Too smart for her own good...

She really surprises me at how smart she is! :lol: She isn't allowed to chew on the carpet, bed or my computer chair (her favorites) - and I raise my voice when she does it. Then I stuff a toy in her mouth and praise her to pieces.

Well... she has come up with a new plan... she put the toy ON the object she wants to chew on so I can't see... or at least she thinks I can't see... Of course I move her from the spot then give her toy back.

Anything I can do about this? Or does it just go away in time? :lol:
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Lol. Clyde chews on all our doorstops and when we first caught him, he would tear the rubber piece off and we'd take it out his mouth. After 2 or 3 times of us doing this, the next time we'd say, "Clyde, what do you have in your mouth?" and he looked right up at us, spit it out and put his paw over it. That graduated into hiding it under the paw as soon as he pulled it off and going in for secret chews. Now we just don't have rubber ends on the doorstops anymore. Not exactly a great solution but he got to all of them before we could train him any better!
That is too funny. They are smart dogs, and it sounds like your girl is a sneaky one! LOL :lol:
Barney's favorite trick is to carry a bone or one of those knotted ropes in his mouth and play soccer at the same time kicking a ball around the house with his four paws. He getting pretty good at it; but then again St. Louis has always been known as a soccer town. :D I played a lot of it in my younger days.
LOL, clever girl! I'm SO thankful we haven't had much trouble with Jasper chewing - just tearing up our doors from scratching them, lol
Clyde always likes to have 2 toys going at once too! Usually his duck or a bone in his mouth but, unlike Barney, he likes to bat the ball around hockey style. I guess that's since we're from Detroit-- Hockeytown :)

That's if we ever have hockey again!
What a smart little devil! Oscar used to do the same thing. He chewed on our rugs when we first brought him home, so we would sign "no" and give him a toy. Then he started taking his toys on the rugs, gnawing on the toy, and then moving onto the rug where he pulled out loops. Every time we caught him beginning to chew the rug, we signed "no", sometimes making him move and play elsewhere.

I am happy to report that he did outgrow that behavior when he was around 6 months old, I think partly because his mouth got more sensitive to what was in it, and partly because he got sick of being "yelled" at in sign language! It just took time, lots of patience, and consistency.

Best of luck!
That's smart!
LOL!!! She's very creative.
:D In the beginning, when I wasn't watching, Nandi would chew anything made out of wood and also chew on cement blocks that I used for shelves in my apartment. She finally switched to bones and also really enjoyed putting a penny on her front paw and just lick it but never swallowed it. Everytime that I would see her doing this, I would take it away but somehow she always mangaged to find another one and lick it which was really funny to watch. Then she switched to licking the zipper on my jeans, belt buckles, brass door stoppers and the brass buttons on my jean jacket. I'd get up in the morning and find the front part of my jeans all wet as she had spent part of the night licking the zipper. Finally I grabbed an old pair of jeans, cut a big square around the zipper and that ended up being her most beloved toy (at least my own jeans were dry from then on).

I had talked to 2 vets about this and they had not heard about this before and found it pretty funny. I think she probably had a mineral defeciency but it sure was funny to watch.

Uncle Pete :D
Not exactly chewing ,, but reminds me of Digby at shows,, I always have a bag of treats in the show case, and when we arrive at shows we usually put Digby into his travel house while we organise ourselves, now he wont go in unless the show case is open and he sees his treats, he usually sees these with his --erm nose LOL.
they are very inteligent,,,
Carl has decided that what works for us, works for him. We do the switch if he has something bad, he gets a toy in exchange. Well, now he thinks that if he brings a toy he can change it out for the bad stuff. If I leave my socks lay for too long, I will find a toy in their place and Carl happily chewing on his newly procured socks!
I have a 9 wk old OES that apparently during outside play time today (not leashed supervised in the front yard) decided to do a number on my beagle (leashed at all times while outside). Keeping in mind we only got the OES last Sunday he surprised my hubby by playing with my beagle to the point of wrapping the poor dog around a tree in our yard 4 or 5 times then running with one of their toys out of reach of the beagle to play by himself.

I wish I had pictures of that one, I would post
Maxmm wrote:
Carl has decided that what works for us, works for him. We do the switch if he has something bad, he gets a toy in exchange. Well, now he thinks that if he brings a toy he can change it out for the bad stuff. If I leave my socks lay for too long, I will find a toy in their place and Carl happily chewing on his newly procured socks!

I swore that after you said that I would be on the lookout for her to do the exact same thing!

Well she did it this morning! :lol: She thought she could leave me her stuffed sheep in exchange for eatting my mascara. 8O Thank goodness I looked behind me before she busted it open and ate that inky black liquid inside!
Tasker never chews anything he isn't supposed to. But when he was a pup every time I saw him head for something inappropriate I stuck a chew toy in his mouth. The only thing he does now is sometimes he'll lay in the door way and lick (not chew) the metal hinge. I've NEVER figured out what that is all about but it doesn't seem to hurt anything.
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