Next time I get a puppy, I swear I will (or will not)...

My sister is thinking of getting an Australian Shepherd puppy. She has two kids, 7ish and 5ish. It got me to thinking of the things I did right with Mady, and the things that I messed up. Let me know your thoughts, I am going to pass them along to my sister!

I am glad that I:

-touched Mady alot, all over, toes included, as she is now very comfortable being manhandled
-stuck my hand in her food bowl and generally got her comfortable with me touching her food
-worked hard on recall training and general off-leash training
-took the first week and a half off of work when we first got her

I wish I had:

-put her on the grooming table right from the first week we got her. We didn't wreck her, she is fine on the table now, but it took some help from Carl to fix that
-NOT NOT NOT given her cheese when we were sitting in the living room, as now I have a cheese begging dog
-not bought quite so many toys
-been better about brushing her teeth often
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This is a great thread, and will be a huge help!

I am glad that:
We NEVER fed not one table scrap to our puppy. She lets us eat in peace.
Started crate training from day one.
Sleeps in crate in separate room to this day. A good nights sleep is important for all.
We used toy distraction to avoid nipping and biting~she loves her toys now. No bites!!
Worked hard to break the jumping up on visitors and us when excited. She slips rarely.

Would do differently next time:
Work harder on recall and obedience~she always goes out on leash. Chased her too many times.
Would enroll in puppy classes.
I just wanted to say your sister will love the Aussies. I have two, China/Asia, they are so smart and loving. Please tell her good luck with her pup.
This is a really great thread for someone like me..... I haven't had a puppy in 15 years and in 2 weeks.... Puppyhood!
I have watched a lot of our friend's and family's puppies, but, that is different then your own.
I am quite nervous about having a puppy. You have to have such tough love and they are just so darn cute! I have already contacted the puppy school near my house to get the schedules and they also have puppy playgroup on Monday nights for an hour... Oh boy. I know I can do it.
(I forgot this till the morning walk just now.)
I'm glad that I:
Trained the puppy to avoid traffic/cars.
During our walks, when we encountered a car in our subdivision, I would immediately step into a yard, calling the warning "car". It didn't take long for Shelby to learn to move out of harms way. Now, she moves aside automatically and waits for it to pass. :clappurple:
Good thread!

The next time I get a puppy I swear I will not get him/her from a back-yard-breeder.
I am glad that I~~~~

...decided to go with an approved OESCA breeder!!! It made my job so much easier!!

...I got involved with the STL OES Club.

....I was smart enough to become a member of this wonderful FORUM so, when I had problems, I was able to get get suggestions,opinions and support~~

.... with the help of sheepiemommy, who led me by the hand (literally) to various meets and trials~~~ and got me to join many clubs and training classes to improve my relationship with both my puppers....Now we have a strong bond and a great time~~and many, many memories!!!!

I wish I didn't:::

...keep Heart so isolated in the first few weeks she was with me. Fearing that she would 'catch' something, before her final shots, I didn't socialize her as much as I should have.... :oops:

.....let her get away with 'shurtling' me for her treats.

....let her get sooo spoiled

....let her think she is the center of my universe.... her sooooo much~~~~~

(((the last two....are NOT true!!!!))) :D :D :D :mrgreen:
This is a really great thread idea! :clappurple:

Wish I had:

done more advanced training (agility, herding, etc)...not that we cant do it now, but younger would have been easier!

Done a bit better job of acclimatizing him to grooming...we brushed and handled him a lot, but didn't really train him to completely relax and deal with long, thorough grooming.

Somehow nipped the "poo eating" habit before it got so ingrained!!! :evil:

Glad we did:

TONS of dog and people socializing! :high5:

Got him used to many different situations, noises, animals etc.

Had a well behaved older dog around to "show him the ropes" 8)

Did basic obedience, and made sure things like walking politely on a leash, sit/stay, etc were rock solid. (recalls still need some work! :oops: :roll: )
I can easily sum this one up with:

I swear I will not... get another puppy.

I'm only sort of joking. Puppies are little son of a bees!

I will not get new furniture right before the puppy comes home.

I will never get carpet and expect it to be anything but disgusting.

I will never get another puppy in the winter. House training in blizzards while the puppy tries to bite your pant legs sucks.
Get the puppy into a training class;
Remember how big the puppy will get and train accordingly;
Socialize early and often - it makes for a bullet proof life;
Keep a heavy duty baby gate installed in the hallway since it makes an easy Penalty Box;
Try to find a way to bring down exuberance level on command;
Always keep fur out of puppy's eyes so puppy runs into fewer things;
Really try not to be completely charmed and amused by all antics; and
Never take my eyes off my dog while she is running - one broken leg is enough!
Puppy chaos is like labour, you forget the pain after a while. I am not there yet, still living the chaos!

Will not
...jump every time puppy whines in the crate

...allow myself to sleep more
...leave pup to sleep more
...invite more people to visit the first few months, train to greet while pup is small
...hide my laundry hamper in a closet (no eating socks)
...train loose leash walking while he is 20 lbs, not 70lbs!

Great thread.

I swear I will not

1. Do it until I am home more than I am now. It turns out my husband is not a reliable puppy raiser, which I did not realize. Our first two OES came to our family when I was home most of the time. Sophie and Sherman came after I got a full time job. I thought it would work since I made sure we got the puppies during the summer when my husband and kids were home. Consistency is not my husband's name, shall we say.

2. Only get ONE at a time.

I swear I will:

1. Not be tempted to get a puppy anywhere other than from a really good breeder.

2. Take more pictures!
I will not
* let Wayne take the puppy to the off lead park every day (after vacs) it has taken me ages to get Tiggy to behave on lead and she's still not fantastic
* spend more time brushing the body and not the legs
* buy a puppy while Wayne is overseas for work without telling him about it (not true, of course I will if its right)

I will
* do much, much more on lead training
* teach the puppy to potty in the same spot rather than any old where in the back yard
* use a crate instead of a pen
* clean teeth from day 1
* be more firm about not chasing the cat
Good thread idea. :D

Puppies are a lot of hard work. However, IF I were to convince myself to get a puppy...

I would not:
1. Buy from anyone other than an OESCA breeder.
2. Get a puppy during the winter (if at all possible). Winter potty training SUCKS. :twisted:

I would:
1. Spend more time on off leash training.
2. Train to potty in a particular place in the yard.
3. Buy a clothes hamper that locks. :evil:
I swear I will NOT....

Intentionally pick the naughtiest one! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, right!

Kristine 8)
My sister read this thread and found it very helpful. Her pup has been born, now for the difficult task of choosing. I am so happy that we didn't choose Mady. What if we hadn't chosen her? 8O
Mad Dog wrote:
I swear I will NOT....

Intentionally pick the naughtiest one! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, right!

Kristine 8)

Hahaha, that would be lily too. she was picked before she had the chance to be naughty but im sure its because i picked her she turned out that

I swear I will not:

Let the puppy sleep above my head in between the wall and my pillow.
Run to them every time they cry.
Get a puppy in winter, potty training in winter sucks.
Let my fiance help with training (hes not bad just clueless)

I will:
Forget everything I said I wouldn't do with the next puppy.
Get into training classes sooner.
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