What do your dogs do when you're not home?

Someone asked this question on the Hugabull site I visit, and most said their pups would probably counter surf, play with toys, rummage through cupboards..that sorta thing.

I think I've been lucky and well trained(me not the dogs) as over the years I've learned never to leave anything on counters. I'm a mean mom as I don't leave toys around when I'm not home, we take out the garbage every morning and don't leave anything on the counters so potentially there is nothing for my boys to get into when I'm gone. I store all pet foods in the garage on high shelves where they have no access. We also know that toys or food may be triggers so always avoid all the problems by removing them. I know they pace themselves after my times, as they sleep the entire time I'm gone. I stayed home from work today but chose to stay upstairs and never heard a peep the entire time. Soon as they saw me however....OH boy!!! Mom's home ...play time!!!! I also let them run around a lot before I go to work in the morning.

I usually return home and let Merlin/Gilligan first for a bathroom break. Then it's Snoop and Pandas turn. Then I take the two younger dogs for a run/followed by the two older guys and then usually one on one time with Gilligan.

One time I strayed from my usual routine and Merlin and Snoop who were in the house got into my purse and I found the contents strewn about the house. Urg! I normally never leave my purse on the counter.

But, in a nutshell when I'm not home..my dogs are lazy and don't do anything but sleep. What about your furkids? Do they have wild parties and invite friends over? What do you think the furkids do when you're not home?
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Marianne, I have often wondered about this as I sit at my desk at work, trying to find that elusive penny to balance one of the various accounts I am responsible for... (((((((boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))))))) :twitch: :lmt: :lmt: :lmt: :lmt:

I imagine that Pearl does sleep most of the day, dreaming of her younger years of mischief and mayhem ~~ :aww:

I imagine Coz, wandering around the house, trying to find shoes, which is his passion and bliss point! :oops:

I imagine, Heart at the computer, visiting with one of her many OES org friends complaining about her awful life as she laps up the coffee I forgot to put in the sink before I left. :pupeyes:

I have always wanted to set up a doggie cam (that I could access from my work computer) to witness what the heck they actually do...DO!!! 8O 8O 8O

BUT..I AM smart enuff to know that I would be obsessively watching the antics while my work quickly piles up.
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Some things are better left as one of the unanswered mysteries of our universe...... :D
funny you posted i came home yesterday and duffy got the big tupperware screw on type where his treats were and took it outside not sure how and unscrewed the container another how the heck did he do that of course it was in 2 peices empty ..still not sure how he even carried it :cow:
At our backdoor we have a built in boot rack. My husband puts his boots and shoes and one pair of slippers in the cubby.

I am the first person home in the afternoon. I walk in each and everyday to see....all the boots and shoes and one pair of slippers all lined up at the bottom of the stairs!
Howie must take each item toss them down the stairs and then line them up neatly...very odd. He never chews them.

So each and everyday I take the boots, shoes and slippers and put them back in the cubby. I am trained well!

I will take a photo of the Howie and his display. Maybe in a past life he was a shoe salesman??

Howie lines up the shoes?!?!? I have to see this!!!!!!

Sam and Nola are in their crates all day. I am nervous about training them to be out in the house...
No, we need a video of this!
:lol: I'd love to see a video of it too. That's funny.

Mine eats her butt and waits to hear the garage door open.
Mine are generally lazy and don't do anything - once in a blue moon someone will forget to take out the trash and they'd get into that (not a problem since the trash is in a cabinet now!).

Years ago when I worked in an office outside the house and we just had Winston (OES), we could always tell what kind of day he had by the number of babies in the living room with him. Winston would go to the kids' rooms or the rec room and take stuffed animals back to the living room with him. He never destroyed one, and we never even saw him try to play with one. They were just snuggle buddies. We measured his stress level by the number of babies. Normal, non-eventful day - one baby. If something mild was going on - say, yard mowing or trash day - there might be 2 or 3 babies. Road construction? 6 babies minimum. Roofers? A dozen. At least.

He was so silly. :aww:
aawwwwww :hearts:
Someone did a study here in Aus. but I could never find the study just saw a report on it.

They set up webcams and videod dogs to see what they did when their owners were away. Mostly of backyards because so many dogs are outside when their owners aren't home over here.

Except for dogs with separation anxiety, they spent almost the entire time; (90+%) from memory; asleep. The dogs with separation anxiety paced and barked or engaged in destructive behaviour for a lot of the time.
I've been really fortunate with Brick & Zeke.
They get all worked up when I leave, barking their fool heads off and jumping around. And doing the same when I get home.
But there are always extremely warm spots on the floor by the door. :)
I wondered one time!
I set up a camcorder to monitor them! :roll:
It was a very boring show....

They switched sleeping spots all day!

My house is doggie proofed so, they have no fun!
(they do that when I am home :lol: :lol: )
Archie simply snoozes :banana:

Oh and waits for me to come how so he can tell us how bad the cats have been - he'll take me to where the dead rodent or bird is on the floor.

Oh he'll have a good old bark when the postie comes too!
Just incase anyone would like to set up a webcam, there is a website, http://justin.tv that allows you two stream from your computer onto their site. Then as long as you are near a compute with internet or have a capable smart phone, you can watch the live video.

We did this for Chowder when she kept having stomach issues yet wasn't a chewer and didn't eat things around the house. We needed to see what she was getting into during the day. Also, it is adorable to see a puppy randomly wake up and play with a toy and then pass out again.
Thanks for the link to Justin.tv! I'm having some fun playing with it!
Well, when I get home, the kitchen is strewn with toys and I thought I must set up the camcorder. So I did....got home and nothing, no toys across the floor, just Jack laid in the corner staring at the camera, looking away, staring, looking away, then Ollie's big furry bum in the shot and that was it. Anyway next day came home, toys everywhere - they know !!
:D Willoughby mostly sleeps, but as he has the whole bottom floor to himself, he choses different spots for different times of the day. I suspect that this is his routine as this is where I find him when I've been out, napping or working in the garden. :)

He may start out beside my TV chair, move to the futon bed and then finish up on my grandmother's antique loveseat. :( Depending on his mood, he may or may not spread his stuffies all over the floor. :lol:

The cats are usually upstairs, sleeping either on the back of the sofa (squashing it right down) or on the living room or dining room chairs. They also have the spare room to themselves and food in the kitchen. They sometimes come down to see what Willoughby is up to since when I came home from work in the past, one or both have run upstairs when I come in the door. 8)
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