2nd sheepie - Male? or Female?

We have decided that it would be best to bless our Kolby (sweet, handsome, comical 8 mo. old OES pup) and ourselves with a 2nd sheepie in our household. :yay: We will bring home a "baby" sometime after June when I will be retired.Now our next decision is what sex would be best - a baby brother or sister? I have had several sources tell me to get a female but a few others say a male would be best. (I thought 2 males would "fight" over dominance but do not profess to be an OES expert since we are new to the breed.) Can you multiple Sheepie owners provide some advice?

With much appreciation in advance,

P.S. Another question - When I joined the Forum, we did not have Kolby yet and thought we were naming him Kirby (hence my user name). I would like to change my User name but don't know how ....
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Boys can get along fine. The only thing that should be asked is, which would you prefer? Anouther boy or a girl?

I only have one sheepie (girl) but have 3 dogs. My two oldest are males. They get along great. They definitely play rougher with each other than they do with other dogs.

This is Ritz trying to get his lazy brother Gideon to play with him.
In my view, whether they are male or female, dogs in a multi-dog household always have to work out the hierarchy. I would be focusing on temperaments (to the extent you can judge it) and training.

I have an older female (6 years) with a younger boy (18 months) and they get along amazingly well together. They kind of trade superiority roles depending on circumstances. Maggie is Queen of the couch, dogbeds, treats and toys. Henry gives everything up that she wants. But Maggie tends to be nervous/reactive where Henry is cool as a cucumber in all situations so she is always looking to him for reassurance when she's nervous and he has taken to guarding her against annoying dogs at the park (she doesn't need it but he is chivalrous that way). It is strange but it works for them. Lately, he's been testing out putting his head over her shoulders when she is not nervous (a dominance move) and she is having none of it. But clearly he is starting to think about whether he should be top dog.

More importantly, by June, you are going to have a teenage sheepdog on your hands and they can be a challenge. I know it is so exciting to get a new puppy but I would want to be sure his training is at a point where you would consider him a good role model for the new pup because it is invaluable help in raising a puppy to have a good, balanced, trained dog to help. Maggie taught Henry leave it for me and I thank her for that. I'm not saying don't get the puppy. I would just encourage you to focus on his training now, while he has your undivided attention.
Hi Valerie - Thanks for your great advice. Kolby attended puppy classes and is scheduled to participate in the next level. We also brought a certified animal trainer to our house because we are having "nipping for attention" issues wih him. We are trying to be very consistent about implementing the techniques she taught us and are seeing progress with him.
Is it better to wait until Kolby is over 2 years old to get the 2nd pup?

P.S. Henry and Maggie are adorable!
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