Kayli's having knee surgery tomorrow

A repeat of a surgery she had four years ago, but this time on the other knee. She's got a small tear in a ligament and they're going to repair it. Poor kid, she's also got arthritis in that knee, so she may still limp after the surgery. I've been saving my pennies for the last few years because she was diagnosed with luxating kneecaps and the first surgery was a great success.

The vet kept telling me about my options - to operate or not - and I just chuckled. She may be eleven, but she's my floofdog; there is no other option.

I wonder what color her bandage will be this time . . . in 2001 it was blue and it took a year for the fur to grow back properly.

Since the surgery means I'll have to carry her up and down the stairs to go outside, it's a given that Belle will be going into heat any day now. :lol:

How's that for a ramble? I finally uncovered all 27 of my roses today and I'm feeling a bit giddy. I think I only lost one, maybe two this winter. Belle has decided that her favorite spot outside is right below one of the bigger bushes; I've already had to pull one thorn out of her head!

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Good luck to Kayli (and Mom!) on her surgery tomorrow! Poor little girl! Hope you have a strong back - having to carry Drez up stairs would ensure she would never go up stairs again!!

Didn't realize Belle wasn't spayed. Are you going to get her spayed, or isn't her heart strong enough?

Bet you'll have some great stories at the picnic!!

Chin up, Mom!

That was a ramble! And I'm going to add to it, but first....good luck to Kayli and to you... I know you'll be stressed, but we're here for you while you're waiting. Stop in.

floofdog wrote:
I finally uncovered all 27 of my roses today and I'm feeling a bit giddy. I think I only lost one, maybe two this winter.

Do you do the "Minnesota Tilt" Or something like that, where you dig out under one side of the bush, and push it into the hole and cover it over for the winter? I think I saw that on Hometime once... coulda been the Victory Garden though... lol

We uncovered our hydrangea last week, but I'm not sure that last year's wood survived anyway... sigh, been trying for years with these mopheads. We had some georgeous onse in another house we lived in 15 years ago, required 0 maintenance.. I think it was becuase they were up against the foundation of the house, and these are out in the open on a northern exposure. We'll see if they survived soon I guess.
Chris, her heart isn't strong enough. :( Poor thing tuckers out after 15-20 minutes of slow walking. Sooner, if she's been more bouncy at the beginning. Her new thing is to say hello to everyone and anyone. It scares most people but it totally makes me laugh.

Kayli's only 40 pounds and it's just a couple steps, so I should be okay. The last time we had to carry her up 9 steps . . . I let the ex do it most of the time. Luckily, he's not around this time, LOL. Anyway, it's good exercise and a warm up for gardening & yard work.

Ron wrote:
Do you do the "Minnesota Tilt" Or something like that, where you dig out under one side of the bush, and push it into the hole and cover it over for the winter? I think I saw that on Hometime once... coulda been the Victory Garden though... lol

No, I don't do that - that sounds like a lot of work! Definitely the thing to do with standard roses, though. (Standard roses are those one a "trunk" with the blooms at the top like a tree.) I make a ring of newspaper, surround each bush and fill it with shredded leaves. It works great, but it's a pain to get the leaf bits out. I've got the scars to prove it! I look like I've been tortured.

I've got two hydrangeas, one behind the garage that blooms like crazy but I can't see it and one that I planted a couple years ago that has yet to bloom. I see new growth this year and I didn't trim it back at all in the fall. I think that was the problem, I pruned it like a rose last spring and I shouldn't have.

My 3-year-old clematis are really looking good this year. I'm excited to see them take off. I've got a blue one that should grow nicely on an old screen door I painted white.

Unless they're lacecaps and maybe another special variety or two, they will only bloom on 2nd year wood... so if last years stems are all dead -- no blooms.
Ah ha! Good to know. I'll check 'em out tomorrow. The growth I saw today was new, at the bottom of the plant. I was concentrating on getting rid of the oak leaves on the ground, so I didn't look higher.

Good luck tomorrow with Kayli tomorrow, hope all goes well. Where do you take her?

Just wanted to say hi to both you and Kayli and like Ron says be strong and we're all here for you. Hugs and belly rubs to Kayli from me and the boys. Please let us know how everything goes for you and Kayli and we're all praying for her to get well asap.


PS did you know that Hydrangeas (not the white lacecap ones) but the blue or pink are that color due to the soil conditions. Blue with acidic soil and Pink with alkaline soil. Same plant and even if you buy a pink one and have acidic soil..it eventually turns blue. Acidic soil is usually that which has lots of pine needles that has fallen to the ground, Alkeline has a lot of lime.
:arrow: Love gardening :D
Good luck to Kayli on her surgery tomorrow!!
Hi Jil,
Good luck on Kayli's surgery.
She is in our thoughts and prayers for a very speedy recovery...
I'll be praying for her. :(
Good luck to Kayli. I'll keep her (and you and Belle) in my thoughts. Don't get stressed--she'll need you for support!!!

Paula O.
Good luck wiht Kayli's surgery, you'll all be in my thoughts. :)
Well, I dropped her off and had an emotional moment as I watched her walk down the hall all loopy from the tranquilizer they gave her to calm her down enough so she could be anesthetized. She flipped out when they tried to x-ray her last week and popped a blood vessel in her eyes. Goofy dog.

I'll be nervous until I can call the vet at 2:00.

Thanks for the support, it definitely helps.

Oh, I asked the vet about carrying her up and down the stairs and he said "she's tough" and she'll probably manage on her own. I had to laugh because knowing Floof, she'd rather manage on her own.


Holly - I take her to D'Adamo in Livonia, I love these people.

Marianne - I DID know that about Hydrangea - isn't nature fascinating?
Kayli will be in my thoughts today. I hope all goes well. I have subluxating knee caps... and have had two knee surgeries for torn cartilage and other knee issues.
I know what she will be going through. I hope she recovers quickly!
Hey, Jil - any news??? It's almost 4 PM Eastern, just waiting to hear!
Did everything go fine? Give Kayli belly rubs from Nab & Jas

We're home, she's still slightly out of it, but she's starting to move around a bit and her eyes look a little brighter. I took her out to pee and she's eaten just a bit as directed.

The vet says we've got an adventure ahead of us. (I already have enough adventures, thank you very much.) He's never seen so much arthritis so he's curious to see how her recovery progresses. He says the cartilege in her knee has virtually been worn away. I was shocked, since her limping didn't seem THAT bad. He assured me that this would give her relief and the fact that she's been living with it for so long was actually in her favor; she's no stranger to the pain and that might speed up the recovery..

It's heart-wrenching to see her limp around like this, trying not to put weight on the leg. Watching her now, I see that this is the side she lays on and she's having a hard time laying down.

Once she gets herself settled I need to put an ice pack on her knee - twice a day for three days. Antibiotics three times a day and no walkies till at least next week when we go back to the vet. Physical therapy will come in the future.

I think I'll carry her out for the next few days. I don't want her even thinking of attempting the stairs.

Poor thing, she's still circling . . .
Poor girl. Hope all goes well for her tomorrow!

First thing I did when I arrived home was check to see Belle's progress...Horray! While I know the ole girl has been through a lot, she reminds me of Shaggy in so many ways. I feel a special affection for her. Some have a certain "toughness" and despite the pains and the fraility of their health they never let it get to them. Belle you are a special girl!!

Jil, it's going to be tough but remarkably, your determination and hers will help you guys make it. I carried Shaggy down stairs the last six months of her life. Truthfully, it didn't feel heavy at all - funny how love gives you super strength. :O)

Good luck to you both and keep us updated on her progress.

*Hugs* to you and Kayli. It is so hard to see those we love in pain. I hope she recovers quickly :)
Glad to hear Kayli's home with her Mommy! I know it's hard to watch them in pain - thought I'd die every time I watched Drez limp around for that first week after her surgery. But day by day she'll improve. She's a tough little girl!

And don't forget to take care of your own back while you're carrying her!

Glad she came through okay :D Take care of yourself also and give Kayli a belly rub from Daisy and the boys.

Doh! I should have read further down. So glad she is okay. Hopefully the recovery will go by as quickly as possible.
I'm glad to hear she made it through. She sounds tough-- no cartilege in her knee and still moving around? What a trooper! It's amazing how our dogs endure. Good luck, I hope she does well.

The funny thing is that she really has only been limping a bit, it just got really bad a couple weeks ago and with the kneecap thing, I knew we had to do something about it. She really is a trooper and I think the recovery will go well for her.

She's more alert this morning and moving a bit better, but I'm going to get some stuff at the office and go back home. Work has been quite the stressor since the end of November and I would never forgive myself if I didn't put Kayli first now.

I slept on the couch last night so I could be near her and I know she knew why. Belle makes a LOT of noise at night - slurping, chewing, scratching.

I need a vacation.
Hi Jil,
So glad Kayli is home !
Happy to hear she is moving around better today !
Wishing her a speedy recovery...

Big sheepie hugs from Bogart and Zahra
So glad to hear the Kayli is home!
This is agreat story! I'm glad to hear things are going great for you.
Typical Kayli . . . today she's managed to peel the bandage down and expose a couple inches of her incision. The interesting thing is that I'm sure there's actually bandage missing, but I can't find it. She's not one to eat anything that's not edible so I'm sure that's not the problem. :roll: Honestly.

Tonight she decided running across the yard to bark at the UPS guy is in order. With a big grin on her face, of course.

Oh, and those steps to the back door . . . perfectly navigatable, even with an 80 pound sheepdog in the way.

She's limping of course, but hey, why let surgery get in the way of life, right?

The vet's going to love this.

So glad to hear that Kayli is up and about already! Whew got her name right this time and not that of her sister, Belle. Sorry about that Kayli! :oops: Sending lots of belly rubs your way again to both of you.

Umm for Belle and Kayli...just so there is no mixup as to who gets the belly rubs. :wink:

Marianne and the boys
Marianne, Kayli didn't mind at all. She's just happy to be getting more attention these days. :)

And another 4" of the bandage has disappeared. I did find parts of it, all wet & soggy. Yuck.

Both girls love you guys . . . belly rubs from Aunt Marianne, Aunt Leslie, Aunt Stacy, Uncle Saul, Uncle Ron, Aunt Chris, Cousin Bogart, Cousin Daisy and so on . . . . I'm going to have to print out this thread so I can properly credit each and every belly rub. You folks really are the bomb!

What a trooper Kayli is!! Nothing will stop her. If she's running, she must not be in pain, or she has a high threshold of pain tolerance. Is she at her stitches, now that she has most of her bandage torn off? Is she wearing a cone?

Still planning on coming east for the picnic next month?? Hope so!

Take care! Belly rubs to Kayli and Belle!

I'm soooo glad she's doing well! I haven't been able to get online since Monday - so I'm just now reading about Kayli. But, I'm really glad to know she's recouperating so well. **HUGS** to your girls! :)
Yup, she's exposed for all to see! No cone yet, but I'll probably put it on when I get home. The vet tech said that it wasn't a catastrophe that she's tearing off the bandage, but to keep her from chewing at it. I guess I might as well take off the rest of the bandage if she hasn't done so already.

I will most certainly be at the picnic, Chris. I even took Thursday off work to give Miss Belle a bath. I can't wait!

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