Castration - 4 months

I just went to the vet and he told me my OES puppy ( 3 months 1/2 old ) may have what would like dysplasia. He felt while rotating the hip some sort of resistance and he didn't feel happy about what he felt (looking at his face while he was inspecting my dog).

So he talked to me about doing castration at 4 months and taking, while the dog's asleep, some X ray and than, send them to a specialist to see if he should do an operation to prevent dysplasia ( didn'T tell me the name but I guess it would be juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS) if I looked correctly on the google ). They have to do it before 5 months so they have to act kind of fast...leaving me with the final decision which I don't have much time to think about.

So my questions are, what do you guys think about castration at 4 months and second, you ever heard of JPS operation and how good it is ??

It's my third OES and never had any problems with dysplasia with any of them so I don't really know anything about it. And it's my first male so I don't know anything about castration either. I wanted to do it at around 8-9 months so he can grow normally....but 4 months...Will it kind of slow down his growth ?
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I think I'd get a new vet.
First of all it's not healthy to neuter that young, secondly the dog doesn't need to be put out for hip xrays. The dog can be awake, takes 5 mins to take an xray and a vet should be able to see themselves if there are any issues that warrant concern and if actual hip certification was necessary or desired (or if there is any concern that would require a radiologists diagnosis) then they can be sent off.
My first thought is, if you got your pup from a breeder, I'd be giving them a call and chatting with them. I know with my pup Howie, I have had so much support and care from his breeder when it came to a couple of medical decisions.

good luck with the process,
Yeah I'm planning on calling her tonight to see what she thinks about it. Knowing her, she'll probably be against it and I'll see what she tells me to do. I know her since I took 3 puppys from her ch. and I know that dysplasia is not a problem with her dogs ! I'll probably go see another vet to have a second opinion as you proposed. I absolutely don't want to neuter that young, doesn't seem right !

And I guess for the X rays, it's probably PennHip X rays which must be done under general anesthesia.
pennhip is just another method of certification (highly debated also) it is NOT necessary to send them anywhere for certification if you have a competent vet who can read xrays and determine if there is a need for further evalutation.
Pennhip method simply compares against others of its' breed, so if ten oes were xrayed and all of them had bad hips your dogs might come back with excellent results even if they are not in fact excellent hips. (there is more to it than that but basically that's it in a nutshell)

All you need to determine if your pup has a problem is a new vet who is competent enough to do an xray (anesthesia is absolutely not necessary) and then determine if an opinion from a specialist is needed.

Actual "certification" cannot be completed until 18 months of age if using OVC in Canada or 2 years of age in the states.... so pennhip wouldn't be applicable I don't think?
The x-rays your seeking are for diagnosis only, not hip ratings for breeding. So you don't need PennHIP or OFA opinions on the x-rays... you need an opinion of an orthopedic doctor. Granted, you want a doctor that will line up the dog properly but many a vet can do that.

I have a dog with hip dysplasia... Panda arrived at about 10 1/2 months of age and the window of opportunity for a TPO had long passed. My vet consulted with Michigan State University. These were x-rays done at my vet's office when Panda was older. They were good enough to be sent in for the hip dysplasia gene study-

Rather than quickly neutering him just so you can get an x-ray, personally I'd just have a qualified vet do the x-rays and then have an orthopedic specialist review them as Stacey recommends. Unless the hips are real painful or the dog is uncontrollable, sedation won't be needed. I've had my dogs hips x-rayed without it... except for the last time on Panda. She was already under for something else so I had them x-ray her again.

So I'd quickly have the x-rays done, get a determination on the hips from an orthopedic doctor and go from there. The only reason I would neuter him before 1 year of age would be if he is cryptrorchid (if he has a retained testicle) or if he already had a difficult temperament.

Best wishes to you both. Hoping for good news for you boy.
That sounds like a really hasty assessment for a 4 month old puppy. I'd definitely get a second opinion.
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