Update on Mattie

It's been 2 months since Mattie has come into our home. It has taken alot longer than I had expected it too, but she is starting to settle in just fine. :hearts:
It's been a couple of weeks since she has snapped or growled at Frankie. :)
I have calmed down a little and am not as uptight about her biting my sweet boy. (which she has never done)She will allow us to pet her and Frankie at the same time. She will now walk up to Frankie occasionally and give him a little bark and snap her teeth lightly and toss her head a little(thats her play initiation) and will play lightly with Frankie. She needs to be taught to play a little softer with her mouth with him. I'm sure she will get it eventually. She allows Frankie to lick her ears and nuzzle her a little. It's amazing to me, when I fostered Pyrs I was always told the older dogs would teach the younger dogs things. This has been the opposite. She has learned so much From Frankie. She goes outside and plays soccer with Frankie, he likes to carry a ball in his mouth and have one to kick around. She now does the same thing. :) A month and a half ago she never would have even chased a ball. :cheer:
She's very well trained so when you ask her to do something she does it immediately. Then wiggles that little stub, you would think it would fall off. She is so happy to please.
I just wanted to thank everyone for telling me to hang in there that she would come along. That it would just take time.
I'm sure just getting her medical issues taken care of has helped alot also. We are so very glad that she is a member of our family. :hearts:
She's definately daddies little girl.

Lisa, Frankie and Mattie
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Lucky Mattie that you all have had such patience with her. Soon you won't be able to remember what life was like without her.
She will now walk up to Frankie occasionally and give him a little bark and snap her teeth lightly and toss her head a little(thats her play initiation)

Oh, the little flirt! :aww:

Glad to hear that things are progressing well :clappurple:
(and that the "OMG... what have I done" phase is passing! :lol:)
It's so great to hear that Mattie is settling in and learning to play. :clappurple:
I'm happy to hear all is working out.
Yeah, it takes awhile for them to unpack their baggage. You must continue as pack leader, remaining calm, Frankie will do the rest. If you are uptight, it goes down the pack.

Side by side obedience helps, sits, stays, downs all rewarded with yummy bits. Equal praise, etc. I'd line them up and make them all sit, down, etc and when done throw my arms wide and say, "Gooood doggies" and they'd all get treats.......and break into a romp session. "We done good guys."
So glad that Mattie is settling in!!
So glad to hear things are going well! Its not only rescuses who pose a difficulty when bringing in another dog. I had the nervouseness when bringing home a new pup to my current one. And they were related through the same breeder only a few years apart!

I also had the 'what did I do" thoughts, etc. It worked for us and I am so glad it worked for you!

We also do the side by side training of sits and downs. They both get treats when done. But I swear while they are sitting there waiting, they are scheming something to pull off once released :roll: :roll: They are so much buddies and it sounds like your two are buddies or are working towards being buddies!
was wondering how they were doing thanks for the good news now we need some soccer pics
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