ear care

Hello everyone!!! I have been lurking around the forum, learning a lot for months, before I choose the OES breed. Thank you for all your valuable info.!!! I will be picking up my new baby boy next Weds. and I am trying to prepare as much as possible before then. I have taken your advice and bought some books and other supplies, but question: How and how often do you clean out, and take out excess hair in ears? I have read about "pulling" out ear hair??? It sounds terrible and painful, is that a vet's job? Or the owners? And with what solution, and HOW do you clean them?
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Frequency depends on the dog and how fast their hair grows and how hairy their ears. I pluck Tiggy's every 3 to 4 weeks but her ears aren't really hairy. I could get my vet to do it but it would cost a lot to be back there on a regular basis.
Groomers will do it too but again there's the cost involved.

There are special ear cleaning products on the market. There are also ear powders that make plucking easier as it gets greasy in there :oops: :P

It also depends on the dog as to how painful it seems. Tiggy doesn't really care for it much but she lies there and doesnt complain or whine. My Mum's mini poodle tries to bite me and cries and carries on like I'm sticking pins in her. :roll:
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How to prepare? Get lots of sleep now, and start doing chin-ups and practicing your brushing technique.
I agree with Ron to get some sleep now. :lol: Sort of like when you are bringing a new infant home! Nap when they nap!

I leave ear cleaning to my Vet. If you don't know how to do it, it can hurt your dog and you don't want to have them asociate ear cleaning with pain. Take him to the vet to do while he is a baby. In fact, I don't even remember having to do it too often as a tiny pup...
Thank you, everyone. Maybe I will watch my vet do it first and then proceed from there...........don't want to hurt him!! ANy other suggestions will be MUCH appreciated!!
Yeah, don't mess with the anal glands either. That comes later. Do rub and massage the toes and nails so the babe associates that with good time.....make trimming easier. Same with ears and teeth, examine daily, touch, etc. You want your baby to associated all touches from you and nonthreatening.

Don't pet and baby when they are misbehaving. You are only enforcing bad behavior. Always reward good behavior. That one is so hard to learn. Remember they don't speak human languages, no matter how much you talk to them. Don't waste your time trying to explain things to them..........rather like talking to a husband. :sidestep:
amdnasser wrote:
Hello everyone!!! I have been lurking around the forum, learning a lot for months, before I choose the OES breed. Thank you for all your valuable info.!!! I will be picking up my new baby boy next Weds. and I am trying to prepare as much as possible before then. I have taken your advice and bought some books and other supplies, but question: How and how often do you clean out, and take out excess hair in ears? I have read about "pulling" out ear hair??? It sounds terrible and painful, is that a vet's job? Or the owners? And with what solution, and HOW do you clean them?

Congrats on getting your new kid!!

As to ear cleaning - check the first thread in this forum "Ear Cleaning Photo Essay"

If you still have questions after reading my photo essay and the thread discussion don't hesitate to ask. But the short story is, if it is done properly it doesn't hurt them and it is fairly easy once you have done it a few times.

Thanks and Cheers

Your breeder should show you how it's done - there's a bit of a knack to it, but certainly not difficult.

And not something I would pay a vet to do. In fact unless they have experience with dogs who have ear hairs, it's something THEY may have never done! I would say most groomers would have more experience doing it than a vet (in general).

It really is part of basic care of your dog with this breed. Just like the grooming, feeding, nail trimming and all that. Start with stuff right from puppyhood, and it becomes part of their life and normal routine.

And some dogs have really hairy ears, some have hardly any at all. So you really won't find out with your pup until he/she starts growing. :D
Ron wrote:
Welcome to our little corner of the web!

How to prepare? Get lots of sleep now

DITTO!!! :cheer:
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