unconscious puppy

We got to go see little Finnegan (honourary sheepie, but really mostly GSD) on the weekend. He's about eleven weeks now, and continues to be a cutie patootie. He's very gentle, and even in crazy puppy mode he's pretty calm. They sure got a good one.

We were there for an early solstice dinner, and he stole the show of course. He enjoyed the company, loves his toys (he was found, starving in the street, and really seems attached to them...he makes sure they all are in his crate, taking out only one at a time to play with...he's taking no chances he'll ever be toyless again!)

For over four hours he played and played (gently...seriously...what a great dog), and we tried to get him to lay still, but he'd have none of that...then, around ten thirty at night, he climbed up onto the couch, laid on his back, and put four paws in the air, head hanging over the edge.

And for half an hour he slept so soundly NOTHING woke him up. His Mommy picked him up, and his whole body remained limp. She took the opportunity to check his little ears (discovered the tip of one is actually gone...probably from frostbite, but it's healed well already), and his little teeth/mouth. She poked, prodded and checked every square centimeter of him while he flopped around, fast asleep, like a rag doll. We even took turns holding him while he made little snoring sounds. It was hilarious.

And then, later he woke up, and hit the ground running. He had a new rope to chew and a pirate toy to conquer! He gave everyone kisses (he missed us while he slept) and wrestled with my hubby. Completely recharged. It was beyond adorable!

Now that's a power nap!
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:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Oooooohhhhh! I want a puppy so bad sometimes...this just doesn't help. :pupeyes:
He sounds like a total sweetheart! :hearts:
I, too, have experienced the comatose puppy. :lol: This is exactly what Oscar used to do. When he was small, we tried to do "startle therapy" on him while he was sleeping, which involved gently waking him and giving him a treat immediately. (This is supposed to reduce the possibility of a deaf dog snapping at someone if startled.) I tried it a number of times, and like Finnegan, he was "unwake-able"! I lifted him up, too, and he just hung limply, like a wet dishrag. Good times. :)

Laurie and Oscar
What a great story! Thanks for sharing!

PS - It REALLY makes me want another puppy!!! :wink:
he climbed up onto the couch, laid on his back, and put four paws in the air, head hanging over the edge.

And for half an hour he slept so soundly NOTHING woke him up. His Mommy picked him up, and his whole body remained limp.

He is home. He obviously felt very secure. What a wonderful life has found him :hearts:
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