Just generally annoying

Barney has been SO annoying for the past few months. He's obsessed with food, he runs around the house like a mad dog, knocking anything and everything (and anyone) over in his path, he takes food directly from the kid's hand, he nearly jumped ONTO the bed to wake me up yesterday. All and all being very annoying. What can I do? (and exercise won't help...it'll jsut mean for those few minutes he isn't going crazy). He even runs out the door into the yard when he didn't used to.
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Has anything changed, like his medications? Is he losing weight? If so, the thing that popped into my head was hyperthyroidism. A couple of the symptoms are a voracious appetite, and nervous energy. It can also manifest in behavioral changes. I would check for a medical reason.

Laurie and Oscar
No, not losing weight. He's on thyroid meds already. It's been a gradual thing since he's been put on the meds, though. I think mostly b/c he had NO energy and was a lump for so long and now he's nutty. we'll have his levels checked at his next appt, though, but I don't think there's anything 'wrong' with him. I think he's going through a second (first, really) puppyhood.
Is he a chewer?

Rudy gets like this sometimes, and he needs TONS of exercise. In the summer my hubby puts on the roller blades and Rudy pulls him back and forth to the park for miles at a time. (Note: Rudy pulls - my hubby just holds on). They stop when Rudy wants to stop, but so far, other than stopping for a pee...it's pretty rare that Rudy wants to stop. He's a strong, lanky two year old built to run. (Hudson, or other sheepie, wants to roller blade, but runs along side my hubby while he blades and lasts three or four houses before he sits down and wants to stop.)

When they come back, Rudy's still very "up" and he'll drive you nuts. However, he has these Nylabone rings (think hard like rocks) that he loves. He'll pace around looking for one, or you can just quietly hand him one, and he'll chew like there's no tomorrow for five or ten minutes (you'd think his teeth would shatter) and then he'll just pass out, completely asleep. Without the rings he's obnoxious as h@!!. After a little sleep he's a good dog again. He just seems to need to get that energy out.

We still talk about the magic day we figured this out. He's a rescue, and I was starting to think his crazy energy (which I think is somewhat stress/anxiety based) was going to be a curse. One night he'd paced, run around, jumped on us, and batted us both with his front paws until we bled. Nothing seemed to calm him. We were angry, frustrated, and had tried yelling and crying (okay, mostly me with the crying). There was a new ring on the table, and I handed it to him (no idea why) and he took it, sat down, and chewed himself to sleep. And then, he was a good boy. And I remembered just how much we love him.

I don't know if Barney's a chewer. Maybe he needs a different outlet, but I'd definitely try to find one. And don't give up on the exercise. It really does make a difference in the long run. Also, as others have mentioned, I'd get those levels checked and talk to the vet. It's just possible that he's feeling so much better now that he's celebrating his new found energy.
Have you had his thyroid level tested after he has been on the meds? When we first put Rudie on thyroid meds he was getting too much and he was absolutely insane. Now we have the perfect level and he is just a little bit of a devil ;)
I've been debating whether or not to make a post too about Yuki. Even with increased exercise which she has gotten b/c of the nice weather ...she's still being a butt. An itchy butt (i hate people who give her food ...that would be family). I think she's wanting more attn b/c I really can't think of anything else ...and the kids have been giving her a crapload of attn, but maybe she wants it from mom and dad? Yuki isn't hyper or anything (and the kids have to usually push her to play). ...she's just taken up very annoying antics.

The plus side is daddy's girl has become a momma's girl, and if I sit down... she's in my lap the second my butt touches the couch.
I'm with Heather, have the thyroid level checked. We had to cut back Glacier as she had lost too much weight and was "hyper" for a 12 year old Pyr.

Then again, this may his normal speed now that he is no longer a lump of coal. Jack is always this way with food.......when he realizes there's food within the next 5 minutes, he goes nuts, running and barking. It's all I can do to get him in a down and stay as I dish up his food or reach into the cookie jar.
SheepieBoss wrote:
I'm with Heather, have the thyroid level checked. We had to cut back Glacier as she had lost too much weight and was "hyper" for a 12 year old Pyr.

Then again, this may his normal speed now that he is no longer a lump of coal. Jack is always this way with food.......when he realizes there's food within the next 5 minutes, he goes nuts, running and barking. It's all I can do to get him in a down and stay as I dish up his food or reach into the cookie jar.

Haha oh yes, I know this routine all too well. Rudie is basically a pet rock until it's time to eat... then I swear he could do 10 back flips in a row. He literally dances for joy.
My dogs are all so annoying, I don't know if I could even spot a difference. :evil:
definitely going through a midlife crisis ;)
ButtersStotch wrote:
My dogs are all so annoying, I don't know if I could even spot a difference. :evil:

That makes me feel much better! ha ha
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