Nightime and Pee

How long can you dogs atay overnight without having to do pee? I like to go to bed a little earlier in the winter and by 9 pm I am ready! But, are my dogs? If I take them out for the last time at about 9 pm, how long is it okay to let them hold it until morning? I know they can sleep until 8ish and don't seem to run out immediately to do their business but I feel I am making them hold it too long? Your thoughts? I am talking about overnihgt only. Not during the day...
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We go out at 10pm and Moe is asleep in the bedroom with me until at least 730am...he is 10 months old...
Our girls are pretty reliably trained, so I don't worry too much. Even if we sleep in, if they get uncomfortable they let us know. Kendra will whine and Ecco jumps on the bed. They are connected at the hip and share a brain, and sometimes it seems like they share a bladder, too, because they start letting us know they're uncomfortable at the same time. They are 1 and 1and1/2 years old.
We go out for the last time generally between 8:45 and 9 p.m. and are up and out usually by 7 a.m. Dogs love routine, and they seem to do great with a regular schedule. They don't have access to water during the night.
At our house we have a huge range. All seem to synchronize to the weakest bladder. :lmt:

Last out tends to be 10-11pm and I'm up for work at 5:30 - so they all go out.
If I want to sleep in, weakest bladder Simon (he's old and sick) can maybe make it to 6:30. And once he goes out, all the rest want to go. Exception is Maggie. Being a coonhound must make her nocturnal, she's the only dog we've ever had who wants to sleep in, even while the others are going crazy to go out. She would easily stay in past 8am if we let her. :wink:
Our first sheepdog, Quincy, could go from 10 pm to 5 am without any trouble as a 4 month old puppy. (He was a dream :) )As he became an adult, he could easily go 10 hours overnight without having to go out, and he had access to water.

Oscar is a little tougher as he's on prednisone, which makes him have to pee more frequently. He goes out between 9 and 10 pm, and then not again until 5 am or so, without any trouble, and also has access to water. The only time he's really "raring to go" at 5 am is when he has peed at 7:30 or 8 pm, and doesn't have to pee again before we go to bed at 10 pm. But then at 5 am on the dot, I get a sheepdog's face about an inch from mine on my pillow, breathing ever so really have to pee!

Laurie and Oscar
I usually take Mady out for a quick pee around 10 p.m., and she can make it until 7:30-8a.m.
I'm with everybody else here. Our OES is 6 months old. She goes out one last time probably around 11 pm and goes into her crate for the night. She never has an accident. I take her out at about 7 am. She does not have water in her crate overnight, but of course has access to it all day and even right before bedtime if she's thirsty.
Sam and Nola go out for the last time at 9pm. I wake up around 4:30 and get them out by 5:30. They seem to do fine with that schedule as long as they know that I'm up. Yes, this does include the weekends too. sheesh...
We got Butch at 3 months and kept him in a crate at night. He'd go to bed around 9 p.m. and he would be fine until about 7a.m. He could control himself very well at night and not indicate at all that he had to go, that's why it was so frustrating that all he did during the time he was up was pee.
Brick's last time out is about 9:30 ish. He first time out in the morning is around 6.
During the weekends, last time out is 10:30-11:00 and first time out is around 8.

He can go longer. For some reason I think his record is like 19 hours but I'm not sure if that's right. I know it was longer than 12.
He's not much of a drinker. I can put a half bowl of water out and it will last for days. Most times I dump it for freah water.
In the winter, I move his water bowl into the bedroom with us so he can drink. Our house has electric baseboard heat and it gets very drying during the winter. I often woke up hearing him smacking his lips & gums, so I figured he was getting thirsty in the night, hence the bowl move.

We always let Zeke out more often. Not because he had to go but because he has a very poor "tell". But he could easily make it thru the night once he was house broken.
I've been sick so I've been going to bed early. On Saturday, I went to bed at 11:30 and didn't actually get out of bed until 4 p.m. on Sunday. Bear never left my side. I wouldn't suggest this for everyday practice, but they can definitely hold it. The only reason the sheepdogs get up is to get the morning cookie.
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