He's Here. Sam's here!

Ok- so I had to brag a little. Sam's here!!!!

My last post was about OES and allergies. So far not a single problem with my son. But then again it's only been less than a week and it is puppy coat.

Now, I have a new issue... this dog loves to eat rocks. I mean like they were ice cubes. All sizes. I do expect him to pick up all sorts of garbage in front of him. But wow- he doesn't like to part with his gravel, pebbles, and rocks. lol

Other than that- I am now onto "puppy training" and the 5 am wake up..lol
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Congratulations on the newest member of your home. Remember, we love pictures!

Paula O.
Congrats! :)
As to the rocks, what food is he eating? He may be looking for more iron. Or, he may just like rocks...lol... :lol:
Lauri - congrats on Sam! :lol: Your avatar of him is precious! Can't wait to see more pics. 8)

Also glad to hear no problems with your son's allergies yet. Maybe that means he's slowly building up the resistance to Sam so that by the time he starts losing his puppy coat, no allergy problems will surface.

He's eating Eukanuba puppy large breed food. The breeder uses it and I stuck with it.

My neighbor is a Vet. I yelled over to her.. what do ya do when your dog likes rocks the way a child likes candy? Her reply--- watch him. lol.
What kind of dog likes rocks??? sticks, leaves, paper, garbage...yes. But rocks???? lol.

I have more pics of Sam on my website- www.lauri717.com
In a day or two I should have 2 short videos up that i took also.

I have an Aussie that loves rocks, she doesn't usually eat them though. She would (when she was younger) actually dive for them if you threw them in the lake. You could see her standing in the edge of the lake with bubbles coming up as she actually barked while digging out the rock. With her, she seemed to prefer half cement blocks, the bigger the better.
Congratulations on bringing Sam home, he's so cute!! I have a puppy who tries to eat anything he can when he's outside, I too, am concerned about rocks and gravel because I've heard it can clog their intestines. When I walk Max I feel like I'm walking a vacuum cleaner, because his head is always to the ground looking for anything interesting on the ground :lol:
Congratulations on your new family member! Bailey just loves to chew on rocks too. And we have nothing but rock and gravel here in the desert! As he gets older he's getting better about spitting them out instead of swallowing them. But I try to be vigilant about not letting him pick them up in the first place.
I hope everything goes well with your son's allergies and thedog hair. My little brother has bad allergies too. Sorry no puppy advice on rock eating :lol:

I am home with Winston all day and I noticed he likes to pick up rocks also in addition to pine cones and many other things. I have to wonder if it is a family thing? lol, just kidding. With puppies I am learning you just have to watch what they put in their mouths, almost like having young children I would imagine. Good luck with Sam and tell him Winston says HI! :D
I just wanted to say I am really glad I found this forum and everyone in it. And it is great to meet everyone as I am still trying to learn all the names.

While I raise my children- I have always believed that the trial and error advice from other veteran moms is the best advice.... and not Doc Spock that was published 20+ years ago. And I believe the same certainly goes with puppies, kittens, etc.

Thank you everyone for your advice (and congrats too :D )

On a foot note with that pup of mine- I get up around 5am and count pine needles that he threw up for me and then count rocks in his stools to see how many he actually digested that got past me...... :roll:
Thank goodness my neighbor is a vet..lol
Congrats on your new pup. When Barney was a pup he loved to chew on rocks. He has a penned off area in the yard that is chat paved in which he does his business. I wondered whether he was too young for marrow bones; but when I saw him chewing on rocks (I think it's the pups way of teething) I figured a hard beef marrow bone wouldn't hurt him. I have them cut about 2"-3" long and he always had several around the yard and house. It really cut back on his desire to chew on furniture and other household fixtures.
I see my Wife (the post by BP above) has already found one of Winston's litter mates!! Unfortunatly, I only get to hear about all his antics by phone or after returning home from work. Great Looking pup!!
You know- there was a pup named Winston from the same litter. A breeder in northern Florida. Oh, I am gonna have to check out the website now and see if the location is the same. How funny would that be.
OMG - I am such a BOZO...lol
I am now seeing the little part of the note that says... Winston is one of Sam's littermates. How cool is that. Now it makes sense that it runs in the family... Call it a blonde moment...LOL :?
Yup, they both flew out the same day. I heard they were both laying on the drivers lap together on the way to the airport.
When I was housebreaking my beagle I used to give him ice. Now I am trying it with Winston. It may help with rock situation a little, since one of my opinions on eating rocks is to help with cutting teeth, sore gums and all that. My hubby posted pictures of Winston with our beagle Bagel under the pictures page.
That'a great that you guys have littermates, it's so much fun to compare notes as they grow! :)

I've been a member of this forum since it began but haven't posted in a while although I have "lurked" religiously. I saw your post about your new puppy and had to reply. I live in Bayshore, and also have 4 boys ages 6 1/2- 11/12. We become owners (or should I say, we become owned ) by our first OES, Phoebe, 3 years ago. She has been such a wonderful addittion to our family I can't imagine not having her here. I just wanted to wish you luck and also to recommend professional obedience training. It was the bes tmoney I ever spent. My Mom lives in North Babylon, maybe I'll see little Samson around! Have a great time with him!
Your Pheobe is my favorite pic of all the pics that Ron has in the round robin set on the main page! :) She was such a gorgeous puppy.
I am definately going with obedience training. Right now I think I'd be happy to sleep past 6 am. Yes.. we have gained an hour. lol.

Ann, I wouldn't be surprised if you saw me around town with him. I've had him at the beach a few times this week. I go to Sore Thumb. Your kids are also close in age as mine. I've got 7,8,11,14. I also babysit a baby who is 20 mos. (another boy of course). And I watch child (11) after he gets home from school who of course is yet another boy. And then there i s Sam.

I posted a new pic on my website of him sleeping at 9 weeks. www.lauri717.com

I'm also gonna post under behavior. 'Cause I have to admit every now and then this dog is turning a little "pit-bull'ish" on me

new beagle pup, 9 weeks old. Has recently started nebbling on rocks? So I am wondering also.
George likes rocks too. Thankfully he's good at the drop it command so far, or he just hasn't found his favorite flavor of rock yet. It's not as bad as it was when I first got him. I started giving him rawhide bones to chew on and that seemed to help, he likes to chew and naw, but thankfully just on his bones, so far....knock on wood. :D
Right now I think I'd be happy to sleep past 6 am. Yes.. we have gained an hour.

Bella has not let us sleep that long yet, nine months later. How did you get so lucky. :D We get up at 5 to go to work and Bella thinks that it's a good time to get up on weekends too.

Have fun with the new pup. Take lots of pictures, puppies grow up faster than kids.
Remember with small pups you don't want to expose them to too many outside germs especially where other dogs frequent. Just too many germs they don't have the immune system yet. This is why puppy classes are so limited and don't take real young ones. I'd wait until the pups have all their puppy vaccinatins before venturing forth too much.

As for the rocks, let's hope it is just teething. Since swallowing one of those could kill by obstructing the GI tract (I lost a sheepdog to rock eating).

Keep toys or other chew items in your pocket and switch out when a rock appears. I love the ice idea. There's some chewy device on the market you freeze and give the pups to gnaw on when they are having gum problems. They don't disappear as quickly as ice cubes.....but probably not as much fun to play with.
Nigel usually only sleeps 'till 6, but since I have to get kids up now...not a problem. His favorite toys are ice cubes too. He also tries to pick up rocks...our dog run is pea gravel. We just have to watch him religiously. They do seem like furry vacuum cleaners at this age. LOL!
Heart, 10 weeks old is still getting up at 2AM and at 4AM. Have not had a full nights sleep since she came 2 weeks ago. I can't wait for her little bladder to get bigger so she can hold it for longer than 2-3 hours. :lol:

I have tried everything I know, no water after 8PM, tiring her out before bedtime. (Since I work, she sleeps most of the day.) I come home every 2 hours to let her out but can't spend more than 10 minutes home.

Our patio table has all of Heart's Treasures from the backyard, mostly branches and leaves. But she did find an old dried up worm :roll: that she thought would make a great snack. Rocks have been found in her mouth and I remove them quickly so I don't know if she would actually chew and swallow.

As I speak, at 6AM all three dogs are running around barking and falling over each other--what fun. I'm going to go and take a couple aspirins now. :roll: :roll:

I also tie a knot in a wash cloth, soak it and freeze it. It's fun to chew on for a while as far as I can tell.
Oooh - congrats! Good luck with the rocks - I had a friend that adopted a pup that had been through two owners because expensive surgeries to remove rocks. . . :?

The beef marrow bones are a great idea for teething - make sure they're raw and you may want to scrape out some of the marrow so it isn't as rich! :D
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