How can I get Frankie to go potty

We are going through this thing with Frankie. In the morning when I get up around 6 am Mattie and Frankie go outside. Mattie goes right away, and Frankie doesn't. They come in eat breakfast go outside again. Mattie pees again but Frankie doesn't. Then before I leave around 8:30 I take them both out. Mattie pees again but sometimes Frankie will and sometimes he wont. So he has no choice to hold it until the dog walker comes around 2pm. He hasn't had an accident, but I sure would think he's uncomfortable all day. Any ideas or should I not worry about it.

Oh when he does go he doesn't seem to be in pain or anything.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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It may just be him. :lmt:

Our Riley does that very often - he only wants to go out every 2nd or 3rd time that the rest go out. He's 5 and never has accidents. And when he pees, it's a huge pee. He just goes and goes..... :roll:
He has done this ever since he was a puppy. We've come to the conclusion it's just him. Must be some camel in him :)
Oliver does this too. Lucy gets up at 5:00am to go potty, but Oliver had much rather stay in bed. In order to get him to go I actually have to go out with him and make him walk around a little.

Silly Frankie!!!
If it's really bugging you (and honestly, it would really bug me), you could try teaching him a command to go.

We do that with all our boys, and it works really well when you're in a hurry or it's cold out or whatever.

Just go out with them for a while, and as soon as they start to pee (or as soon as they assume the position) say the command. We use "make a pee." I don't know how we got that phrase, but it's worked for us for five sheepies now. Repeat it while they go and then praise them like crazy when they are done.

Soon they'll start peeing on command. Our vet finds it fascinating.

It might be something to try.
I have the same problem with my two! Here is what I do...I let them both out in the morning. I of course am out there too! I watch. Usually the female will go first. She will normally poop too...Bowie, the male watches from afar...If he dosens't go, I open ti]he door and let the female ( Bella) in and close the door. Within seconds Bowie will go and do both...Guess he needs priveat bathroom priviledges!

It doesn't take me more than an extra minute or two to do this so maybe worth a try for you!
When I am home Moe will only poop if I am outside watching..they sometimes have strange habits,,he also is a camel..can go ten hours..but when he HAS to go out he barks in a very high pitched puppy bark :excited:
Work with him until you find his trigger. For Genny, it was motion. She'd go outside and just stand around or follow you and sit when you stopped walking. Finally, after trial and error, I figured out if I threw her frisbee for her, she'd retrieve it and stop on her way back to pee or poop. We called the frisbee her laxative. :lol:

exactly. If I threaten to leave Yuki outside... and then say GO POTTYYYYYYYY from a closed door... she will go. But she'll go a lot faster if she thinks we're going somewhere and/or if I say "Daddy's home!!!" She knows she can't come in until she pees, so she goes ...and yes, I realize it's cruel since daddy isn't home but a girl has to do what she needs to. She does get a treat to make up for my cruelty. :cow:
We also taught Izzie "go potty" from the start and she now pees on command. Very convenient. We don't have a fenced in yard, so we pretty much always want her to get it done as soon as possible. :wink:
Mine both do this on occasion, I think because Ive inadvertently taught them that once they go, outside (play) time is over :(

The solution for us, if I'm in a hurry for some reason, is to take them out in a leash. For some reason, they both will ALWAYS go quickly if being walked on lead.
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