Ewwwww! My dog's gas is going to kill me!

I need to go and buy a gas mask. 8O

Tiggy and Rastus's teeth were looking a bit grubby and neither of them is a fan of doggy tooth brushes, so I went to the butcher at a local market and bought a big bag of left over bones.

I've frozen them in twos and every couple of days I give them one each and they go outside and chew happily. Two days ago I gave them some brisket I noticed it was fatty but they've both been fine so far. Well not this time! Tiggy is fine but Rastus is going to kill me. :cow: The gas is so bad I'm likely to asphyxiate. Tiggy and the cat have both gone outside to escape.

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Nothing worse than being trapped indoors with a gasy dog or husband.

Not much you can do now except make sure they get back on their normal diet. Too much fat for Rastus? Chewing does stimulate the digestive process, but you'd think that would be an aid, not a gas producer.
I dodged the bullet on a similar front. :D

Todd cooked up some meat trimmings for the dogs. They saved the fat from when they processed a beef. We are using our share as suet for the wild birds. Todd noticed the last batch still had a bit of salvageable meat in it. He brought the 5 gallon pail into the house to thaw it, so he could trim the meat and cook it for the dogs. And he nicely set the pail up in our utility sink on the porch. :D

I decided to do a load of laundry, and needed the sink. I set the pail on the floor.....and forgot to shut the gate to keep the dogs off the porch 8O
Later I found Chewie out there...sneakily (alone) grabbing chunks and gnawing away on them 8) :cow:

This was Friday evening, and we had an agility trial with a 1.5 hour drive each way both Saturday and Sunday....

I must have caught him early enough, as we had normal poop and no nasty gas! :yay: I was SOOOO lucky!

I did have to do a degreasing job on his face, but I just waited until 5am Saturday after I fed him and then got him all nice and clean for going to the trial! :cheer:
The guy was just "loading" for his upcoming event.
SheepieBoss wrote:
The guy was just "loading" for his upcoming event.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think its meant to be carb loading not grease and gas loading. But I guess if you're interested in jet propelled just light a match. :wink: :lol:
Mim wrote:
SheepieBoss wrote:
The guy was just "loading" for his upcoming event.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think its meant to be carb loading not grease and gas loading. But I guess if you're interested in jet propelled just light a match. :wink: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And I wouldn't consider myself completely out of the woods quite yet. His darling sister, that would be the evil one, rarely suffers side effects from any of the many wonderous items she manages to snarf down. But the last time she went on a binge it, eh, came back to haunt both of us a couple of days later.

It wasn't blow me out of the house, give me a gas mask strength by any means, unlike some spotted dogs I could mention. But it was LOUD! She tooted, well, saluted (!) is more like it, while going up the stairs (that was only part of the musical extravaganza) and had the nerve to stop to look at ME quizzically! :P :evil: :twisted: :roll:

Hope he remains gas free and the spotted one gets over his attacks quickly before the weather people in the States start issuing warnings of a toxic cloud that originated down under...

Kristine :wink:
I wish we had the music.
Rastus is a bit prone to gas and we get tooted at regularly and find it amusing as there's rarely any odour.

But these are of the silent and deadly variety. I invited him up on the sofa last night and the exertion of climbing up was too much. I didn't hear a thing, so was ambushed by the stench, even he seems to find the toxic cloud emanating from his rear, well toxic. He gets a disgusted "how gross" look on his face and stares at his rear as if to say "what the H, will you stop that" :lol:
I knew it wasn't carb loading, but rather greasing himself to smoothy move thru the trials.

Jack is my gas bag....no wonder due to what all he considers edible. We don't help with, "Surely he won't eat this...." and it disappears. Chocolate covered mints, yep, he even chewed! Good breath for awhile but difficult a few hours later. Only got two what with the chocolate....

Yeah, they do seem disgusted by the sound and smell, whether from them or uprights. I love their look when we pass gas, "Really, must you?"
Mim nothing can absorb the smell of those SBD's even scented candles, your just going to have to ride it out with organ butt. :lol: :lol: and no more fatty bones for the canine gas tank. :wink:

Go on tell the truth? Blame the poor dog :twisted: :P :lol: :lol:
ROTF, thanks. I needed a good laugh.
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