It's the quick or the hungry around here

Tonight I cooked scotch fillet steak and steamed vege for dinner. I served up and we decided to eat sitting on our sofas to watch a movie. When I went to sit down, with my dodgey hip I spilt some of the sauce from my plate.

I put it on the coffee table, hobbled 4 steps to the island bar for a dish cloth and turned back and Tiggy was over the other side of the island bar, well away from the coffee table. I mopped the spill and hobbled back and put the cloth on the bench. Turned around and Tiggy had her face in my plate. I yelled at her and she took off because she knows it is norty, very norty, :twisted: :twisted: she didn't have anything in her mouth.

Blow me down, there was no scotch fillet left on my plate and big chunk of pumpkin was missing too. 8O

I swear it took her no more than 5 seconds to snarf down a scotch fillet and piece of pumpkin the first time I turned my back. :cow: She must have darned well inhaled it. :twitch: And she'd already had her own dinner too. :oops:

Dinner was a bit light on tonight (for me, not Tiggy). :cry: I was FORCED to open a bottle of wine to compensate for my loss. :D At least Tiggy has no interest in alcoholic beverage so I don't have to guard it with my life.

Mind you Wayne was sitting not two feet from the plate, snarfing down his own dinner. Sheesh. Tiggy is not normally into stealing from plates but then usually she's been told to go lie in her bed and I hadn't got round to that yet.
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Not to throw poor Wayne under the bus here, but he was sitting two feet away and didn't stop Tiggy from eating your supper? :roll: Or was supper so delicious that he was mesmerized by his own?

Mady has yet to steal food from my plate. I have learned not to say 'Mady would never steal food from my plate' because then the sheepie gods, who really rule the universe, will instruct her how to best eat mama's supper and get away with it. Having seen pictures of Tiggy's cute face, I am guessing that the sheepie gods have instructed her to use that cuteness to her full advantage!
I think Wayne deserves some throwing under the bus. Knowing you are slowed down, I notice he didn't offer to get the towel for you (thus risking his own meal), I assume he is aware when Tiggy is around and should have watched your plate. Apparently he thought the whole incident was for his amusement........yeah, the bus for him.

I wouldn't trust Jack around a dinner plate and often have to warn him away if our meal is especially pleasing to his nose. My own fault, he knows Mom will share her meal with him, so if often he first in line. If I must leave a meal unattended, he gets a very serious command to "leave it." So far, so good.

Mo, as a younger lady, would climb onto a kitchen chair and scarf down a whole Greek salad, feta, olives, peppers in a blink of an eye. She doesn't like bread but loves greens....go figure.
I think Wayne was too busy snarfing down his own to notice. He does not keep the dogs in line so usually they're hanging around his plate if mean Mommy hasn't made them go to their beds.

In his defence he does have a very bad case of domestic blindness! So annoying!!! :evil:
thanks mim,
i looked it up cause my ex wasn't here to explain it to me.
i evidently have it as per the example listed, but in my defense i trained the dogs not to pester during meals. they of course had their philly lawyers draw up contracts stating those rules only pertained to family meals and given any and all other opportunities to snarf food were fair game.
so, in wayne's defense you are correct, he suffers fom said affliction. you had not ordered dogs to bed, you left your seat. it goes without saying that men with meat in front of them are as bad as said dogs, so they forget their manners(if they have them to begin with) to offer to get towel for wife who has had hip surgery.
a condition afflicting mostly married men that makes them unable to see common household objects even though they're right in front of them
if you were surveying the contents of the fridge ... looking for the mustard etc ... and you say to your partner ... where's the mustard and they say "right in fricken front of you" ... you still say you can't see it ... they come up and point it out to you ... and its label facing front - right at your eye level etc and you go ... oh yeah ... so it is ;-| ... that's grounds for a domestic blindness diagnosis!
yes perfect discription of the dreaded affliction. :lol: :lol:

The fridge and the pantry are both bad triggers for the illness but the wardrobe is pretty bad too. :mrgreen:
Mim wrote:

In his defence he does have a very bad case of domestic blindness! So annoying!!! :evil:

Ah, David must have caught that from Wayne. Didn't realize that virus could travel across oceans.
I think its a genetic defect Kim!

It is on the Y chromosome so passed from father to son, possibly polygenetic as it does seem to be expressed variably, so some have the disease worse than others, but basically they all have it, so they're doomed!

Unfortunately so are we. I constantly get
"M, have you seen the .....?"
Me, "yes its in the pantry, 2nd shelf from the top on the left"
Him, "I can't see it, are you sure?
Me, "yes I saw it there just before!"
Him, "but it's not here"
Me, "get out of the way, look, what's this?"
Him, "oh didn't notice it there" :twisted: :twisted:
Mim wrote:
I think its a genetic defect Kim!

It is on the Y chromosome so passed from father to son, possibly polygenetic as it does seem to be expressed variably, so some have the disease worse than others, but basically they all have it, so they're doomed!

Unfortunately so are we. I constantly get
"M, have you seen the .....?"
Me, "yes its in the pantry, 2nd shelf from the top on the left"
Him, "I can't see it, are you sure?
Me, "yes I saw it there just before!"
Him, "but it's not here"
Me, "get out of the way, look, what's this?"
Him, "oh didn't notice it there" :twisted: :twisted:

You know, though, Mim, that it is cuter when Wayne says it, because he says it with that adorable Aussie accent! David just sounds like a regular clueless Canadian guy.
Mady wrote:
Mim wrote:
I think its a genetic defect Kim!

It is on the Y chromosome so passed from father to son, possibly polygenetic as it does seem to be expressed variably, so some have the disease worse than others, but basically they all have it, so they're doomed!

Unfortunately so are we. I constantly get
"M, have you seen the .....?"
Me, "yes its in the pantry, 2nd shelf from the top on the left"
Him, "I can't see it, are you sure?
Me, "yes I saw it there just before!"
Him, "but it's not here"
Me, "get out of the way, look, what's this?"
Him, "oh didn't notice it there" :twisted: :twisted:

You know, though, Mim, that it is cuter when Wayne says it, because he says it with that adorable Aussie accent! David just sounds like a regular clueless Canadian guy.

I hate to disappoint you but for reasons unknown Wayne barely has an Aussie accent. I'm the one who has the horrible nasal twang. Whenever we travel overseas no one can work out where Wayne is from. He speaks proper almost accentless english as if he is European. Moi, I sound like I have a peg on my nose and everyone instantly knows where I'm from.
SheepieBoss wrote:
I think Wayne deserves some throwing under the bus. Knowing you are slowed down, I notice he didn't offer to get the towel for you (thus risking his own meal), I assume he is aware when Tiggy is around and should have watched your plate. Apparently he thought the whole incident was for his amusement........yeah, the bus for him.

I wouldn't trust Jack around a dinner plate and often have to warn him away if our meal is especially pleasing to his nose. My own fault, he knows Mom will share her meal with him, so if often he first in line. If I must leave a meal unattended, he gets a very serious command to "leave it." So far, so good.

Mo, as a younger lady, would climb onto a kitchen chair and scarf down a whole Greek salad, feta, olives, peppers in a blink of an eye. She doesn't like bread but loves greens....go figure.

Mo is just watching her waistline...she is on the no bread diet, figures won't gain weight eating veggies. Smart girl.
I can leave my plate down in front of the dogs and walk off to another room and none of them will touch it. They know I always share some with them. The cat, on the other hand, has no manners and will push right up and help herself to your plate, your drink or whatever she doesn't care. She'll push right through the dogs and help herself, with no concern at all. Pearl is also that way with her food. If the dog food gets put down first and then her's she thinks nothing of starting to chow with whose ever plate is closest until I distract her to come get her own food. Not surprisingly Pearl's mooching does not slow down Violet in her quest for eating her food quickly.
One time I was standing eating a sandwich, and I put my hand, holding the sandwich, down at my side for a second and China came up and took the sandwich right out of my hand...I guess she got tired of waiting. Oh well, didn't need the calories anyway. :roll:
I must be a bad Mom and bring up my furkids wrong. :oops:

I have NEVER had a dog who I could trust to leave food out and turn my back.
Our first sheepdog 'Pache would leave food alone, believe me the others and especially the bassets didn't. Butch thinks it would be nice if we both ate off of my plate, we're still working on that one.
Mo is just watching her waistline...she is on the no bread diet, figures won't gain weight eating veggies. Smart girl.

Does quite explain her insistence she eat our tamales at lunch. I fear the corn may be a problem later......she seems to understand wheat is a problem, but I know corn is too. Apparently the smell of red chile and pork was beyond her.

Another affliction on the Y chromosome is domestic hearing loss. I'm sure I don't need to share stories, but will admit, in DH's defense, he is deaf on one side.....but that doesn't give him the right to turn that deaf side towards me..... :evil:
Domestic Blindness is a serious affliction affecting millions of men across the world! Shame on you for making light of it! We deserve more sympathy and support! :evil:
Baba wrote:
Domestic Blindness is a serious affliction affecting millions of men across the world! Shame on you for making light of it! We deserve more sympathy and support! :evil:

Nah sorry david it is a disease, Hmmmm my hubby is a david too :lmt: :lol: :lol:

Mim do you think "Syd" has been in some sort of communication with his Cousin?

Did I tell you about the roast leg of lamb, smothered in olive oil, garlic and lemon that I found one sheepie up with paws on the bench having a "Licky Feast", well the lamb was still there and I roasted it, thinking the heebie geebies will be DESTROYED by the cooking process :lmt: , if I was any later no lamb would of been ready to put in the oven. :roll:

Trust no hairy fur ball :wink: :lol: :lol: (Gawd tiggy has fancy tastes!!!) Psst syd says well done cousin. 8) :P :lol: :lol:

We could go through a list of unexpected "Food Loss"

Sons "Tuna Sandwich"
Roast chook cooling
Can in the garbage tin, which sheepie was responsible :lmt: the one with the cut nose :roll:
2 kg's of minced beef defrosting, wow what a wonderfull popsicle :excited: Tray and plastic left behind.

and so on and so on, trust no hair ball when it comes to Woo Hoo as gone in less then 60 seconds. :roll: :twisted: :lol: :lol:

Mine dont normally counter surf but ........................It happens. :rimshot:
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