poop disposal!!! Yuck!!

Ok, strange question........when you clean the dog poop from your yard, where do you put it all? Our garbage cans are in the garage until garbage day, and although they have lids, and the poop is in bags, Im thinking it would get pretty yucky...especially in hot weather!!! What does everyone else do? Thanks!
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We have 5 gallon (used paint bucket)with lid, it sits away from the house. The bucket has a garbage bag in it. We use a "pooper scooper" claw like tool to pick it the mess and dump it into the bucket. Works great for us. No bending, no extra bags, and if need be the bucket is able to be moved around the backyard.

That's our system, I am sure everyone has different ways to deal with the disposal.

I'm fortunate to have enough room to bury it. Collected and buried. Huge hole is dug once a year and filled over time. Each deposit receives a dirt cover to hold down the smell.

Summer isn't as critical since the sprinklers dissolved the evidence quickly, but sorely needed rest of the year.

Of course you can hire companies to come to your home and collect it for you.
We use a diaper pail. I'm considering changing to a diaper genie.
http://www.amazon.com/Dooley-3000-Septi ... B0002DI35E
We use a small garbage can with a lid and a garbage bag inside. It can get pretty ripe in the summer but still and all covered it's not a problem.
We have a service that picks up twice a week and they take it all with them. I don't want to know what they do with it.
The kennel run - it's picked up with a poop scoop and thrown in the field about 5 feet away. The stuff from the dog yard is collected in a pail (multiple dogs worth) and dumped every couple days in the field.

We farm, so dog poop gets chucked, but there's still the barn and pastures with llama, sheep , pony, chicken poop. :wink:

When the barn gets cleaned the manure spreader puts it on the fields too. 8) Natural fertilizer :D
amdnasser wrote:
Ok, strange question........when you clean the dog poop from your yard, where do you put it all? Our garbage cans are in the garage until garbage day, and although they have lids, and the poop is in bags, Im thinking it would get pretty yucky...especially in hot weather!!! What does everyone else do? Thanks!

I pick it up in plastic grocery bags, tie it tight, and throw in the garbage can. The city provides these gigantic plastic cans with a lid on wheels to take to the end of the driveway so I guess the hugeness of the can keeps the stink down. The men don't get out of the truck using those mechanical robotic arms to empty the can.
Wow...we are so lucky we have an outside toilet and it goes down there.....I didnt think of it with my first dog...why I dont know!!
Thanks!!! Lots of options posted!!! Probably use bags and bucket until winter ends, and then look into the in-ground septic option! Picking him up today at 4............yaaayyyy!!! Will post pics!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
i'm excited too :banana: :banana: :banana: :yay:
amdnasser wrote:
Thanks!!! Lots of options posted!!! Probably use bags and bucket until winter ends, and then look into the in-ground septic option! Picking him up today at 4............yaaayyyy!!! Will post pics!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Good luck with the baby arrival! :banana: :banana:
amdnasser wrote:
Thanks!!! Lots of options posted!!! Probably use bags and bucket until winter ends, and then look into the in-ground septic option! Picking him up today at 4............yaaayyyy!!! Will post pics!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

The Doggie Dooley option may not work if you have nasty clay soil like we do here. The poop takes forever to break down. I don't know anyone in this area who has had any luck with these.

Our subdivision recently installed a central sewer system with each home having its own grinder pump that deals with the household waste and pumps it along to the wastewater plant. We're lucky enough to have a clean-out/vent cap above the system. We just unscrew the cap and dump poo in there. :yay: A conventional septic tank probably has a similar access. With two or three (or more!) dogs it's much easier than bagging and trashing.

Okay, way too much poop on poop disposal... :oops: :oops: :oops: :sidestep:
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