Mattie starts her first training class

I started our first training class Saturday night. It's a class for reactive dogs. The first night was for the up rights only. It only has 4 people in it. It sounds like she has it pretty well organized. Each person and there dog has a large cubicle like area to work in so they can't see each other. This class is for dogs that are reactive to humans or other dogs while out on walks and such. I have noticed Matties barks like crazy when we approach another dog on a walk, or if she meets one at the vets office. She's had 6 years to practice this behaviour but I want to see what we can do about it. She might never be a social butterfly like Frankie is but I want to be able to take an enjoyable walk with her. So I am hoping this class helps her build her trust in me and I in her. :hearts:

I'll keep you posted next week on how the first day goes.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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Sounds really interesting. I'd love to hear how this class goes for you and Mattie.

Oscar is reactive on walks as well, but to movement. He becomes the Tasmanian Devil from Bugs Bunny when he is in "reaction mode", whirling and lunging around, barking AT ME. Extremely irritating. He's fine with people and dogs, unless the person is on a bike, and then he gets very alert. When I see the signs of hyper-attentiveness to movement, I know he is ramping up to his Taz moment. Cars are the absolute worst.

I only found one thing to redirect his attention - treats. When he would get hyper-attentive, before the whirling began, I would tap him gently and show him the treat in my hand. When he focused on the treat, I directed him to the side of the road, up on the grass, and put him in a sit-stay. When the car or bike passed, I would give him the treat. It took months, but now, when he sees a car coming, he automatically walks up the curb to the grass and sits, waiting for his treat. There are still rare instances where we struggle on a walk, but for the most part, he's now at least "walkable"!

Please keep us posted on how this training progresses.

Laurie and Oscar
This class sounds very interesting and very organized. Can't wait to hear how it goes. I like the idea that its small and you each work in an area sort of away from the others - especially since it is for reactive dogs. But I wonder, how do they learn to be around each other with reacting? I guess we all need to wait and hear how the training goes :)
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