I Hope the rest of the New Year goes this well

Dh and I went to the local Indian Casino for New Years. Weird but fun. The place was packed.

We both like Black Jack and found two spots at the same table but a few seats apart. Dh who is usually lucky lost his alloted money fast. He got up from the table, put on his jacket and was ready to go :?: I'm sitting here, doing pretty good, and did not want to leave. He told me he would just walk around a little and when I lose the rest of my money to stick close and he would find me. When he came back I was still in the same seat with a little more money in my pile. I asked him to take my spot for a few so I could go smoke. Since I only had to walk a few steps back to smoke(we were at a no smoking table) I could still watch what he was doing. He told me I had the lucky seat because he was doing better. The seat next to him opened and I took that one and grabbed some of my chips and we played about another hour. Sat in out seats and rang in the New Year.

We left around 1am. Up about $50.00 and big smiles on our faces. Doesn't sound like much but we usually leave a little lighter in the wallet.

It was a good but unusual way to ring in the New Year.
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Sounds like fun. You are right, $50.00 is better than losing 50.

Mark & I went through the drive through at our local coffee shop and got a free coffee today.
That is the extent of our 'winning' streak.

Good for you. I went to the casino once, played the slots and it almost killed me to put more than one quarter in at a time. Another problem was that all I could think of was how many hours I worked to pay for it. I think it stems from not being very lucky at those types of things but if you can come out a few dollars ahead that's great.
I love to go to the casino. Troy doesn't like to go as much as I do though. I do get pretty bummed when I don't win. Congratulations 50.00 is great. I won a quarter of our football pool yesterday. Yay :clappurple:

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Happy New Year! The Greeks have a tradition that whatever you do on New Year's Day is what you'll be doing the rest of the year. So this may be a lucky year for you!!!!

I, on the other hand, spent New Year's Day recuperating from a nasty head cold and sore throat. :evil: I don't normally get sick, as I am the Queen of Hand-Washing (can anyone say "OCD"???), but I think I wore myself out with all of the holiday prep this year. Plus, we've had in-laws staying since Christmas Day, so I've many more late nights than usual. Man, it sucks getting old. :lol:

Laurie and Oscar
Oscar's Mom wrote:
Man, it sucks getting old. :lol:

I am soooo with you on that!! :oops: :twisted:
The Greeks have a tradition that whatever you do on New Year's Day is what you'll be doing the rest of the year.

Kala Chronia...................If we follow what I did New Year's day..........oye vey! How about January 2??
We're getting old....hot tub with an asti-spamanti ( we even broke out the good stems ), never left the house :aww: :hearts:
excuse me kathy,
i don't believe you're old. old is not being able to get in or out of the hottub and not being able to drink because of medications. :cry:
Well Happy New Year's to all.
I don't know whether to go with this for the rest of the year or not.
Our day was 2 girls in season, poor Checker's. :pupeyes:
Getting up early, getting Norm off to the airport to head back to Korea.. :cry: ........
wondrering what the New Year will bring with the guy in North Korea? :twitch:
Waiting for my surgery date to be set :yay:
Back to Vet for Progesterone tests........... :lmt:
Sleep the rest of the day
Off to movie in pm :popcorn:
Home to sleep. :phew:

oh and ate my alloted black eyed peas and collard greens. :rimshot:

Hopefully there will be at least ONE litter here around Valentines day!!! :hearts:
Hmmm...I dont know if I like this "New Year's Day=rest of year" thing...we spent it sitting around trying to read by candle and hurricane lamp light, as our power went out (again!)in a huge windstorm 8O . Poor Eggbert is still reeling from the double-whammy of fireworks the night before, and then high winds howling around the house. On the bright side, the day WAS kind of relaxing, in a way :lmt:
Sounds like a good start to a promising new year Simon's mom.
Ikes! I don't like that Greek-thing either! I spent the day hungover! :oops: in my jammies, sipping water, eating too much comfort food, etc...I'll have to go with January 2 myself, I got a lot accomplished yesterday :)
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