Just wondering: How often can you safely breed a dog?

I have never bred a dog, nor will I ever (all of mine get spayed when pupies). But im wondering how often is breeding safe? Why I ask this is because I got an email from Ryleighs breeder saying she has another litter (just born few weeks ago). Ryleigh just turned 1 in January. I dont know much about the breeder, we rescued Ryleigh and I found her name on some papers and did a google and facebook search and found her. She seems very nice and Ryleigh is a great girl, I just was wondering is this normal to breed once a year? Or maybe this is a ops we didnt keep them apart litter.

Just curious.... :lmt:
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Good question!
It's not unreasonable to breed two litters a year apart. Most intact bitches in most breeds - I believe Basenjis are an exception and there may be others - come into season approximately every six months, give or take. So on its surface it wouldn't be unreasonable to have a litter, skip a season, and then have another litter.

The breeding dogs aren't from Riley's litter, are they?
Yeah, I've always heard allow the bitch to go thru a season unbred before breeding her again.

The bitch should not be bred until she is fully grown, so for our breed that may be one or two cycles should be passed before breeding....so 18 months to 2 years. When to stop breeding is up for debate. I've heard 6 but a healthy bitch could probably go a couple more years. So what.......5 litters max? Having not been a breeder nor ever wanting to, my info is not from experience, just chatter.

When you stop and realize what all is necessary before breeding (health checks, certifications, etc), breeding costs....let's not even talk artificial insemination....., care during pregnancy, whelping problems, post whelping problems, puppy socialization.......it is not for the faint of heart or faint of resources (money).

Is it any wonder back yard breeders or puppy mills often produce such poor quality dogs in deplorable conditions.......it take knowledge and resourses to breed a healthy pup that improves the genetic pool, not contaminate it.
Along the same vein, but a little off course, how old should a male be before siring a litter of puppies? I have no interest in breeding, but just curious? :?:
For an OES, 2 years of age (the age at which they can have their hips certified as well as other health checks) is the youngest that an OES should be bred. Biologically, a bitch can get pregnant with her first heat, that is at about 6-8 or 9 months (and with every heat) and a male could potentially sire a litter probably by around the same age. Reliable fertility later, perhaps.
auntybren wrote:
Along the same vein, but a little off course, how old should a male be before siring a litter of puppies? I have no interest in breeding, but just curious? :?:

Sorry, to be off the subjec but, Brenda what an adorable baby in your avatar!
SheepieBoss wrote:
Yeah, I've always heard allow the bitch to go thru a season unbred before breeding her again.

The bitch should not be bred until she is fully grown, so for our breed that may be one or two cycles should be passed before breeding....so 18 months to 2 years. When to stop breeding is up for debate. I've heard 6 but a healthy bitch could probably go a couple more years. So what.......5 litters max? Having not been a breeder nor ever wanting to, my info is not from experience, just chatter.

When you stop and realize what all is necessary before breeding (health checks, certifications, etc), breeding costs....let's not even talk artificial insemination....., care during pregnancy, whelping problems, post whelping problems, puppy socialization.......it is not for the faint of heart or faint of resources (money).

Is it any wonder back yard breeders or puppy mills often produce such poor quality dogs in deplorable conditions.......it take knowledge and resourses to breed a healthy pup that improves the genetic pool, not contaminate it.

Our breeding window is between 2-6 years of age for our bitches. They can't get permanent hip certification until 24 months so logically therefore they would be bred after that age & when all health clearances have been attained. Our rule of thumb is our girls are bred between 1-3 times, skipping a season inbetween....unless perhaps they have only 1 puppy where upon our vet usually tells us to try breeding them the next season. Most of the time our girls only produce 1 litter. These are mostly girls that are in show homes & that would fulfill the owner's contract & allow us to keep our lines going. If we keep certain girls for ourselves & they live with us then we may breed them a 2nd or a 3rd time. We like to see them have their 1st litter before the age of 5. Some breeders will breed girls until a bit older age & that is fine too. This is just our preference.

The boys should not be used until they have their health clearances done either & that is permanent results at 24 months or older. You can have a "prelim" done on the them at 18 months & if the OFA says it looks good it is OK to use them as long as you have another permanent x-ray & reading done at 24 months. Some breeders will do this in a case where they have a bitch that is getting near the end of their breeding window & she comes into season before the stud they use turns 24 months. Boys can be used a lot longer of course. Again, these are just our preferences but they do fall within the OESCA code of ethics.
ButtersStotch wrote:
The breeding dogs aren't from Riley's litter, are they?

no not from Ryleighs litter. Her fur mom and dad just had a another litter and Ryleigh just turned a year in Jan.

I was just wondering if thats normal but I guess it is. Thanks everyone for the info. I LOVE this place. :hearts: :clappurple:
Thanks all, I forgot about the 24 month hips requirement.
Yeah, I thought most breeders breed very few times since the girl might be in cmpetition and no self respecting bitch wants to be seen preggie in the ring.

As for the males, Basil St.B fathered a pup at age 6 months.......a Sibbie/St.B named Hank. Bitch broke out of her kennel.
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