Momo and I got locked outside for 2 1/2 hours today!

I forgot my keys - but that isn't the worst part. My dad locked the door - after he watched me leave the house... maybe he thought I had keys... he normally asks but not today...he normally doesn't lock the doors... but not today. I normally bring my phone outside... but not today... and why should I? I'm right infront of my house that no one ever locks!

My brother was inside the house... but he fell asleep. I went around the whole house banging it with my arm until it bruised - then I used my water bottle.

After I while I wondered if my brother was even home at all because I was screaming and wailing on the side of the house (all the way around)! I was prepairing myself for a 10+ mile hike to my mother... doh! Momo is with me! I tried - but I didn't even get 100 feet out of the drive way because she was already tired when we tried to come into the house the first time! I spent 1/2 hour trying to wear her out for a nap so we could take one together! So much for that idea!

I had to turn back - because I didn't know if I could walk that far by myself on a winding road - without a side walk... but I knew I couldn't with Momo. Every car that went by I had to stop for - every time she had an itch - I had to stop. I had to keep her from sniffing beer bottles and broken glass... I couldn't protect her the whole way there!

I came back - and found that the shed was unlocked - joy! A place for us to maybe take a nap in while my family gets back. Paul just went to the beach with his friends... mom won't be back until 9 pm - and my dad doesn't come home until he wants to... and my brother sleeps like a brick.

Well... there were fishing poles with hooks - that ruled out me sleeping... and then momo wouldn't settle down until she sniffed every thing... of course there were too many dangerous things in there as well. So I went back to the front porch... abolutely mad... and tried for probably the 8th time to wake my brother up. He FINALLY wakes up... comes to the door... angry at me - and wondering why I was knocking so loud! :twisted: I wanted to kill him so badly... but then I thought of Momo... and that kept me from wringing his neck.

During this adventure I had to pull 1 clump of dirt out of her mouth - 2 dead frogs - saved her from picking out a mouse - kept her from falling down a hill - jumped in the mud before I could stop the lead. Ah... what an adventure... I shall have to remember to bring my keys with me from now on... that... or a brick to throw through the window! :twisted:
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Good lord!!! All I can say is- now take a nap! What an adventure...


(glad you're both back inside safe and sound)
wow... The never ending adventures of Momo & Integra... :lol:
That kind of long walk would be way too much for such a young puppy anyway! You'd have to carry Momo the whole way.

I'm so glad your brother woke up! Boys!!! :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
What? no Pics. You'll remember Momo and all her antics for many years; and when she's grown up and more sedate you'll wish she was still a pup. :D With a pup even the bad times are laughable.
oh I feel for you. I've been in a similar situation except my kids locked me & Jasper out of the house. Scary having your 2 & 3 yr old inside the house where you can't supervise them. Thankfully, I found an open window & climbed through - and now we have a spare key hidden outside. :)

Oh poor you! Now if you'd lived closer I would have invited you over, offered you a refreshement , let you have a nap and of course baby/puppysat Momo!! Like George said , you'll look back and chuckle on this some day but I can see why you were so frustrated.

Belly rubs to Momo and hugs for you

I would like everyone to know that Momo practically slept the rest of the day away! :lol: After I got into my house - I let her nap for 1/2 hour before we went to the vet... boy was she cranky! :( My poor little baby! Brad met me at the vets office - and when we got back she was out like a light. :lol:
what a long day!! That's is a crazy way to spend your afternoon. Im glad that you got back in safley.

Just thought 'd say hi to everybody, as of b/c i have noticed that the people that have posted are almost the main group.
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