It's spay day for Bunny

Today is the day. Bunny goes in in about half an hour for her spay.
While I'm sure all will go well, I'm still nervous and won't relax until I get the call I can come get her!

She has done wonderfully this past week and a half here. She has been solid on her potty training after the 2nd day. It sure helps having someone home most all the time to let her out as she learns to do this. She pees as soon as she gets outside, so she really uinderstands :D :D . And she can now "hold it" all night long now. No more 3am potties! :clappurple: :clappurple:

If you have a few spare minutes please send some good surgery wishes to Bunny!

Here she is on her 1st morning here (need to take new pictures!)

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Sounds like Bunny is really blossoming with you. Good vibes being sent her way.
Thinking of the Bunny girl and
wishing her a quick recovery :hearts:
I'll be thinking about Bunny today as we go to pick up Howie from his neuter this afternoon.

Bunny sounds like she is really relaxing in your home.

Hope all goes well! :crossed: :crossed:
Good Luck Bunny!!! :ghug: And :cheer: :banana: :yay: on the potty training!!
Good luck Bunny, sounds like you are really feeling at home and doing so well.
Such a pretty face! She'll do fine. No nasty flies about to bother the inscision.
PLUM says GOOD LUCK Bunny!!!!!

I wish I was goin in for MY spaying!!!!! :( :( :(

((let us know when you get back home....
Thoughts coming your way...GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best wishes to Howie as well :hearts:

Bunny gets to come home any time after 2pm!! :clappurple: :clappurple:

Her surgery got a bit delayed, thanks to Tipup the cat. :roll:
He got squeezed in for his annual exam and shots at the same time I was dropping Bunny off at 8am (no other appts were taken this am, it's a surgery day).
He's had this chronic ear infection over the years, always the right ear. One time it had mites or something, otherwise just gunky and nasty. This time it was full of wax and dirt....again. Troy (vet) had time, so we sedated him and gave him a deluxe ear flushing. OMG, the crap that came out. It was packed all the way to the eardrum. We also found in there some vascular masses. Kind of looked like little tiny hemorrhoids, if you are familiar with that look. They may be a disease process causing the blockage and accumulation of wax, OR they may be secondary to the ear wax and all the shaking and scratching he has done over the last few years.
He's on a steroid ear drop to shrink (we hope :plead: ) them, and have a recheck in 2 weeks. If they don't improve, we are looking at laser surgery.... :(

So we were out of there at 9:20, so Bunny did get a late start :cow:

And then Tipup and I went over to daughter Lisa's work - Four Flags over Aspen - to purchase a cat sack. These are for containing cats for procedues they don't like. Tipup has had LOTS of eardrops and he hates, hates, hates!!! it.
Lisa just started working there as their marketing director - they market mainly to vets , animal controls, rescues, etc; but also to the general public; with both cat and dog products.

check it out! :D They have some really neat things.
thinking of bunny yes more pics needed
I an rocket blasting good vibes Bunny's way :-)
Good healing vibes to Bunny!! :wink:
I hope Tipup is doing better too. I am sure the sounds are going to be like a child that couldn't hear and then had tubes put in. A whole new world.....
Hope the healing process is an easy one for Bunny!!! :D
Poor Bunny! :hugs:
Bunny's back home and doing well. I picked her up at about 2:15. They LOVE her at the vet's office. Apparently she was licking them and kissing them, even while they started her IV :clappurple:

Vet Tech Michelle did her discharge, and she also was in for her surgery. She wanted to know more about her history. Guess when they opened her up, they found a huge, baggy, worn out uterus :( They had to use the largest suture material they have - one they very rarely use for a spay. But, she did well, and no issues so far.
She's laying right next to me...ummm be right back......

Oh great, just noticed her looking puky. Got her on the porch (cement floor) but she puked on the only small rug out there. Poor girl :plead:

On a good note - she peed as soon as I got her outside at the vets. And when we were coming out of the car, she was hanging back, pulling on her collar (not like her), I let her have her lead and she walked me off the driveway into the snow and took a big poop! I guess she really is potty trained - she knew she didn't want to go in the house.

OK, now to go clean up ..... more later!
Good luck Bunny :crossed: and congratulations on you potty training success!! :clappurple: :cheer:
Oh poor Hunny Bunny. So happy she is safe with you now! Good girl on the potty training 8O .

:ghug: to you all and good vibes for a speedy recovery!
All's well, it was mostly watery stuff.

She's curled up on "her" dog bed in the living room now, all's well. :cheer:

She does have a big incision - 6 inches long.
It is nice our vet uses dissolvable sutures inside, and uses skin glue on the outside. Everything's nice and smooth and no sutures to take out later. :D :D
Glad to hear she's doing well. I wonder how many pregnancies this poor girl has had.
How old is Bunny, the old brood bitch? Poor girl. Glad she came thru surgery OK. The puking is normal. Yeah, they always go for the rug, it doesn't splash that way.

Also stopped by Four Flags, nice site. Hope the bag to hold Tipup works. Probably better than a towel as they can't get their claws caught in the fiber loops. The grooming sleeves are an indea for dog going outside in the snow, one over each leg, elastic or tie them over the back.
Bunny's only 5, and she actually looks younger than that.
She does act like a 5 year old, but that may change. She's been busy doing a lot of adjusting in the last 9 days.
She came here on 1/19.
Yay for pee and big poops! :lol:
I'm glad her puppy factory is now shut down for good... I'm sure she will be too.
This is one more step behind her on her way to a new and better life. :hearts:
I am happy that it went so well for Bunny and hope that the incision heals quickly. Give her a big hug for me!
So Glad Bunny is home. Hoping she is feeling better soon.
Hugs from Frankie and Mattie

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Glad to hear all went well with Bunny for the surgery. How is she today, the day after?

Howie recovering nicely from his neuter on Thursday. The vet and after care instructions say " keep dog calm. no jumping, climbing or running for at least 10 days' :cow:

Ummm do they know he is a crazy 10 month old pup who just rested for a day in a cage?

We are being very strict with his activities. Lots of treats and cuddles.

Hope Bunny is a getting spoiled too!

I'm glad Howie is doing well!

I remember my eyes nearly bugging out of my head when the vet was giving me post spay instructions for Tiggy. I just asked him if he was kidding me, they had met Tiggy a couple of times already. He sighed and said do your best. :lol:
Good luck in recovery, Bunny! My Bunny is being spayed this week. She's 8 months. I'm nervous!
I'm glad Howie is doing well :clappurple:

And good luck to little Bunny II :wink:

I have a couple pictures of her consider this a warning for the faint of heart!



OK, here they are....
This wasn't a normal spay, as Bunny had lots of puppies. She has a longer incision than most, it's about 6 inches long. She is feeling better today. This is her being crazy Bunny on her bed 8)


Her incision actually is healing perfectly (knock on wood). The red is bruising showing through the skin. Here's a closeup -

The incision looks good.

Very kind of Bunny to model it so well for us. :D
Bunny looks so good. Thank you Dawn for giving this girl a new lease on life. Nice tummy tuck. Cross fingers all progresses normally.
Just catching up on this post. Hope all is still going well with Bunny's recuperation - she's adorable!! :hearts: :kiss:

Do you know her background? Poor thing, being used as a breeder so much! :twisted: :twisted:
Bunny is still doing very well. :D
Her nausea and vomiting postop continued all evening Friday, but she was good all night and after that.
She was home Saturday with Todd, as Chewie and I were gone to our sledding day. They had a good day, Sunday she was getting a bit of her wiggle back.
Today in the middle of our snow, I had to send her and Chewie out to burn off a little energy. They just needed to bounce around a bit :wink: Her incision is looking great as well. :clappurple:

Bunny was used as a puppy factory, basically. She, along with 2 other OES females and a male were turned into a shelter in South Dakota. The person who had them is known as a "breeder" of many kinds of dogs and brings in unwanted dogs (either those that are worn out, or when they are done with a certain breed). The shelter's policy is not to deny any dog brought they said they get dogs from this person.... :(

She is a sweetie and has a very nice temperament, thank goodness.
She will make some family a great new addition. :D
It is good to hear Bunny is doing so much better. Great that Bunny wanted to go out and play in the snow with Chewie!
Sounds like Bunny is doing really well. You said she got to play in the snow with Chewie, lucky Bunny.

I have been keeping Howie on leash outside since his surgery, we are on the 5th day now. Poor guy is just bursting to run. I have not let him play because the vet said so until the 10th day. Is this a bit too cautious? We have been getting out for walks 30 minutes twice a day, but really Howie needs to burn some energy.

His incisions are healing nicely. Oh and to add to this, Howie has been wearing the cone of shame at bedtime and anytime we cannot be him him...he is wanting to lick himself.

Thoughts from folks who have gone through this? Am I being too careful? :lmt:
peg & no fun howie
pegspup wrote:
Sounds like Bunny is doing really well. You said she got to play in the snow with Chewie, lucky Bunny.

I have been keeping Howie on leash outside since his surgery, we are on the 5th day now. Poor guy is just bursting to run. I have not let him play because the vet said so until the 10th day. Is this a bit too cautious? We have been getting out for walks 30 minutes twice a day, but really Howie needs to burn some energy.

His incisions are healing nicely. Oh and to add to this, Howie has been wearing the cone of shame at bedtime and anytime we cannot be him him...he is wanting to lick himself.

Thoughts from folks who have gone through this? Am I being too careful? :lmt:
peg & no fun howie

It really depends! I knew Chewie and Bunny weren't going to go crazy wild, just a little bit of running and some bounces. And for about 5 minutes. She just needed it.

If you have a safe, contained area Howie can move and do normal running (no jumping up on stuff, off of stuff, no wrestling, stuff like that), a little break should be fine if he had a regular neuter and is healing well. Especially after 5 days.
Sometimes hitting a happy medium with the exercise is better than being so totally restrictive that they are ready to explode... :wink: , especially with the young ones... :D
Thanks for the advice. We went for a walk tonight, I think we went too long. Howie was very edgy when we came back inside. When I looked at his belly, around the incision was a bit swollen, guess we over did it. I think I will keep him on leash for the next few days...he'll have many years of running and jumping.

Hope Bunny is healing well.

pegspup wrote:
Thanks for the advice. We went for a walk tonight, I think we went too long. Howie was very edgy when we came back inside. When I looked at his belly, around the incision was a bit swollen, guess we over did it. I think I will keep him on leash for the next few days...he'll have many years of running and jumping.

Hope Bunny is healing well.


If he'll leave it on, putting an ice pack wrapped in a cloth inside a kid's diaper works as a handy ice pack.
Poor Howie :(
Vets done a nice job dawn, looks way neat and Bunny makes a good model :kiss: Hard to believe she is only 5 and in her short time frame so much has happened especially her puppy popping days. :(

She is in for a wonderfull, happy, carefree future, now, just being a bunny to love. :hearts:
Thanks for the photos. My dog Bunny is being spayed on Friday.
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