abdominal ultrasound for dog ? price range

Does anyone know the cost of an abdominal ultrasound for a large breed dog,
like an OES? I guess I would like a sense of the price range...

Thanks for any info!
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Im sure that prices will vary depending on where you are, but we had this done recently on our girl Abby, and it totaled about 1500.00 Part of the price was the procedure itself, and (a larger) part was paying to have a specialist read the ultrasound.

We are in Alaska, by the way...and usually EVERYTHING is more expensive here than in the lower 48 :evil:
I recently had it done on my cat-- only a couple hundred here in Atlanta GA.
Chloe had one in a specialty clinic in Columbus Ohio and it ran about $4-500, I can't recall exactly.
I'm having Rosie done tomorrow and it will be 300.00...her liver enzymes are sky high and her stomach seems to be bigger looking...she hasn't shown any signs of being ill at all...I had a blood test done because of a dip in her back and the stomach area being bigger...I am worrying...she will be 11 in May..she is only 26 lbs. and I don't know why size would change price? I am praying it's something simple that medication could fix...the vet said her enzymes are so high they wouldn't put her asleep for her dental I was planning to do in Feb.
:crossed: :crossed: For Rosie.
I hope it's something that can be treated easily.
For us here in NY it was about 350 for an ultra sound of the heart. I wnder if it depends on what organ they are looking at...
Rosie had ultrasound...good news is that there is no cancer or anything requiring surgery...it appears her gall bladder has "sludge" in it and there are two medications that should help alot..also I will have to put her on the Science Hill LD diet for liver...not happy about that...means will have to feed separate food for Maggie and Rosie...expensive and not sure that good for her but vet said it was good to help her liver situation. Will have to order each month from vet as they usually don't carry it. I am hoping Rosie likes it and know I will have trouble getting medication into her..she will find pill in whatever I give her and spit the pill out but eat the hot dog. Maggie is easy..I just push it down her throat ...Rosie clenches her teeth shut! I am so relieved it's not cancer or an operation. I have been wondering if bird seed could cause this? The birds have been attacking the bird feeder emptying it in two days with the bad weather and leaving alot on the ground...both dogs have been trying to eat it at every chance. I am moving the bird feeder. I have noticed lots of seed in their poop when cleaning the yard up. I am grateful the ultrasound was only 300.00 in comparison to 1500.00! Since last Saturday I have already spent 650.00 for blood test and heart worm pills...I don't know how people do it today with having kids too...I have a feeling that's why alot of people turn dogs into rescue or just don't take them to the vet at all. I love my two like children and knew whatever Rosie needed I would do it. Just think costs are high everywhere for everything and the paycheck doesn't seem to ever change!
I'm glad Rosie has something that relatively easy to treat :clappurple:

If it's ok for her to have a little peanut butter then you could try the pills in that. Tiggy is like Rosie, she clenches her teeth and has spat the pill out of everything I tried except peanut butter. She LOVES peanut butter and it's too sticky to get it off the pill so she just eats the lot. I buy the smooth kind get a teaspoon full out of the tub and stick the pill in it then give it to Tiggy on my finger, with a warning of "gentle" otherwise she tries to eat my finger too. :D

Since I discovered this method, pills are not a problem for us.
I dont know how big the pills are, but I used to cut off 2 bits of cheese, give one bit with no pill in, then the next bit with the pill in the centre everso quickly after the first bit. Used to work for me...well the dog actually not me, glad your baby can be sorted xx :aww:
The ultrasound on Abby was in hopes of uncovering the reason she has such frequent reoccurring bladder infections :( . Everything looked normal (our vet was concerned that a mass might be trapping bacteria). So...now the NEXT super-expensive procedure (1300 minimum, depending on how it goes) will be scoping her entire tract. At the moment she is thankfully between UTIs, so I'm hoping this test can be held off for a bit.
My vet only charges 57 for an ultrasound....
My Sadie girl will be 11 this September and she is a Chesapeak Bay Retreiver, Chocolate Lab mix and my best friend. Her abdominal xrays showed a possible dense tissue mass and is suspect. We are waiting for the urine culture results on Monday and depending results, we will next be weeded to the abdoniali ultrasound next week. I was quoted $400.00 for the test. $250 for the test and $150 to have it read.
Please say a prayer for this beautiful dog daughter for mine!
So many pups having troubles. Rosie sounds like so many of my dogs: "make" me take that pill! So far mini Bon Belle cheese balls have worked wonders......thankfully CostoCo has them in bulk!

Prayers for all the ultrasounds coming out clear...!!
was £30 for a scan for pregnacy our friend ha d on their sheppie couple weeks ago. Cream cheese for easy pill takin,same as the penut butter.x
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