Depression while in season?

My female sheepie is 1 1/2 years old. This is her second time to be in heat/season. I noticed this both this time and last that during her in heat phase she seems to become depressed for lack of a better way to describe it. She is normally bubbly and full of energy but while in heat and especially towards the end she sleeps a lot, won't play, and is just blah like. I've never had a dog act this way when in season. Is this normal behavior for sheepies?
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Are you planning on breeding her? I've owned three sheepies, two females and had each go through one cycle prior to spaying them. There is a lot of opinions on wether or not that is beneficial. I've never had this problem however she is having hormonal issues and perhaps that is the cause? Hang in there. I would suggest giving her extra loving.. It's likely only temporary. We all love our sheepies and keeping the breed pure is important. If you do not plan on breeding her you may want to have her spayed.
It's been awhile since we've had an intact bitch, but I remember Crumpet would get very laid back. She'd spend her time licking her vulva as she was very messy during her cycles.

Yes, it is a temporary hormonal grateful she isn't the opposite trying to escape to roam the neighborhood. Sonya was that way, she'd drill through rock to find the boys.
She's normal, I have one like that when in heat and after till all the hormones settle back down, then she is back to her normal bouncy self. She even goes off her food at that crucial time and also when she imagines she is having puppies.

As sheepieboss said better that way then one opposite trying to break out for a romantic date. :wink:

Yes had one of those too, if she could she would :excited: :lol: :lol:

Just treat like normal, no extra fussing and she will snap out of it when all settles back down. :D
Yes, normal.

Mine are fine while in season, though their grandmother used to mope like you describe. My eldest, spayed now, to the contrary would become Super Dog while in season. Able to leap tall building in a single bound! And, no, she wasn't looking for a little action. She just became supremely energized. They're all different.

Sybil gets a little mopey right afterwards as she imagines she is having puppies. Extremely loving. Just wants to sit on my lap and look pathetic :roll: Then she snaps out of it and returns to her terroristic self. :wink:

My vet told me about one OES breeder, name withheld to protect the innocent, who had a bitch who would get so mopey while in season that she felt bad for her. She figured it must be like PMS so she gave her Midol....

Not only does it not work the way nature intended in another species, apparently it turned the dog's poop some frightening color...which is how my vet learned of the incident ;-)

This too shall pass.

Mad Dog wrote:
Yes, normal.

Mine are fine while in season, though their grandmother used to mope like you describe. My eldest, spayed now, to the contrary would become Super Dog while in season. Able to leap tall building in a single bound! And, no, she wasn't looking for a little action. She just became supremely energized. They're all different.

Sybil gets a little mopey right afterwards as she imagines she is having puppies. Extremely loving. Just wants to sit on my lap and look pathetic :roll: Then she snaps out of it and returns to her terroristic self. :wink:

My vet told me about one OES breeder, name withheld to protect the innocent, who had a bitch who would get so mopey while in season that she felt bad for her. She figured it must be like PMS so she gave her Midol....

Not only does it not work the way nature intended in another species, apparently it turned the dog's poop some frightening color...which is how my vet learned of the incident ;-)

This too shall pass.



Thank you all for responding. I do think it's PMS! lol
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