I feel like the bad guy!

I feel so bad about Momo - I'm the one who has to crate her at night and while I'm gone. I've got to pull out all the bad things out of her mouth that she wants and keep her from teething on the wrong things... and she seems to hate me for it. :cry: She is so lovey dovy with everyone else. She gives everyone else kisses - lays in their laps... plays with them... but not me! She gives me a kiss then bites my face - doesn't want to sit in my lap or play. I'm also the only one she barks at. I'm the mean mommy who puts her in the crate and doesn't let her go where she wants outside!

I'm being really firm with her because I want her to grow up nicely - and I'm trying to praise her when she does things right (which is almost all the time). I'm also trying to let her have fun - giving her toys and treats and walks all the time - but I think she hates me anyway. :(

Maybe she doesn't hate me - but I feel like she has ever since yesterday and got to know me.
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Naaaaaaaaah she doesn't hate you but is seeing you as Alpha mommy probably. Hang in there and since it seems you are spending most of the time with her...in a short time you'll find she had the best relationship and bonding with you.

You know Human Mommies have to do this too...you dicipline cause you love them and know what's best..even tho the little tykes disagree with you most times. Be tough and hang in there!!

Marianne and the boys
Crate her or not. Your choice.

Before you decide, know that if you don't your furniture, carpet, cabinets, even your stairs are at risk if you don't. Been there, done that.

She may act like she doesn't like you much now (but she DOES love you :) ), but as she gets older, she'll respect you & see you as her "mother" with unconditional love.

I'm a stay at home mom, so I'm always the "bad parent" to our boys. I had to learn that lesson the hard way, but now as my two are getting older, I'm finally becoming the fun parent who they rely on for everything also. They still get upset when they get into trouble, but they're not as harsh about it as they were when they were younger, which was avoiding me and only wanting Daddy for a few days. Now, they just are upset about 10 minutes and they come over to me, giving me hugs and kisses and apologizing.

Give it some time, and she'll be right under your feet constantly. :) A little discipline now is better than none when she's bigger - even if it makes you feel awful. Even now, it just breaks my heart to punish my boys (and Jasper), but I know that in the long run, this is the best thing I can do for them. It will make them ALL grow up into better people (and animals).
Just give it time. It's only been a couple of days since you got her and, from her point of view, you're not the "fun" one because you are doing the disciplining. JakobandBrandonsmom is right though, as time goes on, she'll see that it's you that's always there, feeding her, playing with her, walking her and she'll respect you as her mom and obey your discipline even more because you'll have that trusting bond. Both my dogs do things for me that they won't do for anyone else.
John Arnold wrote:
Crate her or not. Your choice.

Before you decide, know that if you don't your furniture, carpet, cabinets, even your stairs are at risk if you don't. Been there, done that.


Oh I'm crating her - not for the good of my things - but mostly for her safety. I do live in an adult home - but we also haven't had a dog living with us in four years. We're still getting used to it - but our house is a whole lot cleaner now. :lol:

Thanks everyone for giving me encuragement. I know it's only been a couple days - but sometimes I wonder - and it's hard to see the long term. I hope I have just as good of a relationship with my little pupperoonie as all you guys have with your doggies. :D
Naaaa... She doesn't hate you. She acts like that because she sees you as the alpha in her little pack and wants to get things her way. As she grows the bond will be stronger between you too and you'll have a lot of fun. It's better to have a disciplined doggie that everyone loves, than a crazy one everyone is afraid of!

Keep up the good work, and Momo will be a great OES.
Spoken like a true Mom!! You're not always the most popular, but you are the one they most depend on. It works out in the end, so just hang in there!

Also, please consider training for Momo. Start with puppy kindergarten and work your way up.

Good luck, and keep us posted!

Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Also, please consider training for Momo. Start with puppy kindergarten and work your way up.

Oh I am! :lol: I talked to Brad about it - I asked him if we couldn't save a little money and put her through puppy school. I really wanted to do it anyway. He wanted to just train her himself - but I think he realizes just how big she is going to get. I think he thought he would be able to pick her up - but given the way they are shaped he has a hard time picking her up even now!
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