Do you ever do group howls?

I was just wondering.

Our first sheepie (BRANDON) loved to sing. He started one day when I was playing my flute, and after that I'd give a quiet wooooo, and he'd jump in and we'd howl together.

Then with our next two boys (Portage and Theeps), Theeps loved to sing and we'd howl as a family all the time. Portage joined in once or twice but mostly just barked. Then, one day, when we were out at the lake and all was quiet and the moon was full Portage let out one, lone, solitary howl at the moon. Theeps looked at him like he was nuts. It was deep, throaty, and positively feral. Then he was done, laid down, and did not make another peep. No idea what stirred in Portage at that moment, but I still feel honoured that I got to hear it. It was haunting.

Now we have Hudson and Rudy. Rudy loves a good family howl, but Hudson just barks and barks. Eventually Rudy's distracted enough by this that he attacks Hudson and they have a bitey fight and the singalong ends abruptly.

Just wondering if others have family howls? Or are we just weird?
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No, we've never done that but would have loved to have been there when Portage howled at the moon. Had to lift the hair off the back of your neck.
It's been awhile since all howled together. When Glacier went deaf, they lost their percussion/beat partner: deep bark/howl. Without the quartet, Harry is pretty much a solo act........must be the coonhound in him. I do miss the harmony.
No we don't howl together, but I have been known to growl at Violet to get her to listen to me...expecially when she is barking...shuts her up quickly. :lol:
oh definitly. I love our group howls.
Our wolf hybrid never howled until we got lily. I love listening to those two sing :mrgreen:

Unfortunatly our hound doesnt join in, he is soo quiet.
We;ve tried group howls but my dogs don't howl so it usually ends up with my face up in the air holwing and two dogs looking at me like I am insane :cow:
You get a siren close to my house and I get howls but otherwise not

I had a Siberian Husky that I taught to howl on command. Great trick at parties.
Our lab howls along with the emergency sirens (fire station is 4 blocks away!) when he's outside and occasionally when my daughter is practincing her french horn. Duffie is deaf and up to a couple weeks ago, we'd never heard him howl - bark yes, howl no. He was sound asleep on his side in the middle of the living room when he lifted his head and out came this long, low mournfull howl. We all jumped up, I gently touched his rump, then shook him before he stopped. He turned his head and looked at me. His expression was what is your problem & why are you waking me up and then he laid his head back down. I'm pretty sure he had no idea he was howling!
Oh Duffie, that's so cute!

I think a good howl is good for the soul, canine OR human.
Archie used to howl at fire engine sirens and ambulance sirens. Not police cars, though. He would pause, listen carefully and then add his voice. It seemed to be that he was offering solidarity and support. Very deliberate.

When she was young, maybe 8 or 9 months old, Sophie was on the couch, uninvited. I told her to get down. She refused to move. I (stupidly, yes: it could have ended very badly) took her collar and gently moved her off the couch, while saying OFF!. She growled low at me. Without any thought passing through my brain, I more or less roared at her. Everyone in the room, human and canine a like, turned and stared at me. I must say it was effective. Sophie will do anything I ask, first time and even tries to anticipate my requests: she always waits politely for me to enter doorways first, etc. The humans displayed a new found respect for my requests, too, although more short lived.

Archie was extremely vocal, having many different sounds from squeak to bark to howl. Sherman has a few other odd vocalizations: he kind of moans and groans when he needs attention.
yuki never howled .....until Kobuck came into the mix!!!! We LOVED it. You have to get the howl going yourself for a few seconds before he'll join in but the second he did.... Yuki would come in. However, Yuki never sounded as pretty doing it as Kobuck. He seemed to be concerned by my own cry (howl), and would do it as if he wanted to tell me he cared. :hearts:
There's been a lot of human howling in our house... and Charlie comes close... We say "sing" and he thinks we meant "speak" for a few seconds... then he "get's it" and lets out a kind of whimpery cry that we let pass as a howl, and Brandon and I just howl along. Ted either looks at us like we are nuts or wiggles his bottom and barks along.
the day we picked Tonks and Luna up from the breeder, they howled the entire drive home. My friend and I giggled insanely at the tiny racket such little puppies made. Tonks had a howl that was long and drawn out, and Luna's howled was more like WooWooWooWoo... it was hysterical. And they've never howled a day in their lives since then!!
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Oh, just ask my neighbors!
How could I have forgotten: Merlin used to sing happy birthday with us.
No howling from our house, but our neighbor has a husky named Dash that howls. I LOVE hearing Dash howl. Hubby and I run outside to listen when she gets going, there is just something so mystical about it.
my dogs do - we live in a very dog friendly building.. Tony always let out a soulful howl whenever I get home or give him his meals- but one day I wasnt home and I got a frantic text from my landlord (she knew I was deaf and was hoping i'd be home) saying that London and Tony started a chain reaction causing all of the 15 dogs in the building to howl for a good 20 minutes. Luckily everyone in the building thought it was funny. but since then, I try to not encourage them to howl.
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