'PLUM' Fantastic

Plum, the rescue that decided my daughter's family would be her forever home, is doing very well~~

On Sunday, my grandson Leo had his 5th birthday. So Joey invited 20 people over to her comfy (another name for very small) house.

I was on 'Plum watch'...but she was so good! She didn't try to steal any of the food that was on the guests laps..she didn't jump or bark at anyone, she just laid right by me ....

After her surprise 'heat' about 8 weeks ago, she was finally spayed yesterday....and back to the vet this morning after a night of pain and vomiting, which had my daughter very scared. The vet gave her 2 shots and noted that Plum does not take anestetic (smp :oops: ) very well.

The good news is that Plum is thriving in her new home. When Joey got her she was only 50 pounds...today, she weighs a healthy 60 pounds!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

The FINAL update is on Plum's past 'owner' (I would never call her a mom!!)...To refresh your memory, this woman needed someone to take this sweet puppy because she was so stressed about having to take care of 3 children and a newborn.

Here is part of an email the person who, picked Plum up at the 'women's' house, and brought Plum to us~~

""""The woman that gave her up so easily has now replaced her with a purebred boxer puppy. """"

I am so glad we got Plum out of that house...I feel sorry for that boxer puppy and how she will be treated..... :( :(
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Glad to hear about Lil' Plum Pudding. Will we be meeting her at Sheepiepalooza?
YES!! David...Plum is going to be soo excited to meet everyone!! I am sure Heart will stay very close !! She just loves Plum!!!!!
And where are recent Plum pictures? huh, HUH? :wink:
Baba wrote:
And where are recent Plum pictures? huh, HUH? :wink:

Waiting here too...<taps fingers>

So glad to hear that Plum is doing well. Joey sounds like a very good mommy!
jcc9797 wrote:
Baba wrote:
And where are recent Plum pictures? huh, HUH? :wink:

Waiting here too...<taps fingers>

So glad to hear that Plum is doing well. Joey sounds like a very good mommy!

Me three - where are those Plum pictures??! :?: :?: :?: :?:

I will soon be uploading Bunny pics, so there better be some Plum pics by the time I'm through!...said in my most demanding voice...

and she got a boxer puppy?? OMG, that poor puppy.....
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: YEAH PLUM (and of course Joey and family) :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Perhaps Plum will have a boxer puppy brother/sister soon :lmt:


NOT likely....I just don't understand people like her...Get rid of one, perfectly perfect 7 month old puppy, who is sweet, happy and not a terminator of stuffies or anything else..And ....replace her with another puppy??? Horrible~~~~~

And for those of you who are dunning me for pictures...Need I remind you that this is NOT my dog???? I am only """grammie"""!! So I am at the mercy of a very busy daughter!!!!
sheepieshake wrote:


NOT likely....I just don't understand people like her...Get rid of one, perfectly perfect 7 month old puppy, who is sweet, happy and not a terminator of stuffies or anything else..And ....replace her with another puppy??? Horrible~~~~~

And for those of you who are dunning me for pictures...Need I remind you that this is NOT my dog???? I am only """grammie"""!! So I am at the mercy of a very busy daughter!!!!

And so what, """grammies"""!! never have pictures of their grandkids????? :roll: I'm not buying it! Pictures pictures pictures!!!!! :excited:
no excuse haha so glad plum is a plum :kiss:
So glad to hear Plum's good news, spayed and eating away!! Sounds like heaven. :wink: what a lucky girl :hearts:

Boo hiss :evil: :evil: :evil: to the past owner.
Oakley's Mom wrote:
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: YEAH PLUM (and of course Joey and family) :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Perhaps Plum will have a boxer puppy brother/sister soon :lmt:

I know what a BIG heart you have Val :hearts: ...so if the new puppy boxer needs a new home....I KNOW you'll find her one! Just sayin!!!!
So glad Plum is doing so well and we look forward to meeting her at Sheepiepalooza!! :D

How unfortunate for that little Boxer puppy! :cry: :evil:
Excellent!! I was just wondering about Miss Plum yesterday. So great to hear how well she's doing. I've heard other stories like the one you told. The person was up to purebred dog number 5 8O they'd never kept a puppy past 2 years old. :twisted: :twisted:
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