Baby Aussies

Kim's little sister has put a deposit down on one of these sweeties. They were just born, she doesn't know which one she'll be getting.


Mady can't wait!
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Oh my, they look so velvety. Mady will have lots of fun with her new cousin! :hearts:
Oh boy!! :clappurple:
That'll be such fun!! :banana:
:hearts: :hearts: Awww, those little puppies are so cute! :hearts: :hearts:
Mady is going to have a good time raising this one.. :banana:
They are so hard to pick just one. :D
My poor sister. She has two wonderful kids who have both chosen different puppies! Now she has some delicate motherly negotiation ahead of her. This is why we didn't pick our own puppy, too difficult. Oh, and she welcomes any puppy name suggestions for a little Aussie girl.
"Sheila" that's what an Aussie bloke calls an Aussie girl :lol:
What's an Aussie girl call an Aussie bloke then?

A1: A proper Aussie girl would NEVER call. He should call.
A2: "***hole", just like in the States.

Add your own.... Lol

Cute puppies!!!
Mady wrote:
My poor sister. She has two wonderful kids who have both chosen different puppies! Now she has some delicate motherly negotiation ahead of her. This is why we didn't pick our own puppy, too difficult. Oh, and she welcomes any puppy name suggestions for a little Aussie girl.

I say mom picks her own (totally different) puppy, thereby totally eliminating the issue.....OK, not really. :wink:
They could just have the breeder pick the pup he/she deems most suitable for their family :D

And one of my agility instructors has a mini-Aussie named Sheila. She's a great little dog, a MACH, and quite the cutie!
Ron wrote:
What's an Aussie girl call an Aussie bloke then?

Bruce :lol: :lol:

We also have a bit of a thing going with Norm as there was a cartoon ad campaign that the government ran with a Norm in it.
My SIL knows which puppy now, this little girl. Still haven't picked a name, any name suggestions for her?

:hearts: :hearts:
She is darling :hearts: ....hmm maybe Darla.

Lucky uncle!

She is very cute! :hearts: :hearts:
What a sweet gorgeous puppy :hearts: :hearts: She has beautiful eyes in her stunning mask.
Hmmm, names are hard. Maybe when they get to know her better?
Chloe. First name that came to me. She is beautiful.
She is beautiful. Sometimes you have to be around them a bit before a name comes clear. That is what I had to do with my two Aussie's China and Asia. China's sister/Asia's mom's name is Bangle which I think was a nice name...they combined the bitch's first name, Angel and the "dog"'s first name Barley..
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