncious for our other dog, Penny, She was just spayed last Thursday, so we had to keep him out of the fence :D
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you made the right decision to take him in! Any time you or your furry friend have a reaction like that (ie allergic!) go to the Dr! The reaction can progress into anaphalectic shock, where the windpipe swells effectively choking the sufferer!

Glad to hear that the pup is ok!

Karen :)
Yikes, I'll bet that was scary, glad you had a happy ending :D
What a night. Glad he's okay!
Wow, I'm glad he's ok. Sounds like he's allergic to bees or something. My golden retriever Sam used to eat bees for snacks... his tongue would somtimes get a little swollen after a few of them, but that silly dog either really loved them or really hated them,lol, and their was nothing we could do to stop him.
Hi, I just had to chime in hopes it will help someone else. My Chocolate Lab mix puppy has had her head swell up really bad twice. This first time was after going to a friends house and playing with her dog. He is an older dog and she is a hyper puppy so at a point he got fed up and bit her on the head. We got her out of there immediately. There were two small puntures that bled a little. We cleaned them, the bleeding stopped, and she seemed like it never happened. The next morning I awoke to find her head badly swollen. More on one side than the other (around the puntures). We rushed her to our vet. She gave her a couple of shots. I think cortizone was one of them. She told us to watch her over the next few days and that we would see the swelling actually move down over her head and down her neck and away. It was weird but that is exactly what happened. Like your dog she seemed to want to rub it or get us to rub it but she didn't seem in pain. As a side note, I should say that punture places did absess after the swelling was gone and we had to return to the vet to have that drained. The second time this happened was only a few days ago and that is how I came to fine your post. She was playing with another puppy. As I visited with the mommy of the other puppy they played for an extended time wrestling, and pulling each othes ears, ect. Again, by the next morning her head was swelled up. This time there is no broken skin. When looking closely I can see through her short hair that her skin is red in places. Her ears (which took allot of pulling and chewing) sticking out a bit instead of hanging down like usual. When I feel her head she again seems to want me to rub it. Especially the bases of her ears feel thick and swollen. This time I did not panick. After a conversation with the vet she said some dogs are more prone to this than others. She said I could bring her in if she seems in pain (which she doesn't) or just let it run the same course as last time. It has only been a few days and now she is good as new. I want her to have fun, but I will be more carefull about letting her play rough in the future. Thank you for letting me share my experience I hope it will comfort other puppy mommys and daddys.

Glad you got to the VET!
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