Anyone else want to review their training etc books, DVDs?

Ron, and anyone else who cares to comment, do you think it would be worth having a training/grooming/ behaviour etc. book, DVD, website review section. I'm a sucker for a training book but I like to get value for money. I've purchased a couple of training books based on recommendations from members here and found them really useful. From memory there are some members who swap training books etc but I'm a bit too far away. I often trawl online bookstores and read reviews of books that sound good but when I buy them they aren't what I wanted. So I'm guessing there a great books out there that I overlooked.

It would require a bunch of us to take the time to review books we've read and explain what is good/bad about them. It wouldn't need to be "War and Peace" just a few sentences about why the book was useful and anything you didn't like about it.

Would anyone else be interested??? Thanks Mim
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It's a GREAT idea! Does it really need a separate section?
I think so! If enough of us are able to do it. Otherwise it would just be Mim with her critics hat on. :oops: I'm not sure the best way to go about it, I was hoping for some ideas. Maybe something like the birthday list so everyone can quickly look and see what's there but that requires someone to manage new entries so it could be easier just to have each listing one after the other and anyone interested scrolls through and decides if they like a book etc.

Maybe we should give some guidance like max no. of words, stick to the topic, describe the books contents, don't just say its no good explain why etc.

I'm happy for someone with good ideas to guide this one but I'll chip in some reviews of books I've read.
I have a problem figuring out "What should the section be called, and where would it go?" and we have a lot of different sections already.

Maybe a sticky thread at the top of each section with just reviews, and other threads to talk about the reviews? But that would get confusing.

So maybe a separate section would be better. Anybody else have any ideas?
??? Resource Material Critque ???
I LOVE the idea! Having purchased tons and tons of training books, nutrition books, all kinds of books, and most of them stunk, I would LOVE the section that can gear me in the right direction!

I think tht subject title should be simple...Dog Training/Nutrition Books Reviwed?...Just to keep it seperate than regular human novel book review...
Great idea Mim. I like the thought of this topic having it's own section. I agree, stay on topic, give clear reasons 'for' or 'against' the resource.

Ron, you know when you buy something online you can rate the product? Could we have something like that?

Basically, I could read about a dvd Mim really found beneficial for training say, a reactive dog. Then other people who have used that same dvd could rate it 1- 5, and add comments.
Comments like,
Great dvd, but the price was too high
Good dvd, but it was difficult to locate to purchase.
The information was too basic for my needs

Just a thought to help make it simple to get everyone's opinion regarding that resource and easier for folks to stay on topic.

However you choose to set up the section I like the idea. Good suggestion Mim!

First I thought you could start it off as a sticky Ron and if it's popular enough then turn it into its own section but then I wondered if it would get missed as a sticky. For some reason my eye tends to skip over the sticky sections, because they don't get posted in as often maybe.

Anyways you would have a better idea of usage rates of different sections so I'll leave it up to you.

I'll write a review of one of the training books I've just read on the weekend and post it in chit chat and you can take it from there. (Let me know if that's not the best way to proceed Ron)

What other details would others like to see? Should we have a word limit?

At this stage I'm thinking
Publisher and date published

Summary of what the book covers
What's good
What's bad

I'm not so sure about price as we have members from all over the world so that may not be as relevant and it's easy to look up on line but I guess it's not hard to add.

I'm guessing having the option of others adding comments is beyond the scope of this forum but correct me Ron if I'm wrong. I guess if someone else uses the resource and disagrees then they can repost their own review.
something I would find helpful is a comment about the price was worth the money or not. I might be hesitent to spend $40 on a dvd or book but I would if it was worth it. Case in point someone recommended 12 poles in 12 days. I think the dvd is $70 or so. I haven't yet ordered it since she didn't give me much detail about it why it is better than others. If I knew that and had a little more info I would spend the money in a heartbeat.
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