Not the kind of talent I'm impressed by

Rastus has displayed a new talent. He's just turned 8 years old so the saying about old dogs and new tricks must be wrong.

On our walk this morning he ate lots of grass which is not unusual but when it came time for breakfast he didn't seem all that keen. He did go and sit on his bed and wait for breakfast so I gave him half the usual amount just in case. Then Wayne and I went out for coffee.

We came back to grass puked all over.

The talented part is that Rastus managed to puke up the grass which he ate first and retain the breakfast kibble which he ate well over an hour later. 8O There was virtually no kibble what so ever.

He also decided to vomit over the edge of the sofa. I presume while lying on it, so that there was vomit on two sofa cushions, all down the front of the sofa, on the living room rug and under the couch on the floor. Just another skill of his I guess.
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poor Rastus! you have to admit tha requires some skil to do what he did.
I am sorry about your sofa :(
Yikes! Poor Rastus...ahem, poor Mim!! Sorry about the mess, ugh. :(
Rastus is talented, indeed.. :wink:

I hope your sofa survived the assault!
Yeah, the food is digestible, but not the it returned. Poor Rastus. Rarely does grass make it to the back door.

I'm convinced they have a special code on where to vomit, the last place we would "allow" matter how many throw rugs I put in the hall, they always manage to hit the narrow area between the throw rugs. Once however, MO was caught in the need to puke and no time to move off the bed, so she angled her head to the side thus depositing on the floor thus not destroying "her" bed.
Why DO they eat grass, anyway?
I've read different theories. :?

The most popular is they'll eat grass when they're feeling sick to make themselves throw up and certainly that seemed to be the reason in this case. :(

But.......Rastus is like a big 'ol spotted cow and he eats grass every and any chance he gets and doesn't throw up. So the second theory I've read is that dogs are omnivores and grass has some nutrients in it.

Rastus just seems to like the taste, so he grazes away happily whenever he can. :roll:

It's really funny to watch at the off lead park he has favorite patches, partly why I think he likes the taste, so he runs ahead to those patches and starts munching. Tiggy always runs with him and joins in grazing. :lol: But she doesn't last long she's just not a fan of grass.
On another less flavorsome topic, I am beginning to wonder if I've been had.

Tiggy's beard is grubbier than it was this morning and smells more sour.

I'm wondering if she cleaned up for me before I got home, :oops: but only the regurgitated kibble not the grass. :twisted: As mentioned prior she's not really into grass.
Good chance Mim. When MO is sour with that first kiss of the a.m. I know her early morning venture outside was not followed up by her eating her a.m. kibbles. Barf Breath, nasty.

Winter is a challenge for a grass eater, no fresh stuff. I've even considered growing her own flower pot full of fescue for her dining pleasure, like the cat pots.
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