
Okay Happy New year to all, Moe is 11months 2 days old and is having a case of teenage troubles..new behavoir ..barks when not getting attention from us high pitched bark different than before. and he keeps "giving you his paw"..its like the "mom""mom:""mom" you get from toddlers.He stole hamburger off the counter..NEVER DID THIS BEFORE ( early on taught him counter was BAD)finally sneakily steals "dads boots and hides them in the snow! It is just hard to keep up basic obedience when you are trying not to laugh at his antics! :yay:
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They are big clowns aren't they? And can be bad with such cuteness that you've gotta laugh. :aww:

Tiggy still does the paw thing. Now that I'm sitting on the couch recuperating she sits beside me and wants to hold my hand or at least have me hold her paw. It's fine except when I'm typing, doing craft or drinking hot tea. 8O
Ah, yes, the teenage months. Brain forgets everything it was taught.....just like human teenagers. Patience, patience. The paw may continue for years. Jack still does it but is more selective, thankfully.
Yeay! I'm so glad to hear this...Ziggy does the same paw thing!
he is now 13 months old, and its so interesting to see his mood swings. he can be so sweet at times(most of the time) and then like a switch just turn into this rambunctious teen! :twitch:
love him! :hearts:

I'd be signing up for some sort of class. Anytime mine act like that, it's because they are bored and are trying to entertain themselves...not always the best thing! :roll:

I little exercise and mental stimulation and getting to "work" with their human really fixes alot of misbehaviors. Kind of gets everything back in balance. :D
ohhhhh 11 months old. I'm sorry :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Try adding going to a doggy park or a play date. At that age a play date every other day REALLY REALLY helped! At the time I worked at home so that was a possibility. I know a lot of people in my area take their big dogs to doggy day care. In my area it costs like $17 a day. Too rich for my blood. I end up taking chiquita to the doggy park after work for a good romp at least twice a week...plus we walk her every day. Exercise is your friend at 11 months old. MUCH MORE EXERCISE!!!!
Eleven months old! So cute at that and such a pain in the butt :roll:

The pwa thing...my female still doe the lifting of the paw? Lifting and then hitting you with it? I'm not sure that will ver change. Lifting the paw is sort of like a submissive thing...like saying, I mean no harm.etc...

Of course if you mean the hitting fo the paw against you to get attention, that's another story... :roll:

I agree..more exercise and an aboedience training class will help! As hard as it is to believe, enjoy them now as they grow so fast and before you know it, they are old and grey :cry:
Our Izzy was 11 months to start the New Year. Last week she had Mom AND Dad home for the holidays and was a perfect angel. As expected, once we both went back to work someone has swapped our beautiful girl with a demon dog. :evil: We're in between obedience classes, but have been working on training at least twice a day as well as exercising her until our arms fall off. Of course, that only seems to build up her stamina . . . feeble humans. :roll:

Question: Does anyone else's Sheepie take their toys/bones and try and shove them under furniture or behind things before barking at them? We'll be in the middle of playing and she tries this little trick. Then she scratches and barks ... it drives my husband up the wall!

On a good note, we're MUCH better at sitting to greet people. :cheer:

Snow in Harrisburg, PA. Izzy's first experience - she loves it!
Ha ha...My first sheepie used to take the remote control and stuff it into the couch pillows and then bark and paw at it! And if I saw him hide it there, he would take it out and hide it again so I couldn't see :wink: I had a white couch at the time - white with dirty nose and paw prints :pupeyes:
cappi puts his toys under the sofa then scratches and barks like mad until i (the human) retrieve it !! i try not to but he wont stop until i do. he then does it again a few minutes later, obviously thinks he is training me.
Guest wrote:
cappi puts his toys under the sofa then scratches and barks like mad until i (the human) retrieve it !! i try not to but he wont stop until i do. he then does it again a few minutes later, obviously thinks he is training me.

Eer ............ :lmt: He already has trained you. :wink: :lol:
Ecco tried this on me, but once I realized what was going on I stopped retrieving them. It's really hard at first, and irritating, but you just have to ignore them. At one point her favorite ball was under the couch for a month. Now, she works very hard to keep them from rolling under there.
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