How to Crate Train

I am getting my first OES next weekend. He is 2 years and has been an outside dog his whole life. We intend to make him an inside dog. He will be getting neutered first thing after he gets here so hopfully that will stop any marking of his territory, which they say he does now. I am also planning on having to potty train him since he has never been trained. I have a very large crate already. This may sound like a crazy question but having not owned a dog before, how excatly do you crate train? Just keep them in the crate all the time until trained? How long should it normally take to be trained? I am just so new on all of this that any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Congrats on the new "baby".

Crate training is easy...or very hard. Sorry but its true. Since your dog will be older, I'm thinking it "may" be a little harder, simply because its already use to the way of the world and not a new pup where everything is new.

Crate training is not keeping the dog in the crate all the time. Its for when you can't keep your eye on them or when you leave the house, and of course at night.

Start by little introductions to the crate, lead them to the crate, have a treat in hand and throw it in the crate. They will go in for the treat, don't close the door, tell them GOOD DOG. Do this about ten times about once an hour. After that start closing the door, stay there, let them out after about a minute. Just increase in increments until the dog can stay in the crate and you leave the room and there is no whining.

Potty training...Have a bell hanging on the door. Keep a leash on your dog at all times so you can whip out the door fast. Just before going out the door, have your dog touch the bell with a paw or nose nudge and take them out(bell training). Walk them to the potty spot(keep it to one area) and wait till they start to go and tell them "go potty" or whatever phrase you wish and make a huge deal out of it when they go. Doing this will #1) Help your dog to go on command, #2)make them feel good about going potty outside.

By watching your dog, he will give subtle hints that he is about to go, by sniffing to look for the "right" place or turning in circles( to poop). Start by taking him out right when he wakes up and right after playing. Watching and learning is now your job. Punishing a dog after the job is done in the house is never a good idea. It could make them not want to potty in front of you...just quietly clean it up and vow to keep an eye on them for the next time.

We got Gar at 2.5yrs old and he was not housebroken. Yes we had some messes to clean up in the house and the crate after a long work day but it only took about a little over two weeks and he was going on command...outside.

Some dogs will "get it" in only a few weeks and some will take a little longer. If you are diligent and watch it should go great.

I hope this little "book" Helps and keep us updated on how things go.

And by the way...we like pictures.
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